I'm desining a post-apocalyptical setting in the remains of a third-world country (mine). US, Russia, China and some european countries had the best war equipment, medical technology, and energy production while this region has jack-shit nothing. Some advacements here and there remain. Old time firearms are rare and the new ones are homemade, failure-prone pieces. People favour melee combat.
The question is: which alternative materials can be used for armor fabrication?
I had this idea, that religious cannibals tribes make leather and clothing out of human skin, but I'm not sure if human-based leather it's possible or useful really.
I'm desining a post-apocalyptical setting in the remains of a third-world country (mine). US, Russia...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Which alternative materials can be used for armor fabrication?
The answer is in your pic. Armor would be most likely sourced from whatever you could find in the local garbage dump/urban area.
Tires, scrap metal, trash cans. Id look into some of the Fallout and Madmax style stuff that gets used for weapons and armor for inspiration
A bit small there
there's any other post-apocalyptical universes that you know? fallout and mad max are my go-to.
Apocalypseworld has some weirdness, also look at tribal armor for the more rural areas of your campaign, also look at some images of Gangers/rebels in shadowrun or any sci-fi/cyberpunk setting. Also Warhammer 40k and Necromunda scavengers/scum characters might prove useful
You should have just pitched your setting as "Tuesday in Africa".
for starters one of the things you need to consider is that the kalashnikov is the most successful gun in the world for a reason. In any post apocalyptic setting, even a broke down shithole it would probably be the king of firearms unless someone with old world fabrication abilities can produce something better. (judging from your post that's not gonna be the case) after that revolvers and shotguns will probably be weapons of choice.
Anyways onto a more relevant piece of information; ever hear of books with pages of human skin? Complete nonsense human skin doesn't take ink well. Sometimes however prisons would take the skin of condemned men and use them to bind books as its a water resistant and fairly tough material.
So yeah human skin as leather 'armor' would work but it'd be just as easy to use any animal leather and get the same effect.
Better materials are tires, salvaged metal, and so on. I suggest looking up brigandine and similar set ups for better armor.
I considered including those guns in the setting, but here in my country we use (or used to) the FN FAL, that I personally like. Howerer, all the fun stuff is maintained and owned by a single faction, and they do not sell the stuff.
>I'm desining a post-apocalyptical-
into the trash.
What's your country? I'm sure some anons have some weird esoteric knowledge of its history, either pre or post colonial or whatever the situation is, that you could freely mine.
the kalash is a peasant's gun and is easy to make. Revolvers are an ancient technology and a shotgun can literally be a tube with primitive firing mechanisms. There's no excuse for people with basic mechanical and chemical knowledge not to fabricate primitive firearms especially if one faction is hoarding all the military grade shit.
"Bombs drop, guns vanish" is a bad meme.
the whitest of all countries, argentina.
Guess that it will be Brazilian diy shotguns and whatever anglo-raiders from Las Malvinas son British use.
I took in account homemade weaponry. And the faction, I called it like that to be simple. It's an almost exclusive country. It only has the military grade stuff for the edge in case that it's required against the degenerates from the rural areas.
probably something between 80's to the current decade
Do you know METRO 2033? If not, check it out.
About armor, the vast majority of it throughout the history of mankind was made of cloth: cotton, silk etc. Well quilted and multilayered as to be dense but light enough.
Also bone, wood, turtle shells were all used for armor. A lamellar cuirass may have all of these at once.
Vocês tão deixando as nossas praias caras.
I do know metro, I didn't have the pleasure to play it yet.
Tus playas son muy calurosas y caras, las de la provincia rebelde tienen la calidez necesaria para nuestra tez aria
>this thread is so beneath me that I've taken the time to make a post about how little I care
The best part is that I know you'll see this reply because you're still lurking the thread waiting for your first (you).
>the kalash is a peasant's gun and is easy to make
AKs require factories to be made. They are not designed for small scale production. The AR is much more economic to manufacture. A CNC mill with the correct program will turn a chunk of aluminum into a receiver.
Remember bicycles, and the oil industry.
>In the remains of a third-world country
>Old time firearms are rare
>People favour melee combat
I've always wanted a setting in which pick related is real
it kinda is here
Take some inspiration from Scythians customs acording to Herodotus:
>"64. In what concerns war, their customs are the following. The Scythian soldier drinks the blood of the first man he overthrows in battle. Whatever number he slays, he cuts off all their heads, and carries them to the king; since he is thus entitled to a share of the booty, whereto he forfeits all claim if he does not produce a head. In order to strip the skull of its covering, he makes a cut round the head above the ears, and, laying hold of the scalp, shakes the skull out; then with the rib of an ox he scrapes the scalp clean of flesh, and softening it by rubbing between the hands, uses it thenceforth as a napkin. The Scyth is proud of these scalps, and hangs them from his bridle-rein; the greater the number of such napkins that a man can show, the more highly is he esteemed among them. Many make themselves cloaks, like the capotes of our peasants, by sewing a quantity of these scalps together. Others flay the right arms of their dead enemies, and make of the skin, which stripped off with the nails hanging to it, a covering for their quivers. Now the skin of a man is thick and glossy, and would in whiteness surpass almost all other hides. Some even flay the entire body of their enemy, and stretching it upon a frame carry it about with them wherever they ride. Such are the Scythian customs with respect to scalps and skins."
>literally just regular Africa