its the time
Its the time
My body is ready
7.2 hodler reporting in
I have $200 invested in BTC, should I reinvest them in LTC instead now?
we are gonna be one of the only coins in the top 10 in green tomorrow, this will start the $350 settling point
>hear about the "crashing"
>it's at $280
What price did you faggots buy?
not tricking me this time Pajeets
in during double digits and comfy
Bought at $15 originally. Sold 20% of my coins at $350 and rebought at $250, feeling comfy asf.
260 nigga it started rising right after i feel like neo rn
the only people screaming its crashing are retards that bought at ATH
$300 this AM. What price is this bootycoin going to? Why everybody excited?
I bought 4 at 250
if it crashes tomorrow I'll piss on my pc
Scratch that we crashing again, was another good run boys a couple more of these dress rehearsals and we'll have it down
Not a bad buy in imo, it might go lower before its next moon mission but not by much. Personally I'm predicting a slow creep up to $300, then a pump to $350 over the weekend for it to then stabilize between $260-$320 for a month.
Any time ltc even LOOKS at 300 a bunch of bag holders unload. Honestly I think they're just riding it from 270 to 285 and making buckets each trip
idk i just bought cuz i thought the logo looked sick
>want to sell at $290
>know if I do I'll wake up to $500 LTC
LTC is literally following BTC wherever it goes except the worth.
What's causing this?
And now the bleeding continues.
the normies
290 is the new ceiling.
Expect dips tomorrow around the 235-240 range.
Bloomberg news might help.
Moon mission to 475 this Saturday-Sunday
Yeah, imho I think it's going to moon once more before xmas and then settle to half of whatever etherium is.
The hard part is deciding whether to hold for long term gains or be impatient
Any coin that makes it to coinbase is going to get the normie fomo gains.
Just got in at $261.12. My first crypto buy.
265 nigga
Welcome to the game buddy, if this goes well, keep yourself humble, cryptotrading can slowly become a gambling addiction with weak hands if youre not careful.
all price action is still bearish, next fib is 240
lol if you bought this "dip"
LTC was by my side all along.
> what is a stop order
fucking love it. bagholder from $98
I bought 87 of them for an average of $75 (including gay coinbase fees).
Feeling rich right about now.
HODL my man.
I saw a story from a guy who bought a bunch at $17 to unload at $170. Imagine if he held into 2019 when "bargain" litecoin is ~12k.
made 900 bucks (realized) with the dip just now
bought 5 at 219, how fucked am I?
46 have 68 of em
.48 hodler reporting in
bought 1 at 316, it will be 500 by end of year
I did the exact same thing mlord. I hope it goes back up
i fucking bought at 332 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa im selling it as soon as it goes back over
should just kys
So your goal is to make nothing? Nice!
Volume is looking good right now, although there's probably too many bagholders for a real pump, we may see $300 again.
how long does it take to buy litecoin on coinbase ?
You're selling it as soon as it regains its upward momentum? Dumb.
I think we'll be waking up to over 300 ltc though not by much. Hopefully good swing trading territory
i just want to minimize loss at this point
Please don't cuck me.
I know this will sound retarded as hell but do u guys ever buy low and sell high? Like over and over and make 15 bucks here and there?
It seems like a lucrative way to make money
Nice! Hopefully it goes up. I was one of those people who bought at $350 lol. I believe in LTC though!
I realized pretty quick that I suck at day trading and hold at least a week.