I have insider info that IOTA is about to moon hard - up to $7 within the next 24 hours.
If you don't believe me, I feel sorry for you.
I have insider info that IOTA is about to moon hard - up to $7 within the next 24 hours.
If you don't believe me, I feel sorry for you.
bough 7 thx
Okay feel sorry for me.
>he feels sorry for me
I don't even think about you, user.
Bought some Thanks OP
>meanwhile shit dropped below 20k satoshi
IOTA is moon straight to the fucking garbage can piece of fucking worthless shit.
They didn't have to go all political but they did, they did.
Last thing for them to do now is to publicly say "FUCK TRUMP"
gg no re.
proof? As far as I know knowledge of the IoT alliance hasn't gone mainstream yet and the roadmap doesn't come out until next week, so why the moon?
^sources on current cisco and bosch partnerships through the IoT alliance.
>1 post by this id
kek yeah i'll pass on this one bud
What you mean political? What did they do? Give me an excuse not to buy IOTA
You just convinced me to buy XMR instead
whatever you do don't buy it on binance. wallets been fucked for about a week. also don't send xmr to binance it took 9 hours and i was about to have a panic attack thinking i fucked up the address with no way to check.
Agree with David in all that, no one cares about reddit normie opinions
indeed. binance is with the cuck act again
xmr is super comfy, ive been holding it since summer and it has shot from $40 to $300.
The xmr devs work on an actual product instead of going around marketing themselves with ever buzzword in the book
iota is all about marketing buzzwords with no substance, the dev doesnt do anything to answer questions except call people stupid and call everything fud
pic related.
I told you all to sell at 4.70 and that it would go down below 4. The owner is literally a brainlet with a superiority syndrome. When people found faults in his code he went "LMAO DUMBASS WALKED RIGHT INTO THE BOOBIE-TRAP!!".
If you want more evidence to his extreme brainletism check out
what a piece of shit
And into the trash it goes
Hes such a child. Id never put my money into a project where one of the main devs spent most of his day on twitter talking shit.
Stay poor faggot
Politics is the least of their worries. The thing is fucking broken and focusing on those refugee comments is stupid of you
Have fun riding the rollercoaster down, I’ll stick to investing in projects that arent run by clowns.
>youve got your politics in my crypto
Emotional investing is best investing user
Holy shit. Im never buying IOTA. Fucking bastards are covering up for thousands of isis members raping girls in sweden, germany, and france. Fuck thos faggots they deserve a 2 dollar rope. Im gunna FUD IOTA whenever i get the chance lol.
This broken shit coin is worth less than my son's left over ChuckE Cheese tokens
This girl makes decision based off emotion, dont be like this girl
When IOTA hits 10 bucks next month remember how dumb u were today pls
lol normie opinions aren't anti-refugee you fucking under-educated cuck.
lol thanks for this, never gonna touch that shit
retard. it has nothing to do with using twitter. trump, satoshi lite, and vitalik all use twitter but they dont defend rapefugees ruining europe and call anyone who is educated a xenophobe.
You obviously can’t read truthful information.
Lmao can you read?
He responded do it because he doesn't care what garbage people talk. He never said anything racist or anti refuge.
Everyone should make throwaways and respond to that thread. Post your dumped IOTA transactions.
shit...well, I guess I'll profit (or at least break even) and then bail
idk if ur talking about me or what. I dont need iota to make it when there are fucking 100 coins that are better with more to come.
No substance??? Dear god
No, you took a screenshot of a google search. Read the article on psychologytoday.com...breaks it down that they never once mentioned partnership with Microsoft, but it was Microsoft. Their system of node structure, no miners, no fees is brilliant and will only be improved upon.
Maybe I'll hold, make a lot of money, get an interview publicized saying I made X dollars off of IOTA and I'm a white supremacist or some shit, trigger the dev
I don’t give a shit about the guy. He’s out in left field. But their technology is good for crypto in general and obviously I want money