FOR THE DARK GODS!! lets roll up a cult Veeky Forums first things first..what is our origins?
Heretical cult creation
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Rolled 26 (1d100)
What're we rolling?
Rolled 38, 18, 2, 5, 30 + 23 = 116 (5d42 + 23)
What are we even rolling
lol what? roll 1d20 for a background
Rolled 16 (1d20)
cross class...roll twice and combine results. the cult has a varied background..
Rolled 12, 11 = 23 (2d20)
oh boy here we go
The cult originated in hereditary labourers of a rogue trader who went too far and was declared heretical. Interesting...roll a d20 for our cult idea
Rolled 14 (1d20)
I honestly wish chaos humans were more of a thing in 40k, they happen a fuckton and yet they get no attention
yeah,...dunno why that is
14....the cult worships misplaced idols...xenogear...forbidden archeotech or chaos artifacts. Who leads this group? d100
Rolled 30 (1d100)
Rolled 25 (1d100)
A single person/being/entity leads the heretical cult..but what kind of leader? roll d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)
>A single person/being/entity leads the heretical cult..but what kind of leader? roll d20
WITCH! the leader is a Psyker with unnatural powers..what is this Psykers style of leadership? roll d10
Rolled 5 (1d20)
Not sure what happened to the post above, but I'll make a recap so far!
*The cult are hereditary labourers who, working for a Rogue Trader, went too far and were labelled heretical.
*The cult worships misplaced idols; xenogear, forbidden archeotech, or chaos artifacts.
*The cult is led by a single being.
So, are we thinking the captain or a descendent of the captain is the cult leader? That'd probably make some sense.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Roll for the Leadership Style. Psykers are interesting.
hmmm maybe a descendent of them?...Im gonna go with roll five.. the Psyker rules by force of arms..strong in mind and body! arms and defenses...roll 1d6...and then 1d20 to see what we got
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6 + 1)
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Let's try that again!
three?? damn....the rogue trader cult have got there hands on a lot of stuff that they are now using for their agenda...roll 1d20 three times to see what we have in our arsenal.
Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d20)
Alright, just... there. I'll practice getting good at dice rolls.
2 ok....roll d20 twice.
going with ok...intricate craftsmanship and fortified defenses...what are the cults tokens of allegiance? 1d10
Get a load of this bump bait
Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d6)
Rolled 7 (1d10)
brah what?
7....secret chant. the cult speak in tongues or a code known only to them to identify members of their own. what is the allure of the cult? 1d20
Rolled 20 (1d20)
Oh boy, this sounds awfully tzeetchian.
nat 20..nice. Call Unto The Native: Something in this region of space binds its inhabitants to it; over the generations it has reached into their minds and souls, effecting a subconscious alteration which drives certain individuals towards specific behaviors (often including worshipful activity) thats a weird one....
So, an artifact that the Rogue Trader found has subconsciously bound his crew and servants to it, making the RT a figure of worship.
Roll d10 for rites and rituals
RECAP....Cult: hereditary labourers who working for a rogue trader went too far. they worship misplaced idols..xenogear or chaos artifacts..etc..they are led by a single being a psyker. the psyker rules with force of arms..the cult as intricately made equipment and fortified defenses. they identify members through code words and special phrases. and something draws the cult to this area of space...
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Dice go in the Options field friendo.
Mass Devotion. So the cult have gatherings for shared devotions, focusing them on their shared purpose.
yeah..the most common type. probably in one of the hangers of the rogue trader ship
Where do you get your tables to roll on from?
Black Crusade?
Thank you, master.
>Grovels chaoticly.
Rolled 8 (1d20)
the cult worships Tzeentch...makes sense.
The cult is primarily comprised of the slave-laborers in service to a Rogue Trader. They worship misplaced idols, potentially artifacts that the RT discovered. A powerful psyker rules through force of arms, with expertly crafted weapons and elaborate fortifications. They communicate in code. Something about this area of space calls the cult to it, exerting a strange power on their minds. Their main form of worship is to periodically gather in a central area and pray together. And their patron is Tzeetch.
Very interesting.
Neat, I'm loving all of these creation threads that'vr come up lately. What do we roll now?
Nothing left to roll. Now we integrate all the different bits into one coherent piece of fluff.