People claim women don't like classic fantasy shit

>People claim women don't like classic fantasy shit
>Slayers' fanbase had a ton of women
>Probably the most 3.x murderhobo Thing in existence
Explain this.

I'm not actually sure who these people are making this claim

Most people at this point are well aware that women play fantasy games and shit. You seem to have invented a problem, or alternatively exaggerated a relatively minor problem, for you to then solve.

>Explain this



I feel Japan likes pulp genres more than the west

probably even superheros (like the only films that are critically liked seemed to be the marvel ones)

user this is a covert Veeky Forums Slayers thread you have to play along

>People claim women don't like classic fantasy shit

Actually, in SF circles, fantasy tends to get dismissed as a womens' ghetto. "Real Men" don't admit to reading that shit.

>[Probably the most 3.x murderhobo Thing in existence] fanbase had a ton of women.

If this really surprises you, I suspect you've never gamed with actual women. Some of the most brutal, bloodthirsty players I've met are chicks.

>Explain this.

I just did.

Usually when someone says "women don't like X" they either mean "My ideal woman would not like X" or "Women don't like me so it must be because I like X, and not for any of my other glaring problems that I refuse to acknowledge"

The image under the seal is the Hunger Games right?
The thing coming out of the blue portal is the Elder Wand i'm guessing?
Does the Sun ray pentagram belong to anything?
What are the runes?
Im guessing the Laurels belong to some franchise or are they just decoration?


Women exist. Women who game exist.

There is love out there for you OP just stay hygienic.

>tfw your ruse failed and you couldn't trick people into talking about Slayers

>Actually, in SF circles, fantasy tends to get dismissed as a womens' ghetto.
None of that shit ever happened and you know it.

I can see it. People can be macho about the most ridiculous bullshit.

>>Slayers' fanbase had a ton of women
Most of them would be over 300 pounds and ship Gourry with Zelgadis ...

The laurels are part of the Starfleet logo, so Star Trek.

Slayers was pretty boring story wise. What is so interesting about a mary sue who just blasts her way through anything single handedly?

Watching her fail miserably at anything that WASN'T nuking anything that got in her way.

whalebeasts, fujos, and SJWs don't count, they're hardly people.

Of course women like DnD. Anything where waifs shooting lasers are way more powerful than muscley awesome folk punching is popular with wimminz. Men like stuff with punching. Women like characters that fly and shoot lasers. It is a scientific fact.

Pentagram is Supernatural.

that pic is the most cringy Fandom(tm) thing i have ever seen


No, seriously, mixing Back to the Future with all of those shit franchises is like mixing a high-quality whiskey with orange soda from Walmart.

Are you implying that girls don't like Vietnamese punchingman shadow theater?

>mention anime at random party around a random group of females
>hear them swoon over vegeta/future trunks for the next two hours

As long as it is a punching man cartoon where the punching men show enough personality, girls will love that shit.

Especially when there is royalty involved.

Do not ever call Doctor Who shit, grognard.

Not saying it's anything like a majority but I've seen plenty of posts here recently complaining about women and sjws ruining a hobby that's supposed to be for men by forcing themselves in.

Of course, that often goes along with ranting about the marxist conspiracy trying to take over the board so it's probably just something to be ignored.

Sounds like OPM.