What happened to Games-Workshop...

What happened to Games-Workshop? Over the past decade and a half they have actively targetted and threatened their fan base for any potential IP infringement. I understand protecting copyright, but there's a difference between a cease and desist if a for profit project is found vs hobbyists just making fluff up or running a forum to talk together. Librarium-Online having had to deal with this is a great example. As well as other forums being targetted because some users wrote point values and GW sent the litigation team to threaten them.

When did they become so petty? Even that shitty fan made 40k movie was delayed like half a decade because they were being sued and shit. It wasn't even professionals just amateurs with a camera making a shitty fan flick.

>he doesnt know about the new 2016 games workshop

What about them in 2016?

You mean how like they are offering more static less poseable models, increasing prices even more for fewer models, and moving in the direction of selling monstrous sized minis around the 100 dollar range or more? Perhaps you think paying $120 for one mini or $240 for 6 minis is reasonable?

Are you from fucking 2015 or something? Not only do they have a new CEO, actual light-hearted videos, re-opened community websites and social media, but they have PLASTIC SOB.

Get with the fucking times, literally none of your pissy little faggot whines are even applicable to the current GW. The Chapterhouse debacle isn't even from the past 2 fucking years.

>Get with the fucking times, literally none of your pissy little faggot whines are even applicable to the current GW.

GW Redshirt like typing detected...

And all that primarch shitty friction-fiction.

It's three models only, intended for fucking marines army. Yea. SoB got it really fukkin great. And Roundtree is Kirby's right hand man. I will not trust him more than he earns it. It takes more than a bad, limited edition expansive boardgame to make me bellieve cool stuff is coming back. And they can't write for shit.

>doesn't understand IP and copyright laws

>hasn't been paying attention lately

>intended for marine army
>new plastic model for the non-existent Celestine in IA which isn't even a replacement for C:SoB

You're so fucking retarded I can't even

non-white GW shill detected

Blood Bowl
and More
Gay nigga baiter

Whoopty doo, three whole models. Are you so easily entertained? Nice way to not even address the single model price gouging. I can't imagine what sort of fantasy world you're living in that you're appeased by $140 single model price sets. Certainly not the Warhammer Fantasy world that got axed after being propped up by a firm and unwavering fanbase for 20 years. AoS doesn't even bother me as a game so much as the entire axeing of the WHF world. Just unnecessary.

By the way, Kirby selected the new CEO and he is still on as an advisor, Kirby is jot out of the picture.

But okay, let's pretend like things are seeming to be going in a positive way for the past 2 weeks. Before the last two weeks everything is pretty critically unashamed of how Games Workshop has been handling its affairs. They still aren't investing into any of the world building or story archs, aka FLUFF, that is he foundation of all of their models. They are riding on the good graces of a hardcore veteran fanbase that holds a warm place for old lore. They are taking it for granted.

dubs confirm

Why are you omitting the fact they basically offer half price box for every army compared to 1 year ago ?
Forum just dont have to give a fuck like Veeky Forums. everyone post every point value here and on 1d4chan.
Just rent a server in russia or China.. Oh but then those griddy fucks couldn't make thousand with ads hosting on shitmachines at home anymore.

Move on guyz, it's just a WhfbSlav whining abour AoS afterall.

Yeah they release new models every year, what's your point? They want to sell shit, why do you think releasing new models is something to be thankful for?

Bloodbowl has always been a thing even when GW squatted it. Just because thete are saying "okay guise it's cool we're okay with it again" doesn't change the fact it was supported for over a decade by people who kept playing the game (of which the rules never disappeared, it just was no longer supported) despite GW shitting allover the consumer base and acting like we're blessed for it.

>Why are you omitting the fact they basically offer half price box for every army compared to 1 year ago ?
What are you on about? I can literally smell bullshit and cheetos emitting from my screen because of your post.

"""""Cleverly""""" disguised whinning thread posted by a 50 year old WHFB neckbeard.

Just go play in your shit stained trollcave with all your "friends" that hate GW so much.

You werent buying any model for WHFB. and you are still not buying any. So i dont see why you are complaining.
Just play those same shitty game with the same unpainted army like you did for 20 years.

Or switch to X-wing like everybody.

>20 years


Makes it even more sickening.

Yes. She will acompany BlackTemplars. Cool as far as it goes for marines (not far) still they are fucking eye candy for marinefags not SoB. No sisters sqads. No vehicles. Only special unit to show how great is big A when he BTFO's her with whole marine chapter.

>What are battleforce
>What are start collecting!
>What is Betrayal at Calth
>What is Prospero
>What is the SM strike force Ultima

Nigga... You arent even trying.

Fuck why everyone gets accused of being that Warmachine fagot? He was anti-WHFB as well. He is asblasted that people play GW's shit and repedetly assulted people for hoping for SpecGames for "being geedubs cucks". Fuck man. Not everyone is that faggot.

>impressed by $85 boxes that after taxes are pretty much $100 for in most cases between 5 to 14 models

Nigga you stupid? You used to be able to buy a battalion box and need just one or two smaller boxes to have a functional army. Buying a battalion now gives you Kirby's sweaty balls on your face after not showering for a week.

>When did they become so petty?
thats what you need to do when you dominate a market, look at blizzard.

>>What is the SM strike force Ultima
>$250 for 1/3 of a small army

Are you retarded?

>You used to be able to buy a battalion box and need just one or two smaller boxes to have a functional army.
>why do things get more expensive as years pass and production costs change

>>why do things get more expensive as years pass and production costs change
>nothing has changed but they still charge you an arm and a leg for no reason

They realized you're willing to take it up the ass by Kirby raw, let him shoot his load allover your face, that you'll pay $250 for it and think you're getting a good deal.

I don't think anyone in the history of warhammer has ever bought something over the counter and said they got a good deal. It's an expensive hobby that is so awesome people are willing to pay for it. If you think you can do a better job I implore you to open you're own GW, with black jack and hookers

Nigga... You are deliberatly paying hte FULL MSRP price (something nobody does on any product ever) And complaining ?

GW offer models at 50% MSRP in all the states to Retailer.
Most FLGS will do -20% to -30%.

>impressed by $85 boxes that after taxes are pretty much $100 for in most cases between 5 to 14 models>

Try 49 usd.

still 50 bucks for plastic toys

You are insufferable.

Do you also think AUS prices are exactly converted based on google exchange values? Those are absolute cheapest here 75 USD at stores and maybe online/ebay you can find one for $65 + tax so more like 75$ cheapest if you're lucky and find something on a sale or some retard like you selling on ebay.

Hey guys. According to this faggot Australians don't pay more for minis because everything is just am exchange of currency.

thewarstore is an online US based game store that sells the start collecting 85 dollar box's for 68 bucks


68 dollars plus tax plus shipping.

75 dollars plus shipping

Then don't buy or play nigger. Nobody is forcing you.

If it's that big of a deal go do something else.

Shipping on that site is 6.95

68 + 7 = 75

Plus tax.

You're saving maybe 2 dollars, turns out to be $83 dollars the absolute cheapest scenario. From the GW website it would be about 10 bucks more maybe 15.

A far cry from $47 you were hooting and hollering about and crying and wailing all over the place about


So now that you admitted you're wrong about this "positive" direction GW is going in, maybe we can go back to the OP instead going over again about how you are wrong.

You ever read through an old white dwarf? Sometimes I feel like they got tired, the magic was lost.

>poster count: 13

It's 12 people calling you fucking retarded, not one person you think is wrong.

>"it's 47 USD"
>turns out to be $83 USD cheapest
>gets upset he is wrong and starts throwing a temper tantrum and calling people niggers

Is that shipping per item or just for the entire order. Because in the latter case you could save a fair bit by buying more than one item at a time. Though personally I just go to my flgs and order it there for the -20% off.

Then don't buy them?

To give you a serious answer, the turning point was probably when Citadel Miniatures gained control of GW

Can you provide examples where GW has actively cracked down on something that would in no way whatsoever have the slightest chance of infringing on their copyrights?

Even posting scans and total points costs from codices I can understand since they charge money for those.

You mean the stuff that already existed? I know Veeky Forums likes to pretend that the Primarchs were all literal supermen who could do no wrong, but the truth is that the majority of them behaved like typical humans.

go to bed Dave, I'll see you at work tmrw

Go to a FLGS
Ask for 20%
Get out.

I also dont understand if you are in the US or Australia.
Im in New Zealand, have PO box in UK and always buy on wayland. There isnt any additional tax or whatever.

Im not even paying 33% of the nz price by doing that.

Only thing is that its long to get your shit (1month or wayland to ship to your PO box and another for it to come)

But i have so much things to paint in the meantime and i don't order less than £500 at a time (by ordering big you can also ask for additional discount via email)

>When did they become so petty? Even that shitty fan made 40k movie was delayed like half a decade because they were being sued and shit.
The Lord Inquisitor and Exterminatus beg to differ. New GW has a policy of "fan-stuff is OK so long as they aren't making money from it." Which is fair, because it is their IP.

Why did they deleted Warhammer fantasy battle?

Why did they deleted Bretonnia and tomb kings?


You mean the movie that got made and then GW went "on a second thought, nope" and there was nothing the makers could do about it except leak it online and never talk about it again.

10 years ago, when you walked in a LFGS, it was a one-man store with 2 or 3 grumpy grognards, shit minis and shit magazines. A games workshop store was always busy and the community was great. Now it's exactly the other way around.

>Why are you omitting the fact they basically offer half price box for every army compared to 1 year ago ?
AoS start collecting boxes are at least as expensive as old WHFB ones, for less.

MY LFGS sells the Start Collecting boxes for about 50 bucks. You can get between 5 (Eldar, it's 5 vehicles) and 23 (Tau) miniatures out of it. If You're buying directly at their site for the full 85$, then that's your problem.

But then we need to compare to LFGS doing -50% off Prodos, Infinity or Mantic. GW is one of the worse company for third party retailers

When I began playing wh40k second edition back in the days, a space marine tactical squad was about 11£ (the pound was higher valued back then compared to now, but that's how I remember it after conversion).
But that was the not so good non-posable box set.
I creamed my pants when the 3rd edition tactical squad set was released. Almost the same price, but highly detailed fully posable minis with tons of extra bits. Truly the golden age.

Oh well, on to the topic at hand: GW is shit and they will never be good again. no one here played any GW games in the late nineties anyway so how can you know for real how GW has turned into a massive planet sized pile of shit? Now gramps here will show himself out.

I've been playing since RT and mostly 2nd edition. It's funny when I here people complain how shit things have gone since the 'good old days', then you ask when they started and it's '2005'. They have no idea.

I remember GW stores were magical places full of intrigue and mystical beasts known as fa/tg/uys. Now... It's kind of lame. I remember you couldn't even bring Squats into the store, or conversions that were more than 90% original GW product.

Our FLGS stopped carrying 40K and other GW stuff in Canada because "It's not worth it, and it is a scam for new players to pay so much to enjoy a game."

I kind of agree with them. They are still in business, and sell a lot of other stuff now that they don't have a wall dedicated to 40k.

This is what he's fucking talking about. Prices are better to get stuff than they were before. It's a positive turn, just not a complete 180 back in the right direction. Try buying a dread, a tactical squad, and a captain, separate and new in box.

When you do the math the start collecting is still saving you money and to deny that is comparable to denying the sky being blue.

They haven't shut down Lord Inquisitor, for one.

>When you do the math the start collecting is still saving you money
>because they were over charging and ripping you off so much the start saving saves you money despite still over charging and ripping you off

There's a reason GeeDubs isn't as healthy of a companyas it should be. Of course you could argue that they can charge a premium for their product because of demand but, you would be being their little bitch then.

The structure of company is bad, the pricing structure worse and they actively throughout the years have fired talent for no reasons regarding performance. They nickle and dime their employees and don't actively try to retain the best. So yes they can charge as much as they want for their products and yea they also have had the possibility of shutting down or requiring a buyout for several years at various points in time.

Their answer to their business failing is to charge the customer more and crackdown on their fanbase for creating content or discussing armies in forums. The OP is regarding "what went wrong" and why are they so "petty".

One user said that sharing point costs infringed on the IP and yes that's true... But, army books and codexes had or should have much more going for them that makes people want to purchase them like fluff, artwork, pictures, painting guides, editorials, etc etc etc

If you have to crackdown on people sharing point costs then there's a problem with the company.

Like I said, it's a positive step to lower the price of the bundles, but not the end.

Prices are only getting better for some bundles. Individual guys in blisters are $30 a piece now, and it doesn't look like things are changing in that regard. The price of a full army is still more than anything else on the market.

>There's a reason GeeDubs isn't as healthy of a companyas it should be.
>millions in profit every year
>more profit than expected last half-year

You're retarded.

>So yes they can charge as much as they want for their products and yea they also have had the possibility of shutting down or requiring a buyout for several years at various points in time.

No they haven't, quit making shit up you stupid fuck. You don't even know the first thing about business yet you spout all this shit like you know anything about corporate structuring. You probably don't even know what overhead is or how to calculate payroll.

"Compared to 1 year ago"

B-but, they're doing things I don't like! Companies can't do things I don't like AND be successful, that would mean I'm not important!

>not knowing GW was at risk of going under several times in the past
Mhmm guise keep taking it up the ass by Kirby

It's literally in their investors reports, which you should probably READ before you spout shit, especially since they've been making millions in profit for the past 4+ years.

I'm also going to ask for a source that they've ever been in danger of going bankrupt since they have nearly zero debt and ridiculously high liquidity.

>not knowing GW was at risk of going under several times in the past

Like? Generally speaking a company can survive with 0 profits for some time, GW has never had 0 profit but it has had very low ammounts of profit before. They've always been a small company in a niche, right now they are doing great and their change of policies has given them more profit which means we will see more boxed games with tons of savings, more boxes with savings on them and everyone will be happy.

Except poorfags, they're never happy unless its welfare.

Is it cool to hate GW or something?

You must be new here.

Started 40k a few weeks ago, the guys at my local GW are great, and the new box sets are decent value.

Dont see what all the fuss is about

who is this non-white?

Their prices are in line with the rest of the market now. Paying $5 or more for a pewter miniature is normal. I'll admit that some things are ridiculous, but the price of tooling plastics at the factory is massive.

Does GW offer a five dollar single model?


If you don't want to pay $140 for a model, don't.

Uh, no. The film wouldn't be up on YouTube right now if that were the case. The director released it early because the FX were taking too long to finish and he wanted to move on to other, hopefully better, projects.

GW's really turned it's shit around ever since the new CEO took over. Back in 5th and 6th edition, it was a cartoonishly greedy organization, and all that damage to their reputation isn't going to go away overnight.

What's insufferable is that you are complaining about the price of a luxury item... A luxury item that is easily replaced by other miniatures from other lines. Unless you are playing at a Games Workshop store, why not just use proxies?

You are screeching like an autist because model kits are too expensive. You are not entitled to model kits.

Yeah, Ive been waiting to get into warhammer for years and now that I am, its just good timing that they start doing things 'right'
I dont know about the rest of you guys, but the tau boxes in Australia are crazy good value (still expensive as fuck though)

Break it down per model and compare it to other lines, you might notice something.

This is literally the best time to get into 40k. The models are the best quality and most affordable they've been in years, we've got several good video games out/on the way, and a badass fan film in production. I haven't enjoyed it this much since I was first introduced to the universe.

Glad I did, Im loving it.
but is there a new edition coming out soon? already got my rulebooks and codexs and whatnot

Pic related

Yeah, it sounds like they're dropping 8th edition in late spring/early summer. From the sound of things, the focus will be to streamline the game without toning down the tactical complexity too much.

It's a great deal for the Tau because you get about $90CAD worth of shit comped. The per model price is in line with everything, except the single HQ figures, which are bullshit.

But a 54mm model like a crisis suit being $30? Fair. A 28mm Fire Warrior for $4.80? That's just about right.

The trick is that you need a lot of them to play a game, they don't come in small lots for cheap and that all piles up.

You're a fucking dickhead

I too started with 2nd. It's been strange riding the coaster that is Warhammer but I think things are definitely changing for the better. GW are starting to show a more human side I recognise from way back when.

Well, I don't know him personally, but I can tell he's a way better person than the racist shitposter that won't stay in his safe space.

Are you a fucking retarded double nigger?
75$ is fucking insanely cheap by any fucking metric for what is essentially an entire starter army. You'd probably bitch that the price was too high even if GW paid you for you to have it.
shut the hell up faggot.

I say what the majority thinks, and I'm getting a good sense as to what shade you are...

page ten save rave

The start collecting boxes are cheaper simply because they are including a single infantry model that costs an outrageous 30 bucks instead of a vehicle.

Pic related was 90 bucks. The current IG start collecting box is 85 with one less infantry squad, 2 less heavy weapons teams, and two less pieces of terrain instead of a single commissar model.

Don't delude yourself into thinking the start collecting boxes are a good value, because they are not.

>American doesnt understand that $90 in 1995 and $90 now arent the same at all.
>Literraly living in the "First country" in most of everything and passively has twice the buying power of any eurropeans and three times more than the rest of the "forst" world due to economy of scales and harsh economical politics on any of their other 190 slave country.
>Still complain.

man... i dont even..

90 bucks was the price in 2009.

$90 from 2009 is worth $100 today in case you were interested.

Yeah, I'll restate my point:

The start collecting boxes are cheaper simply because they are including a single infantry model that costs an outrageous 30 bucks instead of a vehicle.

Pic related was the equivalent of 100 bucks today. The current IG start collecting box is 85 with one less infantry squad, 2 less heavy weapons teams, and two less pieces of terrain instead of a single commissar model. (the two heavy weapons teams makes up the difference in the price alone)

Don't delude yourself into thinking the start collecting boxes are a good value, because they are not.

Sorry for being a big ol' retard, user.

ITT: poor people complaining about a measly $250

Lol shut the fuck up nerd.

Seriously, people need to look at other hobbies and get some fucking perspective. GW's price gouging looks amateurish in comparison

The true value of a dollar isn't really relevant if people are still making the same money on average.

>Slavposter is getting so desperate he's resorted to being racist.

Is slavposter carjacking?

>WHFB was losing money for years and not generating enough sales to the point of getting axed because it was hemorrhaging money
>LOTR/Hobbit sales have decreased to a point where it generates no significant amount of profit and it won't be further developed
>40k is the only seemingly healthy product line with there being a stagnation of sales unless they push pay to win strategies increasing development costs
>have to lower prices because fudging their profit numbers is catching up to them and are leading to fewer sales