So you have this situation

So you have this situation.

The Elf girl in your team adopted a Tiefling boy.

The boy seems to be a skilled thief since he actually managed to steal your team's Paladin's sword right under his nose and would've gotten away with it if it weren't for the girl.

The boy is also a street urchin, has no parents, lives in the slums, and resorted to stealing in order to survive. He's a nice kid, but the Elf is worried that if he keeps continuing what he's doing, then at one point he'll be no different from the stereotypical Tieflings. Hence why she adopted him.

What do you do in this situation?

Also post cute pics.

Kill them both. Next party will be only Human Master Race.

>hating on cute Tieflings

You are a monster. Go back to that Mary Sue you call Zarus.

>loving the litteral spawn of Satan.

The Emperor work is never done!!!!!

>Hating on someone who was born due to Fiend shenanigans and didn't choose to be this way.

Well ain't that righteous...

Then Death will be his reward and his freedom!

I'd rather raise him and insert some strong morals into him.

This way he'll be still a nice guy and that would mitigate his looks.

Then you shall be killed as well for you are a traitor of the Human Race.

We hold a vote and kick the elf out of the party. Adventuring is no place for a child, and it's not something a good mother should be risking her life doing when she has a child that depends on her.

So yeah, Alex, have a new character sheet for next weeks session when we go into the ancient tomb of unspeakable horrors and hypermurderdeath.

>Implying Tieflings aren't a sub-species of humans

Checkmate Knight Templar.

Subspecies exist to be killed by the Mainspecies. You don't allow a Traitor, a Witch and a Mutant to live.

Well that's also fine. Though didn't you know that the Ancient Tomb of Unspeakable Horrors and HYPERMURDERDEATH can be easily bypassed by having one person enter a small room that is the master mechanism for all traps?

The tunnel leading to it is small and we don't have a Halfling or other small person around.

But this boy however...

Not where I come from zealot.

Then you need to be purged, EXTERMINATUS!!!!

I like the Idea.
Maybe the PCs have a kind of base were they can keep him when they go adventuring and between killing they can raise the boy.

The creature must die and the elf too if it gets in the way.

Devil boy /ss/

Good luck, I'm behind 9500 Power Liches.

Indeed. The whole thing with Tieflings is that they turn out evil most of the time because they don't get the love that every child should get and are targets of prejudice.

But are they different from us? NOPE. Just like half-Orcs they are no different from any other person despite having the other half from a creature that is evil (and when it comes to Orcs...this also depends on the setting).

Thus the idea of a band of PCs raising the kid to be a good person is not bad at all.

You won't be capable because Puppy Eyes.

> So you have this situation.
No, we don't.

Teach boy how to use a sword, ride a horse, and cook, find shelter, and survive in the wilderness. He's welcome to accompany us (staying out of the dungeons, of course), but he has to pull his weight.

Also sneak him extra dessert when the elf girl isn't looking, and tell him stories of my adventures to help him sleep when we're camped during a thunderstorm.

My armor is contempt.
My shield is disgust.
My sword is hatred.
In the Emperor's name, let none survive.

Any excuse to be the cool old uncle/aunt is a good one.

I check to make sure the little blighter hasn't nicked my sword again.
Then like the sickeningly noble paladin I am I forgive him and offer to assist when I have no more pressing duties. If only to try and instill in him a sense of JUSTICE.

Doesn't hurt that we're in 4e and tieflings are the watered down variants.

I teach him the ways of the murderhobo. He's already halfway there, so fuck it.

Yeah. And a good rogue can be of great help. Maybe, with class levels he can later level into shadow dancer which would be awesome.
Which makes him basically Batman. JUSTICE from the SHADOWS!

Well, given that my character is a dark elf thief with a broadly similar story and only slightly physically more mature due to slow elven aging...probably become a bad influence on the tiefling and get into hijinks with him.

Now you are.


How do those people from the farthest east call people like you?

Tsundere? Was it?


Hey, at least it would be fun to see that happen.

And if he ages faster than you, it's basically not even /ss/!

40kfags pls go and stay in your setting
I like 40k too but pls

>I'd rather raise him and insert some strong morals into him
Oh I bet you would.

We are His Angel of Death.
We Shall Know No Puppy Eyes.


Even the Emperor is not immune to the power of PUPPY EYES.

sounds like a viable romance option if xou ask me... consodering that hopefully your character is female

Nanananananananana Batman!

No, don't. Don't have hope your children. Now he's going to grow up to be a (possibly literally) flaming gay bard.

I kick puppy in RL, I can kick them in the game.


But, what kind of Tieflimg are we dealing with here? A fire Tiefling, frost Tiefling, shadow Tiefling, or what? Is it a naturally birthed Tiefling that resulted from a Fiend mating a Human, or is it the result of a Demonic Pact? Is it half Human, or is its mortal lineage something else? What's the Tiefling's alignment? I know alignment is a shit but when dealing with Extra-Planar entities its a big deal. How old is it, what kinds of blatantly demonic physical or mental defromities does it have? This is a vague as hell question, OP.

But then again, my group is made up of 2 Human Paladins of Zarus, an Uncle Tom Half-Elf Barbarian/Cleric of Law and Strength, and myself, a deranged Warforged Bard/Wizard with 2 levels in Alchemist who specializes in Evocations and Necromancy. I can't say that it would end well.

>even the Emperor isn't immune to puppy dog eyes
Heretic, men of the Emperors Hammer will purge Xenos and Mutant children while they beg for mercy. For in the Galaxy if we give them the opportunity they would destroy us without a second thought

Yes this way. The other way involves devolving into the already abominable mess of a shit thread this place has become. I can already feel the emoticons forming in the air as I speak. It disgusts me.

For the record, my drow character is 27 years old, but in elf terms that's about the equivalent physical and mental development of a 16ish-year-old human (using Races of the Wild's statement that a 25-year-old elf is as developed as a 15-year-old human, thereby giving us an aging rate of about 60% up to that point, though after that point is slows to a crawl).

>Hey, at least it would be fun to see that happen.


>"Where have you two been?" demanded the paladin.
>"Uh..." the tiefling boy said, glancing to the drow for help, tail quickly curling up to hide what was held there
>"We were, um...on the roof!" The drow tried
>"Yeah!" the tiefling confirmed. "Just, uh...watching the stars."
>"Stars are pretty," the drow added helpfully.
>The paladin gave the disapproving look that only he could. "What's that you have in your tail?" he asked.
>"Nothing!" the tiefling said. "Honest!"
>The paladin clearly doubted the tiefling knew the meaning of the word as he walked around, glancing behind the boy. But there was nothing there, his tail simply waving back and forth freely.
>"Fine," he said. "I heard shouting and a call for guards and assumed...but that wasn't fair of me. I apologize."
>"You should!" The drow exclaimed, then softened. "And apology accepted."
>The paladin left, and the drow sighed in relief, pulling out the archduke's crown that the two had nicked, and which the tiefling had held in his tail until the drow had nabbed it. "That was close," she noted.
>"But that's what makes it fun!" the tiefling boy noted.
>"Yup - " the drow began
>The paladin stuck his head back in "Oh, you'll probably want to keep...your heads...down..." he noticed the two, and the crown they had. Outside, the guards were shouting to widen the search area.
>"Run?" the tiefling asked
>"Run," the drow confirmed. And they were off.
>The paladin sputtered, then felt fury. Not righteous fury - familial fury. It was far more empowering at times. "GET BACK HERE!"

>Sperging out about the Emperor and stale purging meme whenever a hypothetical situation with a nonhuman is brought up

See this is why Imperium Dickriders are the second worst fanbase within 40k.

Chaos has been confirmed as the worst, though

>the elf is the party rogue
>That fucking polyglot probably wants an apprentice anyways
It was only a matter of time before she finally did it to some other poor sod's kid anyways.

>What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.

Matthew 15:11


Note also that according to Leviticus he should return what he has stolen plus at least a fifth of its value.

Why I should care about your False God?

Hence why i said second.
Being better Than a Chaosfag isn't very hard though.

To be Unclean
- That is the mark of the Mutant
To be Impure
- That is the mark of the Mutant
To be Abhorred
- That is the mark of the Mutant
To be Reviled
- That is the mark of the Mutant
To be Hunted
-That is the mark of the Mutant
To be Purged
- That is the fate of the Mutant
To be Cleansed
- For that is the fate of all Mutants
-Extract from a Training Chant

This. Make sure the elf is educating the impressionable young boy in the ways of womanly affection.

For the record, Carmen Sandiego could beat the Imperium, too.

"Where in the Warp did the Golden Throne go?"


Well maybe there is somewhere out there a Tiefling Paladin, sooooo...WHY NOT?

Daemonic Pact that resulted in a half human half fiend. Tiefling linked with Beshaba.

So far he's neutral with leanings towards good, but if left alone he'd become evil if at one point he'd do something that would change his alignment.

Also it is still a child. Ten years old. The things that clearly betray his lineage are the horns and a tail.

Which part of I'm a fucking sociopath you don't get?

>Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; do not have relations with her.
Leviticus 18:7


You are?

I am an atheist. I simply appreciate the morals laid out in the bible.

A real sociopath doesn't brag like a faggot trying to pretend he's badass about it on a Laotian flipnote forum.

So is ok for you to kill Egyptian First Borns but not a litteraly half-demon?

Properly speaking, it's God, not any Jew, who kills the firstborn of Egypt.

Tres cute.

>Laotian flipnote forum
9/10 for creativity, haven't seen that one before

Sure. If you believe so. I believe it was the proto-Mossad.

The Mulk Baal sacrifice of first-born sons is a primitive relic of the Caananite cult of El (also known as Baal Hamon in Carthage where there is a large amount of historical evidence of this.) However, later writers in the bible recognized the evil of this practise and inserted polemics (such as the story of Isaac and Abraham) and laws (such as the redemption of sons with silver) against this practise. A proper understanding of the bible relies on knowing that the bible consists of many writers with differing agendas.

And Shining is how Kubrik tould us that the Moon Landing is an Hoax.

To be a Sperg
-that is the mark of the 40kid
To be a Faggot
-that is the mark of the 40kid
To shove 40k into everything,
-that is the mark of the 40kid
To not stop shouting "HFY"
-that is the mark of the 40kid
To pretend to be a space Marine on a Vietnamese Fingerpainting board
-that is he mark of the 40kid
To finger himself while he fantasizes about deepthroating the Emperor's shriveled up cock
-that is the mark of the 40kid
To kill himself
-for that is the fate of the 40kid
-Extract from the Litanies of Urafaget

I sigh loudly. "Alright, fine, which one of us is going to apprentice him?"

To be fair Urafaget did win a few crusades.

>No, we don't.
But you posted in this thread instead of just ignoring it, so clearly you do.

But we're not related...

Fucking elves

>street urchin
>good kid

Fuck that genre. Thiefling dies on the gridiron, elf gets a puppy instead.

You know, there are times where children without parents who live on the streets are forced to survive be means that sometimes clash with their character because there is no other way.

I'm sorry there are tropes you don't like. Life must be very difficult for you.


kill that tiefling kid while it's asleep

Here's how the party reacts when that happens
Druid Half-elf
>"I'm against this course of action."
Ranger Human
>I go shopping for things we need for the journey.
Fighter Dragonborn
>"Absolutely not. We can't take him with us."

Cue half an hour of discussion between the Elf and the party 'Leader' over bringing the tiefling along. Eventually, the group will continue without the tiefling, since the elf is outnumbered two to one on the decision.

Support elf? I mean we do have a manor with some staff, adding a kid to the things to take care of won't be too much of a hassle
And it'll be nice to have some male company for once

Im starting to think that hfyfag, anti-puppy sociopath anf this idiot are one edgy puppetposter.

The murderhobo mentality is strong these days.

There should be ways to penalize people for taking such actions when they are not required.

That kind of pragmatism is hot.

>And so the Paladin, with a heavy heart, performed his sacred duty and executed his party members.

People like you are why people think paladins are boring and inflexible.

My party:
>Human Warlock: Would try and kill the child for ritual reagents, as he has demonic blood.
>Dwarf Fighter: Indifferent, probably drunk
>Wood Elf Barbarian: Would want to mollycoddle and keep the child, would call a duel with the warlock for the decision, would be beaten into the dirt.
>Half-Elf Sorcerer: Would want to keep the child and Take a democratic vote for it, violence would win the day anyway
>High Elf Ranger: Would want to keep the child alive if possible, but not at the risk of dividing the party or risking the mission.
>High Elf Rogue: Would want to keep the child alive and take it with us, would respect his skills.
>Halfling Monk: Would want to keep the child alive and take it with us but would settle for leaving him behind but alive
>Elf Bard: Indifference, can't fuck it and can't eat it, or could but doesn't want to.
I have just realised how large our party is.

To execute them, he must first catch them. And he doesn't get a bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

>And so, with a heavy heart, the Paladin turned his party members over to the duke to receive their just punishment, pleading for leniency but understanding the need for harshness in penance.

They're his party members, they'd have to come back to the group sometime or they'll have left.

Dwarvf and human must really suffer from the company of so many fucking elves.

They really do. The Human especially. They're supposed to be fairly neutral or on the evil side, so I thought they'd be able to get along by ignoring each other's choices with a sort of knowing nod and wink, but the Elf players are all quite new (Duh) so they are all highly idealistic and heroic instead, which is fairly off from the characters they proposed.

There is no way in which this urchin would be allowed to stay. He'd be left at the nearest house for wayward boys, or lacking that, he would be dropped off at a monastery to learn the ways of some deity. Bringing a young boy along on adventures is silly first of all, and second would end up with someone killed because of him.

While we're at it, assuming this was my normal party of edgy fucks (Think that Imperial Poster dude tier,) they'd probably kill the kid then hide him, so the Elf thinks he ran off.

All in all, not a problem in my parties. The nice thing about surrounding yourself with murder hobos is you know they'll never face a moral dilemma.


I will throw in my version.

>And so, after catching the two, the Paladin scolded the two for four hours of non-stop talks about how wrong that was what they did. He made them secretly give back what they stole and the next day he made them undergo a series of willpower training regimes to make sure they would fight their urge to steal things they shouldn't...FOR THEIR OWN GOOD OF COURSE.

Or maybe something more important will come up and the Paladin - what with Intelligence being his most likely dumpstat - will forget about the crown as the tiefling and drow proceed to help deal with the more important thing.

Or, with Wisdom likely being pretty good, the Paladin will realize during the course of the more important thing that the tiefling and drow's capacity to do good with their thieving abilities outweighs the mere theft of the crown. He will still insist it be returned, but won't expect them to be jailed or executed, since that removes their ability to do good in the world. Plus it's not likely anyone was injured by stealing the crown.

Instead, he's gonna keep with them and keep trying to turn them more definitely towards good, and work to try and prevent them from stealing things that shouldn't be stolen.

>The nice thing about surrounding yourself with murder hobos is you know they'll never face a moral dilemma.

The cost in lost Disney-esque opportunities is pretty high, however.

Not harsh enough. Can't be lenient just because they're your party members, you have to dole out equal retribution to everyone, regardless of their standing with you. Fine them some items to give to the Duke instead.

Raise him to walk upright in the ways of the Lord.
When he's old enough, we DEUS VULT our way through the heathens and take fucking Jerusalem together.

Original writer of crown theft here.


Any game of D&D that doesn't strongly resemble a Saturday morning cartoon, isn't much of a D&D game.

I'm more about reforming people than simply punishing them.

I'm sensing a deja vu here.


and what do you do when his true nature shines through and he begins to walk to dark path? will you have the strength to give him your god's mercy after raising him and loving him for so long?

Not sure what you mean

are you sure you're not mixing up Mutants and Masterminds with DnD.

Get rid of the Tiefling. Why in God's name would I keep a thief around? This is a question that goes unanswered in so many RPGs I play. The guy is a thief. Has a member's card with the local thieves guild. Advertises this stuff, and I'm supposed to be okay with going to sleep with my stuff around him?

Okay, they're my friends I've bonded with through the battle. This punk isn't. Buy him an all expenses paid ticket to not-Australia on the prison barges, the little shit.

>not playing as tiefling urchin who was adopted by paladin of Ilmater
>not devoting your life to ending the suffering of others that was your first thirteen years of existence
>not proving yourself better than the others of your kind, especially that Zentarim bitch sho seems to revel in her heritage
>not DEUS VULT-ing through a mummy lord and his four minions after your party warlock, another tiefling, fucks up and pisses him off, with nothing but a shield and a hunting knife
>not back-alley smite-shanking that mummy bitch so hard your god sends an angel down to bless your shiv
I'm glad I get to play this character again today

Never played M&M, so I'm pretty confident. D&D is not a system that lends itself well to grim and gritty, not with how important randomness is to the very core of the game.

Help raise the little shit right.

Also, make pancakes.