What's a good portfolio for a beginner?
What's a good portfolio for a beginner?
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80% btc 20% xmr
well right now id do some salt too, but yes, this is great
100% link
just go for the big 3 on coinbase, then when youre comfortable maybe check out XMR, BCH, REQ
46% ETH
46% BTC
7% LTC
1% gambling money
25% BTC
15% LTC
15% ETH
15% XMR
15% BCH
7% MANA or REQ
7% FUN or XRP
Easy money mode.
depends on your age, if you're young I would go 90-95% stocks and the rest in bonds
The Ron Paul Crypto IRA portfolio. I forget what it is exactly, something like this:
>65% BTC
>15% ETH
>15% LTC
>5% XRP
BTW for reference I have around 18k to invest. Really trying to get rich by mid 2018. I know it's possible if I just make the right moves.
follow pnd's if your stack is small.
like this one discord.gg / mPTZrjN
>That much BCH
Don't listen to this fool
fuck off nigger your server is shit
All in bitbean
>Step 1: Fill Your Bags
33% LINK, 33% REQ 33% BCH/XMR
>Step 2: Research
Start at number 1 on CMC and work to at least 25. Here's my copy pasta'd research algo to get you started:
[0] What is the products purpose (and actually read the whitepaper), what are it's competitors?
[1] what is the tokens purpose, what are you actually buying (and why do you think it will appreciate in value, what use cases)?
[2] What is the dev team like (are they real, do they have solid and provable backgrounds), any partnerships?
[3] Check out the roadmap, news, deadlines, etc. Have they been meeting deadlines? Is there big news on the horizon? What are the short and long term plans?
[4] What's the public perception? What does Veeky Forums, plebbit, BTC talk etc have to say? Attempt to dispel FUD as it's encountered.
[5] Apply all the above criteria to the competitors.
[6] Is now a good time to buy? This is a whole different algo in itself.
You'll have to develop your own trading algorithm, since mine is more dynamic and less static. But generally, STICK to whatever algorithm you make, and improve the algorithm over time. Set entrance and exit plans ahead of time. Buy alts when BTC dominance is highest, and sell alts when BTC dominance is lowest. Don't overlook TA, but don't rely on it too much. From there, you'll figure out the rest. Personally, I follow 10-20 projects and do pretty good just getting in a month early and selling the news, and keeping a dynamically allocated portfolio based on what news is biggest. But also focus on trends (TA comes in here), its clear as day BCH is going to have a massive bull run soon, as an example (it goes like clockwork sometimes, and I made a bunch by noticing LTC was next when it was $70).
You can change your bags as you see fit after you complete this step. Never overlook a project.
>Step 3
he said beginner, not fucking nightmare
You mean 60% btc 20% xmr 20% neo
You need a little bit of risk in your portfolio, bro.
When will you people fuck off
pic related
my portfolio is beginner friendly
45% Btc
35% XMR
10% Ada
10% Req
Thank you, best advice ITT
>But generally, STICK to whatever algorithm you make, and improve the algorithm over time.
I should've also said to know when to hold, and know when to cut losses. I don't move a minimum portion of my REQ and LINK, but only swing what I'm ok with loosing. I hold it through thick and thin, because they offer explosive long term returns. Stay on top of the news with these smaller holds too, just in case all the devs die in a plane crash or something so you can sell before getting burnt too bad.
However, with XMR and BCH I'd swing about half my stack at a time. Generally, what I'm trying to say, is for each different position in your portfolio you'll want to determine what kind of trading algo you should be applying to it. You don't want to be selling half your long term low market cap holds for +20%, but for BCH and XMR that'd be fine.
Also, start keeping an eye on pic related.
He's pushing his bags on you.
Never trust a linky
If he follows the algo I outlined he'll have you BTFO in no time, don't taint his mind by disguising link as a meme
>listening to stinky linkies
This is close to optimal for people not willing to keep up with news and research
thanks again you high IQ individual
what sites are good for crypto related news? and what chart is the best for viewing prices?
this is good
this is also not bad
Something similar, which is very close to mine is:
60% BTC, 20% XMR, 10% XRP, 10% ADA
except I am chasing lambo pipe dreams in alts so actually have more in XRP than XMR and less BTC and a few other alts. I've overdiversified too much desu
>crypto related news
cryptowatch has some /comfy/ charts, and icoalert and cointelegraph are good for upcoming events, and I'm sure you'll dig up more resources from searching around. This site is unironically good for finding some new projects if you make sure to research the logos and names you don't know, rather than overlook them and only read the threads about projects you already know about.. And for news related to your holds, most teams use twitter and have dedicated ((((subreddits))))) that you can check daily/weekly whatever.
Also, I meant to include this in the algo (it's always a work in progress), but make sure to jot down potential questions and concerns and make sure they get answered, even it means asking the devs in telegram. And also just know what kinds of risks you're taking with lower market cap coins, but it's these sorts of risk that have the biggest potential pay off.
/blog, like n subscribe
oh fuck forgot to mention coinmarketcap is basically the go to aggregate source for volume, marketcap, price, charts, etc.. that and cryptowatch are practically my home pages at this point
>currentl increased my capital to 40K in LTC, ETH, REQ
>looking to get into ARK, OMG, LINK, XMR if binance would let me fuckin withdraw, NEO, maybe forgetting a few others
what do you guys think
Why you dumping REQ so early? I'd bail from LTC if you think it's a good time, I stopped watching the charts after it's super moon trip. Could continue with the mass influx of newbies though.
But yeah why OMG instead of REQ? REQ's cap is still really low, and they've been delivering consistently. Though I can see an argument being made for it being overbought short term. And good buy on LINK before EOY announcement. And I can't comment on Ark as I've never really cared for it.
never said anything about dumping req haha i just bought and never selling that
might buy 2k more into these alts or considering another diversification from my ltc holdings but not on this dip
i dont see why cant own both. omg markets in thailand and i live here so seems like nobrainer to own both at this point
OH, so you're depositing more fiat then, not downsizing any of your holds? I thought you were implying you currently have LTC, ETH and REQ and were going to dump all those bags for ARK, OMG, LINK, XRM and NEO.
im definitely open to downsizing my ltc but its what made me all my capital so hard to get rid of anymore until the day it moons again. i really would like to have enough for these other ones though. XMR and ARK especially. LINK and NEO are the speculative ones and i want to increase my stack with shortterm trading doge. as a neet i dont really have much fiat to add to my stack anymore. really went from rags to riches thanks to ltc
50% btc
12% equally into ltc, eth, xmr, bch
2% into some memecoin hoping for a moon mission.
don't put money in xmr, unless you are completely retarded
Get this brainlet out of here.
oh, ok...
100% Dogecoin
Regulation will fuck untraceable coins in 2018, by all means trade it but dont get caught holding bags when it comes...
>coins are untraceable like btc
>regulation tries to catch up to blockchain
>btc valued in 5 digit USD now
>everyone trying to get out of fiat now
>Veeky Forums says to stay away from privacy coins
too many jews here
bitcoin is traceable?
technological evolution always comes before regulation?
go back to your own threads ripple nobody wants you
go back to your mums basement you tin foil hatter
This is what I expect to happen. Privacy coins are probably the first to get regulated out of existence because it's not hard to convince old codgers who don't understand technology that private coins can be used to launder money and donate to support terrorism, all without the government knowing. Best use 7 proxies and Tails if you want to keep it all secret.
>being this much of a brainlet
the old codgers afraid of coins getting regulated never were going to research privacy coins anyways. the foundation of this is the untraceable aspect. its the reason your centralized jew coins have any perceived value in the first place. otherwise we would all still just buy into the current federal reserve money printing scheme that all first world nations currently practice
>muh sovereign itibiticitizen
The codgers in my post are lawmakers trying to regulate cryptocurrency, since the majority of them won't ever comprehend blockchain tech at all. I'm all for privacy coins, but I'm still trying to convince myself I need to hold them. If they do regulate against privacy coins, it will be weird to think that getting caught with some banned crypto could get you arrested because "hurr durr we can't trace it so we assume you use it for illegal shit durr"
What other reason do you have to actually hold uuntracable coins if its not for doing something illegal?
>the majority of them won't ever comprehend blockchain tech at all.
it's really not that complicated, once you abstract the dirty bits away in tiny little cute blackboxes (i.e. all the algorithms). With time they'll catch on, and I'm pretty sure some of them are already worth their money.
not getting robbed :)
I'm not a crazy big privacy person, but someone like Richard Stallman would probably love untraceable cryptocurrency because he went on a rant once about not being able to secretly buy a book on an "Amazon Swindle" because Amazon removed books from people's Kindles for some reason - Therefore, there is a record of that book being purchased. He says he could walk into a bookstore, pay cash, and have virtually no record of the transaction.
Some people are super paranoid about privacy. Stallman would use wget to download web pages and use a terminal based browser instead of using a GUI web browser. Plus he eats foot chunkies.
Isnt it pretty much impossible to get robbed of bitcoin unless you give up your private key online? Its an inherent characteristic of blockchain
There was a recent kidnapping/robbery of someone where a ton of ETH was stolen. They can hit you with a wrench until you give up the keys.
>addendum: not getting robbed by your very own state
it's basically swiss bank secrecy dot point two.
Follow my lead young one.
t. Actual crypto millionaire
That aounds like something that needs to be REGULATED
90% BTC
9% LTC
1% shitcoins of your choosing which you are going to throw in a fire or lose on EtherDelta
Which ever comes first
This folio will be up 50%+ by Jan 1
Great info in here, thanks
100 BTC
test post please, please ignore
im brand new, all-in my life savings with no research
rest SALT
how am i doing? am i gonna lose my shirt?
>life savings
>bunch of random shitcoins
>literally no bitcoin