Ops and Tactics: Tactical Lever and .44 Magnum Edition

>What the hell is Ops and Tactics and why did you write this?

Ops and Tactics is/was a rework of the terribly awful modern game D20 Modern that produces enough differences in said game to be considered it's own. It's goal was to do the following things

1. Make Combat more fluid and less rigid like the D20/D&D style outright demands.
2. Make it reflect the real attributes of weapons and armor, in a more realistic sense, while being as playable as possible.
3. Make everything else suck less, at least in my opinion.
4. Introduce a more modular way to handle magic, Incantations/Invoking(My own..thing), Psionics, and equipment. There is also a lot of equipment.

>This sucks! it has

Yes. It does. However, there has been a lot of change to said thing. Some of the notions such as Feats, and skills, I didn't change because I've already changed the actual rules and the effects, so there are no "Newbie traps" anymore.


SQuATs. Enjoy your bloat free game!

>What kind of game is this good for?

Games with a lot of gunfights, where you want the realistic guns but you don't want the slow down. Also for people at least somewhat familiar with the D20 System.


Go play gurps.

There is a blog: opsandtactics.blogspot.com and a website: www.opsandtactics.com

As always, I'll be posting and answering questions, as well as posting the current releases of the books.

ALSO, i'll be giving you all a sneak peek of what I've got so far for my setting, Kandai, and taking suggestions for that as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Advanced Arms

Advanced arms is my take on futuristic stuff. Had a lot of help with the Oatscrew making this, so shout out to you guys.

It's got plasguns, lasguns, plasma blades, and a host of other new fun weapons and things to mess with.

And just like the core rulebook, it has a very detailed gunsmithing rules for making plasarms, lasarms, and plasma blades.

>Modern magika

Magic splat book that has some(I like to think, anyway) intresting spin on the "fantasy races", as well as how magic is, performed and such. There's also psionics which does pretty much what you expect, and Incantations, which is shadow magic where you create things, summons, ect.

There's also magical equipment in it as well, and black powder guns to enchant with magic, as you can't enchant regular cased and shelled guns with magic, just their cases.

>Field Identification Guide

The monster Manual! I didn't write this! One of the oatscrew who goes by the name of Craft and Colt wrote this! It's good! Read it! There's stuff to kill in it!

>Procedural weapons

Something written on a dare. It basically allows you to procedurally generate guns of any kind. Requires a lot of D100s. Feel free too roll it here.

>Simplified quick action tactics system, AKA SQuATS

A cut down version of Ops and Tactics that only uses D6s, that I wrote in response to people not wanting to bother with the monstrous core rulebook. Self contained. Can be played without any of the other books(And must, since it's completely incompatible due to the D6 only thing)

Liar's endorsement. It's breety neat. Remember to bring your kobold kibble on long trips.


My setting for this entire mess of rules. It's not even close to finish, but I'm willing to share what I have so far.

Basically it's supposed to be a big space world sandbox for people to play in. I haven't even got all of the plots down, so I can't repeat enough WORK IN PROGRESS!

There was some issues with the core rulebook that I had to fix. Reposting asap

Why d20 Modern? Nobody liked it and it's got nothing worth keeping. Why not just start fresh?

The punch of my foot is like the kick of my fist.

>Why d20 Modern? Nobody liked it and it's got nothing worth keeping. Why not just start fresh?

That's not true. It's actually got plenty worth keeping. The occupation system IMO was a pretty good idea.

Furthermore, I pretty much did start fresh. So much has be actually shifted around, changed, deleted, or heavily modified, it's nothing like the actual system anymore.

The only real think I kept were the occupations(After heavily modifying them), the "Saving throw" system, and some of the definitons and names. Even if something has the name of something before, it's been changed.

And furthermore, people told me it couldn't be done. So I did it.

Reupload of Core Rulebook, this one without the fucked page.

The core rulebook is the book that has all of the stats and such. It's what you use to run a game!


More like ops and faggots.

Frig off Ricky.

Well I fucked this release up big time.

There's an error in Advanced Arms where the MA5B rifle series doesn't come equipped with the correct sight.

I'll upload the fix to the blog and the website since it's minor.

Yep. FUcked this one up. That post didn't contain the fixed Core, this one does.

I apologize for dealing with my shit.

Rolled 221 (1d300)

Weapon selection

Rolled 4, 95, 8, 41, 59, 41, 34 = 282 (7d100)

>Laser handgun
Size, Emitters, Heat, Wattage, Range, Upgrade Points, Standard Equipment

Rolled 13 (1d300)

Eh, fuck it. This thread is quiet anyway.

Tiny Laser handgun with Standard, Pulse and Scour emitters, 25 kW (1d8+1) with 9 heat capacity, 20' range increment, upgradeable frame, emitters, and one tactical point, comes with one extra coolant pack.
Nifty. Doesn't have enough Heat to actually perform a scourshot, but oh well.

I rolled a large semi/auto General Purpose Machine Gun, firing .303 British rounds with a range of 55', a 10% error rate, which comes unloaded with a fixed stock and F B O upgrade options, whatever those are.

But how many zombies, heretics and general monsters can I slay per round with this

Rolled 17, 54, 19, 15, 36, 28, 16, 35, 45, 57, 75, 83 = 480 (12d100)

A handgun my favorite!

Rolled 5, 4, 5, 2, 3 + 3 = 22 (5d6 + 3)

Well lessee, .303 British does... 5d6+3 damage, not bad at all. Let's say you're shooting at human zombies, and have all the necessary feats for using this baby nice and Rambo-like. Let's say those zombies are stacked wall to wall, so you go ahead and Autofire at chunks of them at a time. That'll do the full damage to all of 'em in a 10'x10' square, which means...

A human zombie's got 16 extended hit points and 7 core hit points, so each of those 4 is left at a single hit point. I'm pretty sure undead don't suffer from bleed damage, so we can ignore that. And you can do that about two to three times per round, so if you rolled just a bit higher you could get up to 12 dead zombies a turn just from spraying like that.

Had to fix another error

Holdout Pistol, Semi auto with a single action Box magazine fed 5 round handgun, that's dimunitive in size and is chambered in 9x18mm with a 25 ft range, 10% error range and a frame, barrel, optic and 3 tactical upgrade slots.

The P64 from hell, apparently.

Bump for reasons.

nother bump.

Thanks for the hard work. The action movie handles of each class really make this feel like it would be a good basis for a Rockstar Style maximum snark crime campaign.

Alternatively Gunsmith Cats and Riding Bean.


>Alternatively Gunsmith Cats and Riding Bean.

This. All of this. This is what this game was written for.

Hey Soul Bro, can you stat this gun?


I have to say OP, it might not be perfect, but you're pretty fucking persistent. I remember seeing the original 'D20 with more guns' versions.

Bravo and kys i love you too


LM-4 Semmerling
Cal: 45 ACP
Tiny Modern Holdout Handgun
Magazine: Box 4:3 WP
Action: Pump Action
Range: 15 ft.
Error Range: 0%
Weight: 19 oz.
Cost: 50 WP
Add. Equipment: Two 4 round magazines

Not affected by Error Range Due to Ammunition
Gains a +1 to Stealth when concealing

>I remember seeing the original 'D20 with more guns' versions.

Wew boy that version was garbage.

But yes, I like to see things through. Plus I did actually want a system to run games in that I like. The downside is that I'm completely spoiled to any "real" D20 Games. They're way too slow, less options, and generally balanced horribly.

Bump for more gunsmith cats!

Any chance of creating a repository of older versions and revisions of O&T? I think it would be interesting to see how it evolved over time especially for any would be game designers around here. Get an insight into your design and thought process over time that you don't really have with other RPGs with massive editing and development teams.

>Any chance of creating a repository of older versions and revisions of O&T? I think it would be interesting to see how it evolved over time especially for any would be game designers around here.

I hate to break it to you, but my design and thought process was basically "This sucks I need to fix it" or "Hey this is cool I'm gonna steal this"

Thanks for doing this OP. A few months ago I was looking for a game that handled guns better and remembered downloading one of these PDFs many years ago.Gonna give it a try in a one shot one of these days to see how well it works for my post apocalyptic setting.

As for the old versions, why the hell would you want shitty versions?

I still have every version for archive, though.

It should. Please use the ones that you have now. old stuff is bad stuff

I see what you did there.

Enough magical realism to handle Pulp?


Should work for that.

Hitting things from far away as hard as you can.

Is this a game that needs a map to play for supreme operations?


>Is this a game that needs a map to play for supreme operations?
Yes, you need a map