Warhammer 40,000 general

Fuck AoS give us more 40k GW! Edition.

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>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

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>The Black Library (Eldar poetry is shit):

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

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First for Iron Hands

Second for Black Templars

Can you help me find a passage in the Ahriman books where Ctesias appearance (wargear etc) is described? I think there was something in Dead Oracle but I cant ctr-f it. Thank you user!

So much for Unwieldy.

What's your best conversion, 40kg?

My nigga

>Fuck AoS

Wasn't the last AoS release like 4 months ago?

horus heresy was a mistake

Veridyan is back in stock on the UK store.

Why are SoB players on forums the fucking worst?

>black library*

Fixed it for you.

Made this guy as a harpy a month before the actual model was announced. So now I use him as a hive tyrant. Pretty fun conversion.

Yea, so? Fuck Age of Shitmar.

Yes, but now the next releases are going to be AoS for a while probably, and apparently some people don't like that GW doesn't only make 40k

New player from last thread.

Changed the list a little.

So how bad is it to have the boss and nobz in the trukk separate from the rest of the army?

Just posting the most point efficient Ork list to date.

Each model is only slightly less point efficient than a scat bike.

So you're moaning about a business supporting another part of their customers? You've had 4 months of 40k, and January is still yet more 40k. Stop crying about things you don't like and other people who like them.

But, I guess you can look forward to the Age of the Emperor :^)

>for awhile probably

Not really. The only shit we know is Tzeentch shit, which is already released for 40k. We know that January is Fall of Cadia.

>So how bad is it to have the boss and nobz in the trukk separate from the rest of the army?

Trukks are EXTREMELY fragile. It will get destroyed. And 6 bodies, even if one of them is a warboss, is not a huge deal to most armies.

>Fuck AoS give us more 40k GW! Edition.

Hey fuck you, if AOS is what it takes for me to get plastic Lord of Changes and plastic Fateweaver then AOSo be it.

>age of the emperor

Sure thing, shitmar.

We literally have a campaign being called 'Fall of Cadia'. We have books saying that the 'End Times' or 'Times of Ending' are coming. You're deluded if you think AotE isn't coming :^)

>being this deluded

I bet you thought WHFB wouldn't have been ended either. Lol, enjoy 40k being fucked and you crying on Dakka and Whineseer.

What army builder is this anyway?

And GW just released a statement publicly addressing rumours of a 40k End Times saying it's never happening.

>thinking shitmar is good

Not even once, faggot. KY.

We've been the time of ending sense what 5th?

>End of time confirmed
>We have a book which says so
>Your book is not canon
>It's a BL book fucker
>Implying BL is canon


fluffposters need their own autism threads


>O R I G I N A L

>P O S T

Stop spoonfeeding the retards. They've got to learn.

Thanks user! I've been stuck in the Dark ages fighting with Battle Scribe

Shitmar is actually AFAIK pretty decent now that they released General's Handbook.

AoS is fantastic and 40k should follow it's lead.

How's it feel to have shit taste?

I want to play a chaos army that wins a lot of challenges and rolls a lot on the boon table. Which legion should I roll?

Age of Smegmar seems pretty fun. I never played Fantasy because every person I met who liked Fantasy was a huge faggot so I didn't want to play it. But now that the whiny faggots quit I think I can play.

Emperor's Children. I5 will really help in challenges.

>rolls a lot on the boon
It's time to bear some words mortal flesh servant.


If 40k went full AoS it would be shit.

However an ideal ruleset is somewhere halfway between the two. 8th edition 40k, if they can actually execute it well, will take the best elements from each system and make something better than the sum of its parts, and blow AoS out of the water.

For the dude that wanted to do the "Warlord Psyker Defiler List", I have a tweaked/updated version for you.

++Word Bearers Grand Host++
+Lords of Legion+
Palanquin Sorcerer of Nurgle, w/ ML 3, Spell Familiar, Malefic Tome - 190
Same, minus Tome - 180

+Lost and Damned+
Dark Apostle w/ Scripts of Erebus - 120
20 Cultists - 90
20 Cultists - 90
15 Cultists - 70
15 Cultists - 70

+Helforged Warpack+
Warpsmith w/ Combi-Meltagun - 120
Defiler - 195 - Warlord
Forgefiend - 175
Forgefiend - 175
Forgefiend - 175

++Daemon Ally Detachment++
Herald on Disc w/ ML 2 Paradox and Exalted Locus of Conjuration - 145
11 Blue Horrors - 55

Total: 1850

You get 2 Summon Sorcerers, 10 Warp Charge instead of 3 and have more chances to get Cursed Earth. The Herald can auto-summon via Paradox, or guide a Forgefiend/your Defiler as needed.

The Warpsmith took a combi-melta so he can double-tap a short-range unit. Chaplain took Scripts for an extra round of reinforcements.

All you lose is a Daemon Prince and a 4th Forgefiend, and you have larger Cultist units instead of more.

The concept of warscrolls, for example, would be great in 40k, because we're starting to hit supplement bloat.

40k does need streamlining.


Yeah, that's what I meant by follow it's lead.

>The concept of warscrolls, for example, would be great in 40k, because we're starting to hit supplement bloat.
>40k does need streamlining.
no they don't
well they do exist in 40k anyway and for orks it's a shit show because they don't have a simpl fucking points summery sheet like every fucking codex ever and you have to go to each unit you are planing to more to for their stats and points.

Tau commander and bodyguard unit, three models, Farsight Enclaves. How do you build the best melee unit with anti tank capability? Farsight not included, but assumed to exist.

Just one?

Well fuck it's probably the Grot tank that I can't find.


what ork units should i grab if i want to minmax orks? cause i know that theyre not even all that strong played optimally and i dont wanna shell out the cash for so many ork boyz when boyz may not even be worth taking.

that said... i would love to run some boyz.

Bikers and tankbustas.

you did that? that looks wicked. nice convert

>melee unit with anti tank
All you got is the onager and the fusion blades, so nothing of note.

Found it!

Shooting rules would need some reworking since most everyone's got a gun in 40k. AoS focuses on melee combat while shooting is unreliable due to the random turn order. Other than that you can port it over as is

Age of Smegmar's problems go much deeper than points.

deffkoptas are one of the better units in the book
if you're going to take boyz be sure to take shootas
rokkitz are pretty much always preferable to big shootas

>BTs storming through the Webway to Cadia

Things on Cadia must be truly dire if they're not only cooperating with xenos, but actively using xenos tech. Greyfax clearly has quite a bit of pull.

>new upgrade for kommandos: purple kamo
>makes them invisible
>perma 2+ cover
>you don't even need to own the models
>you have to pretend to move them around on the battlefield
>opponent has to guess where they are from how you "move" them
>jokes on them they haven't moved all game
>you didn't even bring kommandos in this army.
>he's been shooting nothing, you've just obliged him with dice rolls

And fusion blasters, and missile pods (for lighter armor)... Melee AND anti tank, not just antitank melee.


Where are the trakks from? The size looks right for a Deffkopta conversion I wanted to make.

Fuck kommandos, that's how lictors should be.

Other armies should live in fear of lictors.

Thanks user! I like how it looks ^_^

Much appreciated!

the otherwise awful wartrakk model.

has anyone actually done or fought against the melee tau build? does it really exist offline?


Which Imperial Guard Regiment/Space Marine chapter is the closest to the french army, Veeky Forums ?

Steel Legion*

Well, Space Marines have 'And They Shall Know No Fear', so none of them.

how to build kill team nids?

Lictors and Komanndo's should be -1 bs to shoot at them

In what way?


By playing Genestealer Cults instead and taking nothing but Purestrains.

Word Bearers. They get two rolls and can take one or both.

Lictors should be Snap Shots only and infiltrate within 6" regardless of LoS with no restriction on charging.

Kommandos shouldn't be anywhere remotely even fucking close to the level of sneaky Lictors are - we're talking leagues apart.

Kommandos have good rules but because Orks they lose it when they do something.

If Kommandos could take shootas for every member (or have some sort of stealth weapon) they'd be much much better than what is effectively the bane of ALL current Ork units, in that they're just Boys filling a different slot.

Seriously, the only real difference between a Kommando and a Boy is that Kommando gets a cover save.

That's any legion with a chaos warband. Word bearers get a free roll at the start of their turn.

Modelled largely on ww1 french trenchers.

I always kinda thought Lictors should have a rule along the lines of
>Can challenge any model as if it was a Character. Challenged model cannot refuse.
>Can only be attacked by models in a challenge.
>Additional wounds do not spillover from challenges.

Let the unit a Lictor charged move and shoot as normal. But the Lictor is still in CC with them (so he can't be shot and can pick off one model a Fight Phase) they suffer -1BS, but can make Ld Test + Initiative Test to "spot" the Lictor and all attack it.

Like, lictors are literally undetectable until they're close enough that it makes no difference. They can traverse entire jungles without leaving a trace.

Are lictors worth building around? They've always been my favorite unit in the game.

Uhhhh, what century France?

Ion is better than MP if you want to be in midrange anyways, however those are the only melee "upgrades" Tau have that aren't for running away or stalling, so nothing of note.

those are german
note the iron cross

I have been summoned.


'Lictorshame' was a meme list for a little bit that used them to home-in some Mawlocs.
It's since been made completely redundant by GSC.

Just play GSC and model your Patriarch as a Lictor.

>implying it wasn't you all along

No, your version is steaming hot garbage and exactly what I was talking about when I said "If 40k went full AoS it would be shit."

Posting my list again.

Couple questions.

What's the best relic for my Cohort Dominus? IWND, the mask for 'oh shit' moments or Snapshots at BS2?

Not since 2e

It's not an iron cross, it is a maltese cross, like the order of Saint-Jean of Jerusalem, who was french. And they're called the Black TEMPLARS, like the Order of the Temple, who was also french.

>that kraut halftrack conversion
i'm mad jelly

I'm the first to admit my ignorance on European (or any) history but I thought the Black Templars were a Middle Ages Knights Templar kind of vibe, who to my knowledge were mostly French and English.

So if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.But that's where I was coming from.

SoB with Fleur de Lis everywhere.
Or these guys:

Question for you:

Why arent you playing War Convocation? You'll get all those models in there, too + even more stuff from admech. I think @ 1850 you probably could wield every single thing the admech line has.

>iron cross
Tthe iron cross has flat ends an dimmediately bends at the centre.
The flared ends is closer to the Georgian Bolsini Cross and the nitially striagh arms is closer to the Cross pattée.

I don't think you can take both the PhaseTase and Mask on the Infiltrator Princeps.

Also, no Rangers makes me sad, but I understand.

Thanks. Tail is a hive tyrant flying tail, body and head are carnifex bits, guns are from the harpy kit. Used to have teeny tiny guns, but the venom cannons look sick. Barbed stranglers might fit the base better. Base is really easy and fun to do. Crystals are cut sprue, goop is spray insulation foam and hot glue.

Best part, It was a freebie when i bought a used lot of Kromlech greatcoats.

Cross pattée or Maltese Cross, the BT use both.

The Iron Cross was based on the Cross pattée of the Teutonic Knights, but it's not the same.

BT are not inspired by the Order of the Temple, but by the Teutonic Order. Not french. Don't be moronic.