What are you playing?
What you hating?
Hoping for any cards to be unbanned/banned?
Hope to get anything magic related for Christmas?
Modern Thread
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When are they bringing back counterspell?
When you get off your butt and do it.
Same set as bolt, path, top, jtms, rit, et cetera. It will be so much fucking fun.
>Playing a Boros Heroic deck and it's winning a lot more than i thought it would. It dies to removal but is super explosive, so if a creature can live until the turn after I cast it I can usually win.
>Hating Inquisition of Kozilek and every card like it.
>Not really
Why isn't heroic played a little more? I understand it's similar to boggles/infect in play-style but I've played both decks multiple times and haven't lost either.
The old school 2 mana counterspell? I hope soon!
Dredge and Naya Burn, working on building either Bant spirits or Grixis delver
Nothing really
Nothing banned, Sfm and twin unbanned
>magic related christmas
No, the other card named counterspell
RU Obliterate control. Pretty good times.
Modern is great right now.
You know, I've never stopped to appreciate the beautiful simplicity of LoTV. Looking at the clusterfuck of barely functional text most planeswalkers tend to contain, her text is nice and straightforward, yet still very strong.
I am pretty tired of Planeswalkers desu. They all feel the same to me, and aren't very powerful (aside for two).
>What are you playing?
Jund. I ill probably never stop playing it
>What you hating?
>Hoping for any cards to be unbanned/banned?
Some unbans would be nice. JtMS would spice things up, and I'd like to see BBE come off.
>Hope to get anything magic related for Christmas?
Yeah Jund is the pits against Tron. I'll be honest I haven't had the most success running Jund. Do you have any tips for playing better? I feel like the current meta is just way too fast.
I wish I had more money so I could play actual decks and not just eldrazi taxes. Fuck this gay company and their jew pricing. Just print the cards people want to play, is it really that hard.
Most people in my meta moved away from Burn and I haven't seen afinity in a long time. So, I guess that's why I have more success.
When I do play against those decks, I look for hands with more removal than creatures. With decks that do nothing but play shit loads of creatures, take Lili out.
I guess I just need to get good
No, the other other card called counterspell
Nope not that one either
>What are you playing?
Lantern Control almost exclusively
>What you hating?
Tron, forever and always. I would play against all the Jund, Junk, and Grixis Control in the world if I didn't have to see another "Urza's" land.
>Hoping for any cards to be unbanned/banned?
>Hope to get anything magic related for Christmas?
I bought myself a guru Swamp Terese Nielsen playmat. I really really like it. I don't expect anything else.
Maybe he means this one
There needs to be a new unset.
I demand 'Count or Spell'; arithmatic and proper spelling are crutial skills we need to teach the children!
what lantern control deck u running?
guys i have a question.
lets say im running a brain in a jar deck. my opponent declares the end of his turn. at the end of his turn i tap the brain for 4 and cast a languish to deal -4/-4 to all creatures. can he play a sorcery? can he play an instant since he ended his turn?
No, it's not a main phase.
Yes, everybody gets priority before anything resolves.
Where does think twice go? Is this card just actual shit?
>Where does think twice go?
In Esper or Jeskai draw-go control.
I mean, where else do you put instant speed card advantage?
Hard control decks as a 0-4 of, I like 2 but it's kinda shit at the moment. Card advantage is good but control has a hard time dealing with how fast the tempo of the game is currently, and also with having the right answer for the matchup (card quality). There's so many different angles you need to cover that card advantage is the least of your worries.
I refuse to believe this doesn't spawn a new type of deck. Why put it in a control deck when I'm sure there must be a kind of deck that makes this completly unfair?
>I refuse to believe this doesn't spawn a new type of deck.
Whatever new deck you make around it will either be worse than Jund, or become Jund as you tune it.
>ancestral vision
It seems brew-worthy
Modern is completely dead at my LGS, it used to bring in 30+ people to FNM and 90+ people to big tournaments and GPTs/RPTQs. Now we're lucky if we have 4 people for FNM.
It wasn't even replaced by Standard or Frontier, it was replaced by Duel Commander because people are tired of MaRo's funny zoo where only creatures are worth shit and want to play Force of Will, Balance and Necropotence.
Will Modern ever be relevant again now that it's not a PT format, or are we truly the beaten wife of casual formats?
Well, modern took a big hit from the fact WOTC doesn't really think it's a " highlightable " format anymore, just like legacy (tell me if I'm wrong because I quit MTG for a bit when Eldrazi completly fucked modern and legacy over). When WOTC decided that only Limited and standard were worthy of their official tournies that's when a lot of players quit modern. It's the same thing that happened in Legacy when most organizations supporting legacy decided to get the fuck out: lot of players quit Legacy as a result.
And overall, MTG is in a down phase right now. Every now and then you have a high surge of players and sometimes you have an abnormal low amount of players. It's always been like that.
So yeah I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure more people will (re)pick modern as time goes.
I have a theory as to explain, in part, why numbers are so low. This is also the easiest aspect of the problem to fix.
Do ANY of these cards interest you as a Modern player?
Hell I even dabble in Standard and these promos are awful. Rise from the tides made my mono-blue brain dick twitch a tiny bit, but the regular art is just as good and the card doesn't quite have the swag factor that other promos have.
I love how the only decent cards here are ANOTHER printing of sylvan scrying for tronfags to choose from (does anybody even run it in standard?), and the kitchen table Goblin Lord (the only promo I was pining for)
Why not Restore Balance? Outpost version that clears your opponent's board, followed up by Wrath and Mindtwist must be ultra broken, right?
And the solid followup of Noose Constrictor. I mean, it's a unique card, but it's a total fucking flop at the moment and a shitty promo. Maybe if someone does a breakthrough green discard engine combo or someshit, it will be validated, but currently it's a terrible, terrible choice. How fucking hard is it to choose a good promo? Certainly not as difficult as picking L I T E R A L L Y the shittiest possible promo I can imagine.
esper draw go, but esper draw go isn't an actual deck so nowhere
>Call the Bloodline
>Nissa's Pilgrimage
>Spatial Contortion
>Rise from the Tides
>Goblin Warchief
Someone saw this list and said "yeah, this is fine."
So your explanation of why Modern has low attendance is because of the new set promos?
Hey you should send me an email the next time you come up with an explanation that came out of your ass.
No there's dozens of factors. plain ignorant to say it's a singular cause.
Of all the different elements factoring in though, better promos are by far the simplest solution to implement.
Is WotC going to make winter less cold and shitty? No, but maybe they can make their fanservice less cold and shitty, in the form of incentivizing fnm more. make the turnout better, which would probably further make the turnout better over time, as having a bustling lgs encourages people to go compete instead of failing to fire up modern due to a lack of participants and being let down.
I'm going to put it simple for you: Wotc doesn't give a shit about modern anymore. Wotc doesn't give a shit about legacy anymore. Wotc doesn't give a shit about vintage anymore. Wotc doesn't give a shit about pauper, never did and will never do.
The only thing WOTC cares about is Standard and limited, so it all comes down if the newest set is cool or not. Guess what: Kaladesh was terribly awful for most of players thematically wise and that turned off players that played other things than standard.
That's why there aren't any players in other formats and why there is a down time, because Wotc tries so damn hard on making sure standard is THE only competitive format that they will completly fail if their new set is shitty.
Nobody cares even if the promo you could win would be Lightning Bolt, Remand or even Daze for legacy. Doesn't change a thing about why players quit the game and formats in the first place.
not that user, and its not the only reason, but promos are a huge draw for fnm. Remember when when path and visions were the promos?
If people wanted to play modern in FNM they'd move their asses to FNMs even if there was no prize at the end. That's the whole point of the game: playing the game.
Now don't get me wrong I love playing for prizes or in tournaments for trying to get money or getting top8 or whatever, but if people seriously need high value prizes everytime they go out and play with other people then for me they weren't that interested in the format in the first place.
I bet your ass that if people had to choose between formats based on how cool they are, most people would fuck off standard and would either play Commander or Legacy/Modern.
It does make a certain ammount of sense.
We're not a competitive format anymore. The format was castrated when we lost the Modern PT. But Modern is not a fun casual format. People will pay and drive to attend Duel Commander FNM because they want to play the format. But people would rather not deal with the sideboard russian roulette mini-game unless there's something on the line. And Call the Bloodline certainly isn't worth the stress.
Modern is stressful. Legacy isn't, most of the power is in your hands and losing is your fault. Standard isn't, it's too dumbed down to require higher brainpower.
But Modern really is, you can lose a tournament before it even starts by packing the wrong sideboard, and once it hits the table and it's game two it pretty much devolves into a race to hate, all because they refuse to allow us real control cards. It's the only format where you can go 0-4 despite your best effort just because of RNG even if you're a bye farming Pro.
Fucking SaffronOlive beats optimal tier 1s with jank all the time by exploiting unconventional win conditions and he's a really shit player who never plays optimally.
Was making some eggsI'm completely aware of all that you said.
FNM for me at least means both myself and a buddy booking off work to attend, or during time off. The incentive is playing the game I love and the main detractor is work.
I check the FNM promos when they reveal them, and it doesn't so much as tug me towards attending FNM any more than beers and kitchen table magic. When I have the day off I'll go, but I'm never stoked or excited to go for the chance to win a promo anymore, only to play the game as usual.
Nobody expects support for Modern, but even Timmy knows that the Serum Visions promo he receives is exciting as he can trade it in for cards he wants. The prize holds value.
As it stands, the prizes they showcase are crackerjack-tier. Personally, I love me some caramel corn regardless, but a real prize would make a lot of people happier.
The duds they are foiling out boggle my mind as to how *anybody* could find it appealing, save for a Tron player who wants some shiny sylvans/contortions or an Amulet player who wants some shiny vestiges. Less than a dollar value in your FNM promo is a sign that almost nobody finds them sweet. WotC can't even be bothered to select standard cards that see standard play, it's quite pathetic.
So what do we play then? Legacy and vintage are too expensive, duel commander is too small, standard is trash. Modern might suck but it's the best we've got.
It might sound crazy to you but I play modern because despite it being an eternal format it constantly changes. When you've played enough legacy you realize that the same decks are always dominating except if something really fucked up happens in standard to spawn a new deck that has the potential to decimate everything back in Legacy ( like Eldrazi ).
In modern the power level needed to be viable for standard cards is less high, thus you tend to see more decks and more rogue lists. That's why I enjoy the format, not because " Legacy is broken " or " legacy is too expensive ".
But yeah it sucks that a lot of players used modern as a cheap gateway to competitive and fun magic, and now it's all gone because WOTC decided this format wasn't good for competitive play because some jackasses in the pro benches were crying their decks couldn't beat everything, unlike delver or BUG in legacy.
What about 8rack? Put down Liliana and wipe the board
All this talk of 'modern is dying' seems very based on anecdotal evidence. It's still doing fine at my LGS. Also, standard is slowly crawling back from death with Saturdays specifically for that format. Draft is huge, as always. Literally no one is cancerous enough to play duel commander.
Not sure it's dying so much as the meta is stale right now. I got in around SOI and found modern had a much smaller selection of shit to build into. Locks and control are still fairly popular and the odd rogue might do well on a 3-1/2-2/1-3 day, but unless you're playing Bridge Lock, Dredge, or Thing Control you're going to lose pretty hard.
So, I am on a 50 buck budget to build babby's first format deck (had a shitty Séance and an even shittier Kavu deck some 6 years ago). I've managed to build a nice BW Aristocrats list that does not seem like utter shit (and at least you can upgrade to Abzan r-right guys?), but even though it's a fun deck with some cool decisions, it's not my favorite archetype (that'd be Tempo shit like Delver). On such a constrained budget, is there a better Modern list I can build, maybe even down the Tempo line, or do I really need those Snapcasters to be competitive at all?
Can post the Aristocrat list if you want to.
You can always build Zombie Infestation.
But more seriously with 50 bucks it's nearly impossible to get anything done. Even Ad Nauseam, one of the cheapest competitive decks in the format is around 300 bucks so yeah, I'd save the money and wait for more to build something you REALLY want to build.
In modern you REALLY don't want to build something because it's cheap. Trust me, I've done the mistake. Bought in Scapeshift because it was cheap but it's not my preferred playstyle so I burnt out of it.
You could build naya burn it only costs like 80 buck except the lands . Tron isn't too expensive, if you get all is dust instead of O-stone
But like the other user said. 50 bucks is way to low to play modern. Hell, it's not even enough to play standard anymore.
Breach Titan
Hatebears. Leonin Arbiter really fucks with my gameplan
As long as they don't ban SSG we good
Nothing mtg related for Christmas
I'm gonna feel really silly if Breach gets reprinted in modern masters, but eh. Feels good to be playing a good deck now instead of waiting around for a possible reprint
>choose midrange deck that is good against linear aggressive decks
>it scoops to tron and combo
>choose linear aggressive deck that is good against tron and combo
>it loses to midrange on paper but not really
>chose tron or combo which are good against midrange
>it scoops to linear aggressive decks
>control isn't even an archetype
>either play an aggressive linear deck or accept that you've got to scoop upon seeing certain decks
epic format
i like it
What's the problem? Isn't it the aim of a format to win against certain decks and lose to some? Isn't it what makes a metagame interesting, instead of contenders that shit on every other decks that try another angle of attack?
The problem is that it's 0 fun to have MU's you simply cannot win and have to give up. And that's the the case for all decks in modern except for the linear aggro ones.
Go for 1 drop zoo.
There's a big difference between an uphill battle and a battle that (barring spectacularly bad luck on your opponents part) you are guaranteed to lose.
Does anyone know some sick technology for Dredge? It doesn't have to be optimal. I'm missing a few cards so I have flexibility.
I use rainbow lands so I have access to all 5 colours.
Currently trying to run an Unburial Rites package with a couple Simian Spirit Guides for cheese.
Try AV for that sweet Dredge 18.You could also thoughtseize yourself
But Dredge already plays a set of (2 mana) ancestral recalls.
The problem I have with cards like Thoughtseize is that they need to be in your opening hand or else they are totally dead in your deck.
Given a choice between infect and jund I'll play Infect, despite the fact I like jund more, because the matchups for infect are just better. I don't like the meta, because hyper aggressive decks like infect, burn, affinity, dredge are rewarded, and decks like jund are punished by ba matchups like Tron. I'm not sure what the format needs, but it needs something. Till then I'll be slowly building towards legacy.
The thing is, I don't feel the list is particularly weak for what it is. It's not a fine-tuned Abzan list, but for a BW Aristocrats deck, it's almost as good as it gets. Only things I'm lacking are Bob (not using anything here though Grim Haruspex is an option), Origins Lili (using Pawn of Ulamog), Hangarback (using Endless One), and Path that I'm not even sure if it's better than Tragic Slip. Plus the shocks but those I'm going to buy ASAP. Besides Bob and Hangarback, it's not far behind in power level.
Now, the archetype itself might be weak, but I'm going to test more, maybe even in MODO where the same list goes for 8 tix. It really, REALLY does not seem like a complete trainwreck. And it's upgradeable to Abzan.
Meanwhile, Commander is the only thing I see people playing at the moment.
Path is ultra important especially right now.
First of all you can't deal with something until you kill something before making tragic slip useful. Then after that comes the problem of dredge. You can deal with dredge creatures with Path but in no way you can do that with Slip.
EDH was great because for a lot of people, it was a chance to actually dig through their old collections and build a thematic deck. The goal wasn't to build the strongest deck you could think of with 100 cards, but to have fun.
Now with everybody playing 30tutors.dec or some other cancerous shit in EDH, and with Wizards forcing their premade decks with all these new EDH commanders, the fun is being sucked out. I guess it's a way to get newbies in to the game? But every time I've gone to EDH, there's usually a couple people with multiple decks that offer to let someone new play with them once.
I definitely wouldn't expect EDH to last more than another year or two at the rate wizards is milking it.
Pretty much this list. Adjust as your meta requires.
Any retards still here against Twin unban?
I don't see how Wizards providing people who play Commander more tools to play the format, as a bad thing.
And people have been running a trillion tutors in EDH since its inception. You'd have to be an idiot to NOT think tutors were the most powerful cards in the format the second you heard 100 card singleton.
Tron needs to die, it hoses a whole archetype and some faggot's turn 3 Karn fun cannot come before the playerbase's ability to play midrange decks.
Wizards should never have designed cards to be played outside of their core constructed and limited formats. So designing for Commander is fucking retarded.
What they've done is designed Commander cards that are solely for play in Commander. I'm certain that 99% of custom Commander cards are useless outside of the format. And of the 1% that are playable in places like Legacy, even that flexibility is meaningless as Wizards has all but officially abandoned the format.
The reason why this practice is harmful is because you have to manage the emotions of your community and this has left non-EDH players feeling neglected. There is this massive pile of unplayable dogshit that comes out of EDH decks and even Legendaries that are shat out in booster product, and using the excuse "they're for EDH players" is a shit excuse when it's something nobody in Standard wants.
You could print all the EDH-focused product and shit cards in booster boxes you want if places like Standard and Modern and Legacy weren't suffering. But they are suffering. Prices are fucking out of control and those players are seeing effort being wasted on fucking EDH when they are finding events difficult to fire because nobody can afford 60-card constructed. Wizards can continue ignoring Modern, my pet format, but their ridiculous design philosophy has fucking ruined Standard, their supposed bread and butter, Standard - their fucking excuse to ignore Modern and Legacy. It's gotten to the point where you look at the pool of cards and if it's not Mythic or Rare it's unplayable useless pieces of EDH shit that people in EDH don't even want to play.
EDH players were happy to take from the regular card pool. And if anything at all, Wizards should just replace the line "target player" with "each player" or "each opponent" with their spells if they want to give them added flexibility in EDH.
It's not a problem by any stretch but seriously: watch all the things WOTC has done to make commander a thing in the last year. It's literally retarded.
And what do eternal formats get? Two sessions of bans and unbans. That's just fucking great.
If they do that much for commander at least they could have the decency to help out other formats. If things are specifically printed specifically for commander in the standard set ( the new planeswalkers ) then why can't new cards be made specifically for Legacy/Modern/whatever in those same sets? That makes no fucking sense at all that Commander gets all the shit in the world and the rest of the formats can go fuck themselves.
>slowly building towards a dead format
what's the next step of your masterplan?
Okay I've been trying to brainstorm some Academy Ruins tech for dredge, because you can cast it from your yard with loam.
So far I can only think of recurring Engineered Explosives or just getting an Ensaring Bridge.
Commander feels more approachable because it lets you play decks full of fetchlands, duals, Wasteland, FoW, Snappy, Lilly, etc. on the "cheap".
Now that 1v1 is 20 life it has become stupidly skill intensive. It's rather refreshing to see games won by bluffing and attrition rather than drawing your sideboard silver bullet.
>duel commander will never be an actual format
kill me now
It is now a dead format because fucking Brazilians and Europeans just collectively lost their shit and broke off from the Duel Commander group by forming "Leviathan Commander" which is exactly the same except it preserves the 30 life rule.
Nice job you fucking dipshits. It doesn't matter if the choice to go to 20 was good or bad, whatever the result of that was, it will ALWAYS be worse when you fucking split the community to go form your own community.
Duel Commander is never going to be popular enough, not while Duel and Leviathan are going to constantly fucking jockeying for acknowledgement and legitimacy on the Internet, which will sabotage any attempts to establish the formats in real-life.
Look at those people pushing Frontier. The Japanese can get away with it because they literally have at least two events of each format running every single day. But for the rest of us we got one fucking day, maybe two, a week to play. Making Frontier popular is just going to cannibalize the time/space for the other formats. Big North American communities get a bit of "variety" while smaller communities just roll over and fucking die.
>skill intensive
next you're going to tell me that modern is skill intensive...
Wait, are you telling me Wizards sometimes makes cards/releases designed with specific formats in mind?
You don't say? And here I thought Eternal Masters was for Pauper.
Eternal Masters and Modern Masters helped nobody play Eternal or Modern. It was fucking spit in the cup of a thirsty man.
Guess what, dude is still fucking thirsty.
Legacy really isn't suffering, it's as well as ever outside the US and only having a hiccup in the US because people didn't notice how dependant they had become on SCG. Fool me once...
Flusterstorm, Ruhan of the Fomori, Karador Ghost Chieftrain, Animar Soul of the Elements, Edric Spymaster of Trest, True-Name Nemesis, Toxic Deluge, Darksteel Mutation, Unexpectedly Absent, Sydri Galvanic Genius, Ophiomancer, Sudden Demise, Feldon of the Third Path, Wake the Dead, Commeupance, Containment Priest, Centaur Vinecrasher, Karlov of the Ghost Council, Arachnogenesis, Ash Barrens, Vial Smasher the Fierce and the Confluence cycle would all be relevant in Modern, but Modern is WotC's ugly middle children who doesn't desserve any toys.
When they want to sell an otherwise shitty set. It will be mythic rare.
I wouldn't lie to you user.
That's not what we meant you stupid fuck. Learn to read next time.
Cards are SPECIFICALLY released in standard sets specifically marketed for Commander. Some planewalkers in Kaladesh and Aether Revolt are specifically illegal in standard and made for commander, taking up slots in the packs.
So here's the follow up question: why the fuck is commander the only format profitting from this?! Hell even as the other user said it fucks up standard, which they care above anything else that exists.
Commander gets new cards, more reprints and even new cards that are specifically meant for commander in STANDARD SETS. It wasn't enough that they made cheesy as fuck cards and their excuse were " Hey don't hate on these ultra expensive cards, they are for commander players ". Fair enough, but this time they really get the assfuck train going.
Hell at this pace it wouldn't surprise me that WOTC decides that standard is just a bunch of shit and will stop supporting it to only favor limited and commander.
All the efforts they've done in the past, all the time they dedicated to make Legacy a thing ( because yeah WOTC came up with Legacy, players were perfectly fine with 1.5 back in the day ), the time they dedicated to make Modern a thing, etc ... All these things are fucking lost because their entire team is trying to appeal to all the commander players out there for some fucking cryptic reasons.
What happened these last two years?? I don't get it. They get a surge of new players and they decided to blow it all because they saw that commander players were on the rise because they are ultra fucking poor so boom, let's make a trillion sets for commander players and in case it wasn't good enough let's vomit commander specific cards into new sets.
So I'll repeat my question: why is commander the only format to get steady reprints AND new cards in formats that aren't even dedicated to them? Other formats NEEDS them more.
Well, one format is supported by the largest community of 1v1 Commander players in the world and a team that has been the voice of the format for nearly a decade. The other is hues and italians.
Leviathan will die as soon as something shiny or a fat ass passes by.
>And here I thought Eternal Masters was for Pauper.
It kinda was. It shoved the cost of Burn in half and downshifted a bunch of neat cards.
>trying to appeal to all the commander players out there for some fucking cryptic reasons.
Might be because Commander players are the only ones buying shit for non-Standard play, user. Wizards makes almost no profits from Vintage or Modern, so why the fuck would they support it? This isn't a case of bite the hand that feeds, since Modern and Vintage players stopped "feeding" Wizards a long time ago.
I think any problems of modern and standard come from two angles.
First, Wizards has gutted effective decks of predominantly commons and uncommons. Burn always used to be a cheap, fine option for getting into standard, and its effectiveness is practically nil for the last few rotations (atarka red notwithstanding). This intimidates players, who feel forced to play with expensive mythics, while the dynamic rock-paper-scissors meta punishes those who aren't able to constantly switch decks to keep up.
However, the second problem comes from the playerbase, that has recently become almost allergic to brewing. The reappearance of Marvel in standard is one example of people assuming a format is solved when a decent pile of cards from a previously dismissed archetype is able to push through to tier 1. The same is true in modern as well. People are so fixated on meta lists, they tunnel vision and forget many other cards and strategies that are perfectly playable. Some of these alternate 'non-meta' decks sacrifice a few percentage points across the field, but it may be a drop of 55% for a high price tier 1 deck to 50% for your brew. If you're at the pro tour, that's a big difference, but very few modern games take place at that level. The glut of information on the internet promotes net-decking to the exclusion of innovation, which then causes players to whine about stagnant formats. Ultimately, it's not the formats that are stagnant, it's the player base.
I think Kaladesh is a step forward on Wizards' part, as there's a lot of interesting uncommons that are worth building around, a lot of interesting rares to brew with that tend to be pretty cheap, and fewer obviously pushed cards for standard play, in comparison to the gross power imbalance between the pushed cards and the non-pushed chaff in BfZ and SoI blocks. If Wizards can keep this up, things may turn around, but everything will stay stagnant if the players continue to bitch and whine instead of trying new things.
I wonder if Wizards knows how fucking hard it is for stores to offer Commander events in comparison to regular constructed events. The amount of salt that has the potential to exist simply because of the political nature of the format causes more conflict than any normal store wants to manage.
At this point I want to see Constructed die starting with Legacy, followed by Modern, then Standard.
And by "die" I mean I would be interested in seeing what their community will be like with nothing but ignorant-die-hards and new players. No long-term players who are balanced individuals, only the players who make Magic their life like a drug habit.
Yunno, I never see any of our concerns here expressed outside of Veeky Forums. We obviously see this shit going down but everywhere else is talking about meaningless problems and not talking about affordability. There is a perfectly good fucking solution in front of us - make what is already playable affordable. But instead everyone is offering NEW SHIT as the solution and we all know that is only going to divide the attention.
>why is commander the only format to get steady reprints AND new cards in formats that aren't even dedicated to them?
Because EDH casuals buy cards from WotC. They are willing to pay for all the trash that gets printed because they are non-competitive/collectors/new to the game/whatever.
People who play 60 card formats only buy cards through the secondary market because they know better than to crack boosters.
It's really sad but EDH essentially IS kitchen table magic at this point. Except the scene is also full of autists who want to be competitive at a 100 card singleton casual format. Fuck I hate so much about MTG these days.
>They are willing to pay for all the trash that gets printed
This might be the reason you no longer like MTG than any other factor, user. A lot of those cards are actually good in Commander, which is why they are bought in the first place.
It's the same old "Power Gamer vs Regular Gamer" mantra, but wherever the regulars go, Power gamers go for easy prey. It no different than players who are just above average going into "Beginner Only" servers to reek havok on players just looking for a good time with a different mentality of play.
>since Modern and Vintage players stopped "feeding" Wizards a long time ago
Kill the formats if they're not feeding you. Stop fucking feeding those formats your fucking scraps like the Masters sets and leaving it on life support.
Stop your fucking condescension that Modern and Legacy players are ungrateful shits that don't spend their money. Yes, it's true we don't spend money on fucking product but that is because Wizards has made ZERO effort to give us a good reason to buy their fucking product. All they have to do is fire up the goddamn printing presses, we'll throw our money at it.
I'm not playing MTGO. Fuck that. I don't play any game where I can't be social. I'm not playing some online game where my opponent can fucking triple queue and leave me waiting for 10 minutes at a time.
You fucking people. I fucking hate you people. You just lump all of us into a group by our label as Eternal players and assume we're all unwilling to spend our money when it's fucking on Wizards who has to either give us a reason to feed them or just declare we're beneath their attention.
You seem pretty mad. Cards 'for commander' can use a much broader range of effects, at a much broader range of costs. Meanwhile, in modern, cards that cost more than 1 mana face an uphill battle for relevance, and anything more than 3 mana better be damn absurd if it's to see any play at all. Cards 'for commander' are taking up slots that they need cards for anyway, cards for modern need to standard warping levels of pushed to be at all relevant.
>trying to appeal to all the commander players out there for some fucking cryptic reasons.
They tried supporting legacy directly and came out with shit like true-name nemesis. Meanwhile, random jank like Paradoxical Outcome is stirring things up in Vintage. Part of the appeal of non-rotating formats is precisely that things don't change too quickly, so you can buy in on a deck and play it without changing much for years. Given that, and given their lack of time to test for formats as deep as legacy and modern, it's better just to let things flow from standard naturally. Other formats don't really NEED them more at all.
Although I'm not denying that seeing some decent modern reprints rather than the garbage fire that was MM15 would be nice and helpful.
Eternal Masters was literally the product they made for Modern and Vintage. The only cards in those formats that see play are literal design mistakes that warp the game, so if you are expecting Wizards to create NEW T0-3 win decks, you might as well just find a new TCG now.
The power gamers are what I hate most about EDH. I understand the appeal of the format for new players. Whenever I walk around a campus and see people playing MTG they are playing Commander 100% of the time, usually in a group having a fun time. Grognard or not I can smile at that. I hate the idea of hypercompetitive autists dropping $1000 on a commander deck to crush them. And because every LGS in my city has at least one EDH tournament a week, yet none of them run Legacy and Modern gets almost no support.
I'm also skeptical how good most new cards are in (non-casual) EDH. If I'm throwing stuff like Mana Crypts, Yawg Wills, Hermit Druids, or whatever into my deck I doubt any cards from Kaladesh are going to make the cut.
For Elves, is there any utility land I can slot in if I don't have cavern of souls? I'm building on a budget for a more casual FNM scene nearby. I regularly 5-0 with Soul Sisters if that gives you an indication what I'm working with in regards to competition.
Releasing Eternal Masters and having the Reserve List around and not officially declaring the formats dead is cruel and cowardly. It's the cowardly that makes people hate businesses when as a business they should be cold and professionally execute what isn't serving their goals.
Abolishing the Reserve List and printing product is a hot move. Killing the formats officially will be cold and we can move on. But right now it's lukewarm, they're profiting by printing Eternal Masters but not giving people everything they need - like the toothbrush without the toothpaste.
I'm not talking about new cards that invigorate the format. I want the format as is and I can't even have that.
>I regularly 5-0 with Soul Sisters if that gives you an indication what I'm working with in regards to competition.
You can probably get by with a basic mountain in that slot.
You really think this current block is a good standard block? Are you fucking out of your mind?
Nowadays standard is literally a format where you can't answer any problematic things. You can't answer that fucking copter. You can't answer Emrakul. You can't answer Marvel. You literally have no efficient answers for any of these cards, so this is going to be standard until it rotates out.
Nowadays it's all good mythics, but guess what: these mythics become USELESS as soon as they leave standard because everyone and their mothers have an answer for it. Copter? Eat that fucking Ancient Grudge you piece of shit. Same for Marvel. And for Emrakul? I'd give you the keys of my eyes if: 1. you found a reason to run that card over all the other explosive big drops available in eternal formats and 2. A way to cast them without being dead before it or simply not being able to cast them.
So yeah, that resumes why MTG is suffering overall by all of these new sets that came out: Wizards became too scared of printing good common, uncommons and even rares because they are scared of making another card like Delver. So they not only tune down the power of these cards but also make no good answers for all the good cards out there.
It would benefit every format if they made good commons and uncommons while printing decent to good answers. That's what would save the entire game at this point. But seems like Wizards decided to please to the casual players by letting them play whatever the fuck they want because " being ultra punished is not fun ".