Veeky Forums Drawthread: More qts edition

Last time, on Veeky Forums draw thread... Requesters:
>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

Books and Tutorials:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

And remember, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:

First for you're character making the OP.

Requesting my Nord Healer.
He looks and has a similar physique as #1 but with blond hair and beard, the hair being set as #2 but kept out of his face, and a pale mass of scar tissue on the right half of his neck and throat. He has a dark blue gust of wind tattoo (#3) starting at the left corner of his mouth that curves up under his eye.

He wears a sleeveless piece of padded fur armor (#4) and similarly heavy fur on on his legs. Underneath that he wears lofty sailor's clothes, a mish-mash of fashion from around Tamriel. There's a work knife kept at his belt by his waterskin.
He also has his grandfather's axe (#5 and #6 combined!), which is a single bladed great axe as tall as him. The carvings on the axe head are of fine quality and in the expected nordic style.

Thanks in advance!

Anchoring this with the description, so the artist doesn't have to go back five threads.

On the reference image she would be wearing armor like in image A if color is done feel free to play around a bit, but what is there is fine. She also has a beaten and battered picture locket necklace that would rest against the breastplate. A simple oval or circle design is fine.

The sword, image B, is a one handed blade with a hilt long enough to be used in two. I'm not terribly picky about placement.

She would have solid black hair, like in Image C in the top right corner. Her horn style is almost identical to image D, bottom right corner, and they would grow from behind her temple and curl out and up.

For physical features she has a toned body with a pear shape, although since she's fully covered in armor and clothes muscle definition isn't terribly important. She has red eyes like Image D, and pointed teeth, fangs/elongated canines or full mouth is up to the artist. And lastly a darker human skin tone, a light brown, with freckles.

She's a confident and brash warlock who made a deal with a fiend so if you want to get creative with the image or are stumped for the pose/expression I hope that might help.

Requesting a Rifts RPG wilderness scout Occupational Character Class wearing Bushman style fully enviromental body armor and armed with a C-10S Laser Sniper rifle with scope and a bipod. Goggles up on helmet, mask/respirator hanging off to one side.

Camoflauge armor would be cool
But it's a lot of work. Thanks for looking at my request!

Requesting an Inquisitor NPC in my game.

Passive pose is fine, though if you want to recreate a recent in-game moment you could have massive lightning bursting from her left-hand fingertips and leading to a large ash pile, as she holds her force sword in her right hand.

Hey Drawfriends

Requesting my OC petting his daughter on the head with his normal hand, holding a scroll or book of some sort in his mechanical one
He is wearing the clothes pictured no bow tie
The over coat is dark blue, with a red vest that has golden buttons. The undershirt is white.
The little girl has gray hair like her dad and red eyes like her mother
The little girls armor is more or less unchanged, accept that the red parts of it are black.


Requesting my character getting ready to lay the smack down. She is striking the nameless kings pose while covered bin the energy shown in pic however the energy is purple and not blue. She is making a very determined and focused face.

Have my pre thanks if a drawfriend picks it up.

Anchor for I'm really excited, guy!!

anchoring wip for Jedi knight