The biggest ICO of 2018 is taking place right now

>The biggest ICO of 2018 is taking place right now
>Veeky Forums doesn't have a single thread on it
>Has Roger Ver and an insanely large and competent team running it
>Company already listed on German stock exchange, trading billions
>Plan to allow trading stocks with this ICO using their platform, incoming debit card
>Literally getting listed on an exchange in 8 days.

Remember: You won't lose any money if you decide to help me by clicking that link above.

Thanks pajeet. Bought some but didn't use your referral link.


No worries friend, hope we both make money regardless.

they have a fucking william gibson quote on their homepage

>Roger Ver
must be legit then

This is actually a pretty solid ICO. Thanks for posting this.

Thanks, I bought 100k

pick 2

>51,600 backers already

>roger ver
go fuck yourself lol


indeed billions


imagine you could overturn your market cap several times in a month

that would be insane

like 400% liquidity

tnx bro just added that site to my antivirus

Ok I see some people are reluctant about investing in NAGA coin.

Can I get some serious explanations why?


Because it is new and they have very very low IQ's

Can't wait! :'D

hmm looks good but I haven't really researched it, need to do some background checks on the company and shit. Overall seems like too good to be true bait, don't feel safe at all.

Would have if not for Roger

how to tell shitcoins: whitepaper not done in LaTeX.

yeah fuck this shit, all over their site they are like "hurr der we billion $ company", then I try to get some information on the actual crypto and what it does, it's vague as shit and appears to have no purpose. Fuck this, they are just trying to dip their toes while the waters hot in the crypto market, fuck that noise. Not wasting my time reading any more of that hot garbage. Even if it's legit, the devs seem like arrogant cock suckers and I would never support or trust a business that evaluates themselves like that.

can someone link me to the billions of coins being traded? If you can I will eat my words, thanks!

Bro ICO's are so summer of 17.

ICOs are ripoffs 99% of time. Better off seeing how the coin performs after the ICO and either buying dip or riding hype train


Is this anything to do with MAGA?

Nice try guess you didn't think we'd notice that the Chief Project Manager and Chief of Technical Operations are the same guy

Enjoy your mad gainz. Night.

Why did you tell the PAJEET. I'm waiting for my damn paycheck.

>Accepted Nationalities: Every Nationality, except: United States

> http

Nope. I ain't clicking that shit.

After doing an ipo they are doing an ico. Just ask yourself if they are worth billions already why do they need an ico?
Btw they wanted to raise 300 million initially.

Paid advertisments on fb
Scamcoin dont trust any that need to do that

naga ico is shit bruh

I already know what the biggest ICO of 2018 is gonna be and it's not that and I ain't shilling it to you

lul what a literal piece of shit. are you a paid shill or just dumb?


STK :)

looked nice until they started to talk about video games. Not even going to research further.

will prbly x100 anyways.

The fuck?