How to you deal with the Fullmetal alchemist Homunculi?
Hell how would you even stat them in standard tabletop rules.
How to you deal with the Fullmetal alchemist Homunculi?
>How to you deal with the Fullmetal alchemist Homunculi?
Don't. Stop trying to shove anime into your tabletop games.
Well how you would stat them would fucking depend on the system in question, now wouldn't it?
Brotherhood was ass; a manga's pacing and comedic timing should not be adapted to an anime 1:1.
>standard tabletop rules
>Inb4 where do you think you are
Punch them til they die.
You don't. D&D can't handle their abilities. M&M might, GURPS probably can.
t.350days wasted on anime(according to myanimelist)
Dungeons: The Dragoning handles it easily.
Also the answer is you slash/shoot/blast them to death, but you have to do it in the correct way that defeats their gimmick, obviously.
WATCHING anime is fine, but trying to force it into your roleplaying games is pure cancer.
Especially with FMA where everyone of note's abilities were particular to themselves, and the homunculi were in a whole different league.
Jojo and Dragonball prove you wrong handily, and it matters if you enjoy the pacing manga often has and weren't raised on American style cinema pacing.
>taking ideas from a nonwestern fantasy medium is WRONG, European myth only!
Nevermind that golems themselves are not a European myth.
unless its anime but no one sane plays anima
Fucking weeboos with their copy pasted concepts from anime.
>Playing 50/50% occult mystery/action serious nWod mortal/second sight game
>can i be cute catboy?
ehh, sometimes i wish just for judgment day.
there is difference between being obnoxious weebo faggot with longer katana tha empire state building with cat ears and someone who builds his characters reasonably
Sounds like your problem is just that you play with people who have no taste.
>playing action horror thriller Werewolf game about regular people turning werewolf and being dropped into a rapidly disintegrating society
>can I be an emancipated 17 year old transitioning dj who practices martial arts and parkour on the side?
I have never seen or dealt with the kind of people all you Veeky Forums posters go on about. The closest thing is brand new players who don't know that games have themes, scale or mediums built in and only know what they hear from pop culture, or legit, literal autists like the above guy who thought this character was appropriate for my everyman W:tF game where the pcs were a biker, 2 high school teachers, a bum and a NEET girl with a history fetish.
Out of 80~ players i played rpg with 7 sucked so much that even title of That guy is not enough
5 of them were ultra cancer weeboos the other 2 were just normal mix between standard autist x i want to live in my power fantasy.
>inb4 That GM, im only midly autistic and i play rpgs for fun
That's less than 10%.
I'd say that's a far better going rate than the roll20 average.
>Hell how would you even stat them in standard tabletop rules.
While I don't occasionally mind crossboarders you really should lurk more. At least try to pretend you have an interest in tabletop games.
This is about as equivalent as asking /k/ what sort of bullets should one put in a standard sized gun.
It's the equivalent of asking Veeky Forums what sort of ink you should use for a standard type book.
The equivalent of asking /d/ the cock size of a standard human girl.
playing in real life has its own merits
well /d/egenerates would say "not enough"
You can't do it in D&D. You'd need something modular and variable, such as M&M (probably fairly easily with that).
There are two ways to kill a Homunculi that I know of. One, kill it while using an artifact from which they were made, i.e. bones of the person they are made to replace. Or two, hit them so hard/much that they run out of fake philosopher stones that keep them alive.
I also wonder if you can use alchemy to modify them, like transmute them with glass then smash them to bits. Seeing as such spells could arguably change how their bodies fundamentally work it could make them much easier to kill. This is however mostly hypothetical. Although something similar has been shown on a smaller scale to temporarily damage limbs significantly slowing them down.
You should read the original manga, not that 2003 garbage.
>How to you deal with the Fullmetal alchemist Homunculi?
I... offer them something they want in exchange for something I want? That's how deals work.
That was done in the first anime to Ed's mom's homunculi. Since they are originally beings created of alchemy Ed transmuted her from a slimegirl into flourine gas.
Don't have my books on hand, but I can take a swing at general concepts.
All of them will need a healing factor, 1d5+10 per round? Depends on what level you want them to be at.
Note that they're all puzzle bosses and can revive quickly from 0hp unless utterly destroyed (Lust) or killed via specific means (all of the others).
Greed's ultimate defense grants immunity to all physical damage and requires disabling via something like 'stone to flesh'. Other damage types may vary. he otherwise fought like an untrained peasant, high strength as typical of homonculi, but otherwise unremarkable.
Sloth is basically a barbarian with an upgraded charge attack.
Gluttony eats things and has a special attack: Dex save or be trapped on a demiplane indefinitely, 'Planeshift' or similar allows escape. Characters on the edge of the cone get a modified effect: fail by too much and take massive damage(force? Slashing?). Possibly lose limbs, flip a coin to determine if you are trapped in addition to the damage.
Lust is relatively straightforward, powerful slashing and straight line ranged piercing attacks. One attack per hand.
Wrath is an extremely competent swordsman, high charisma and is well placed in the national government. Perhaps stat him as a college of swords bard. (I forget if he had the healing power)
Envy is a shape shifter with a monstrous true form, stating that is relatively easy.
No clue how to do Pride.