Stat me


Why bother. You dead


CE Bard/Assassin
Bardic Performance: Oratory
Point-blank shot
Proficiency: Firearms

>cop who killed a politician for religious/political reasons AND shouted allah akbar
>not a paladin

If I enlist army and shoot enemy soldiers screaming "WE ARE NUMBER ONE", what class will I be?

>Killing filthy subhumans
>Not LG

A /k/ommando

feels very... Dunno. Orchestrated.

>Killing an unarmed opponent in a sneak attack

What worries me the most is how could such a man filled with so much hatred have such a sharp fashion sense?

>murdering innocent politician for something distantly related to him, doing cold blooded but cowardly way to murder,
Thats muslim paladins for you

Treachery Paladin Assassin Rogue

>What worries me the most is how could such a man filled with so much hatred have such a sharp fashion sense?

Hitler's SS called.

(Also: He's clearly a trained professional[1] and professionals often have great fashion, see e.g. Secret Service, you have to be able to blend in with the high society your primary travels in)

[1] (Have you seen the fucking pictures. He keeps his sights ready while moving to position, and he's got excellent trigger discipline even after the shooting has started)

Well, from what I've heard he was a former (Recently let go) police officer. They tend to be at least moderately trained.


>putin-era russian


>he's never heard of evil paladins
>pity him

Lvl 6 Mage
School: Illusion
Focus: Firearm

A real villain.

>Well, from what I've heard he was a former (Recently let go) police officer. They tend to be at least moderately trained.

That probably also explains the fashion sense - he's trying to blend in at a high-stakes even and he's used to wearing formal dress for reviews etc./


The pictures from this seem somehow "too clean". I mean they look like studio photos.

No no. Stat me!

Literally professional studio-grade photographers making studio-grade photos.

It was a multi-million dollar event and there's both photo cameras as well as 4K screencaps from the video footage.

You mean laughing_butthurt_belt.jpg

Yeah, it was a polly at an art gallery.

It's also using the few REALLY good photos from the multiple dozens of photogrophers there. It's the monkeys with typewriters thing. Enough people taking photos will get you a few fantastic photos.


Where's the blood?

I am going to hell for laughing at this...


Turkish cop assasinated a Russian diplomat in Turkey as retaliation for the Russians bombing civvies in Aleppo.

I like to think it is karma for the Russians shooting down the MH17.