Are you a bad enough dude to work for Shinra?

Are you a bad enough dude to work for Shinra?

How would you run it?

Corporation RPG

Middle management sim where the players are minor white-collars and try to scam system as much as they can while avoiding being killed by rogue SOLDIERs, corporate KGB, or crazed ecoterrorists.

Sounds like Dark Heresy honestly.

Basically this. You remember all those levels of cubicles you had to run past and nick security passes from?
That's the setting. You have to try and avoid getting fired, get your work done and get back home in time to watch the big game.
Wageslave slice of life.

For Shinra mooks sure, but I don't think the Turks would be doing much paperwork.

Even in the scenario where the Turks have to handle mountains of paperwork Reno and Rude would just shovel it all off on Elena.

how president Shinra ran it

no need to fix what's not broken the company got along fine until his retarded son took over

though I might want to make anti-fan-fic character measures

Well she's the new girl, call it an initiation.

president shinra was all in all a pretty cool dude

like, his whole thing was making sure EVERYONE could live affordably, it was how he kept his power and kept everyone (relatively) happy

the sectors were shitty, yes, but they still got power and people still lived just fine down there

other than the whole "muh earth life force" thing that was where all that energy was coming from, president shinra was a fine fella

I'm still so mad that Reno got away with being an unapologetic murderer, and was played for comic relief for the rest of the game and beyond.

That first fight with him at the top of the sector 7 pillar was so fucking real and you so wanted to choke him to death by his faggy neck. And then they just kind of forgot about him killing your friends and countless civilians because just doing my job lmoa.

Tell that to Wutai

He's hot, is the thing. If he didn't do it, Rufus would've.

Tbh everyone down there was dead man walking already so he merely sped up their inevitable demise.

yeah the wutai war was pretty fucked i forgot about that

I'm starting to think Refluffed DH may work, but it misses a lot of what makes FF7, FF7. On the other hand, Turks don't seem ones for using Materia or the like much anyway.

I could probably run it, with next to no alterations to how things work, in Anima: BF.
>There are already oversized weapons
>There's already rules for more modern guns, I'd just have to stat those
>Materia would be super simple to implement, courtesy of Prometheum's enchanted stuff tables.
>monster creation is fairly simple, even the WEAPONS.
Fucks sake, just switch around a few techs and tweak some monster abilities and it'd be easy to turn Omega into Sephiroth(Bizarro and Safer)

Most Materia effects were too flashy for corporate espionage.

I'd run it as 'shadowrun meets yakkity sax'. For a team of supercorp operatives, they don't seem very, y'know, competent.

>What's that? We have the relative location of a group of terrorists?
>No no, don't bother setting up a search party with our literal infinite supply of money, the latest technology, and the strongest army in the world. We'll just blow up the entire town they live in.

It's called style man.


You are the first person ever besides myself that has voiced this opinion and I want you to know that if there were ever a time that you were in need and it was in my power to assist you I would lend you my aid as a brother.

>Shinra mines Mako
>Mako converted into electricity
>electricity powers agriculture and industry
>More agriculure and industry means more food more jobs, and more people
>No fossil fuels, coals or other polluting shit killing off living things are used.
>When organics die their souls are converted to Mako anyways

So Shinra is actually beneficial to the Planet and the human race, amirite?

Dark heresy was our plan for a while. DH2e is vague in most ways enough that you could pretty easily write Homeworld/Background/Role into hometowns and FF-style jobs and stuff.

The Dark Heresy style of game supported a group working together with whacky abilities, but could still be badass specialists in various ways. It also likes guns and cover, but also has crazy powerful melee weapons, which seemed like a good fit. It also already assumes all of the characters are agents working for a potentially insane or unhelpful bossman.

Magic would need to be torn out and put back in as materia, which is where we got stuck, but it's a hell of a lot easier than trying to put it into Pathfinder or 4e DND, which was all of the options at the time. Nowadays, though, I'd imagine that 5e would be a pretty good fit, it's a little more generic and easy to mod and everyone I know is familiar with it.

Well, that and blowing up a sector while listening to classical music.
Great moment, that

I don't know what part of draining the souls of the afterlife, which are a finite resource, seems like a good idea to you.

Maybe not let Hojo go full retard and emotionally starve his son until he goes insane.

Probably not as fucked up as trying to get Red to rape Aeris