>These four are now roommates
What happens?
>These four are now roommates
What happens?
>Then there is the neighbors
After one night, there are only three room mates.
Jock who has too many loud parties and wrecks everything. Constantly clashes with Celestine. Mutual hatred and sexual tension is through the roof.
Politically active educated girl, believes in making the world a better place. Driven to the point of insanity by Abbadon's constant everything. Secretly wet every after every argument.
Beta girl constantly jealous of Celestine's superior looks and intellect. Does everything she can to tear others down to reinforce her strict worldview. Can't stand the techpriest's autism. Overachiever.
While everyone else is busy doing inferior flesh-based things, he's locked down in the basement, building the ultimate feat of engineering, a machine that will render all else superfluous. Incredibly autistic. Literally no interest in socializing.
So Big Bang Theory.
>All My Zealots was filmed before a live studio audience.
>"Who dared to get engine oil all over the Talon of Horus?"
>"01000010 01100001 01111010 01101001 01101110 01100111 01100001 00100001"
>*Audience laughs and cheers and claps*
*Increased screaming with chanting*
*The warp corrupts the flow of time*
>All My Zealots was filmed before a live studio audience.
>"Who dared to get engine oil all over the Talon of Horus?"
>"01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01000001 01101100 01110000 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101001 01110101 01110011 00101110"
>*Audience laughs and screams and claps*
>"Oh you."
>Ad break
They demolish the neighborhood trying to kill each other.
Maybe? I've never seen it. But those are incredibly common sitcom tropes, which is why I chose them.
Hates the new neighbors and has an elaborate tunnel system thoughout the neighborhood may or may not watch you will you sleep.
Love able goofball always seems to "know a guy" and throws the widest famliy reunions
Is restively nice and mostly would like to work on his personal lemen russ would totally sit down and drink tea with you
Is uptight about everything and calls the cops if he even suspects somethings going down
Inquistor's hatcandle falls off, sets house on fire.
Ordo Domestos declares the site excommunicatus.
Are those fucking flowers? Is she going on a date. Is she going on a date with Belisarius. This is now my headcanon. GW better work that in as a subplot in the Cadia book or I will write a series of letters in an increasingly large comic sans font.
>I've never seen it
Keep it that way
Sorry to be that guy but... Where the hell is that Techpriest model from? Is it Scoria? I need this in my life!
Also to OP, either amusing High-jinks (I'm thinking more community than Big Bang) or serious hardcore sexual violence
>more community
Yeah, that's what I had in mind when I said rapidly followed by
>serious hardcore sexual violence
Man I am out of the loop. When did Celestine get a new model?
Like, today. Check the catalog.
>that inquisitor
I laughed harder at this than I should have
It's a damn shame that Celestine is fucking fat.
>This is bait
user, you know just as well as I do that she's wearing power armor, and that the mini is only a few inches tall. Between those two factors, she's not gonna have a waist like your anime waifus. Under the armor, she's got a waist and body like pic related. And we all know it.
>forgot pic
I'm pretty sure it's part of GW realizing that a leather bodice does not actually count as armor, so they're putting armor under the leather bodice, making the stomach section look larger.
still has good taste though.