Did you know we're most closely related to Veeky Forums?
Is it me or is our board slowing down? I never used to see threads going for several days, and now it seems common.
Also, 'Cadia'.
Did you know we're most closely related to Veeky Forums?
Is it me or is our board slowing down? I never used to see threads going for several days, and now it seems common.
Also, 'Cadia'.
Other urls found in this thread:
>We're closest to the boards that use words for game mechanics
Brilliant deduction, Sherlock.
Also, I remember threads being fastest during the summer, and slowing down as fall and winter came on. Could just be me.
Magic Power Players describes us very well.
Nah, threads would pretty commonly go for two or three days if they got a bump now and then. They still get dumped way down towards the bottom of the board as soon as bumps stop happening though. At the time of this post, this very thread is already halfway down the board after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Questfags is 3 .....2......
>>We're closest to the boards that use words for game mechanics
And yet we're also very similar to /m/ and /k/, and not very similar to /toy/.
Some things aren't as cut-and-dried as they seem.
Wasnt Veeky Forums always considered a slow board
Id say were medium
Let's give ourselves a hand for having a better collective vocabulary than both Veeky Forums and /pol/.
BTW source Veeky Forums-trends.org/?board=tg&unique=1
Clap-clap. I think tg may have the highest vocabulary score of all the boards.
>/p/ has the lowest
lit is tied with us
The average Veeky Forums poster is incredibly well spoken. Probably some of the most articulate people from any site in all honesty. Which is impressive since we harbor mtg players.
>since we harbor mtg players.
don't forget yugi-oh players, they bring down the average considerably
>Veeky Forums
I need a frame of reference for that.
Low profanity for sure though.
High Vocabulary? Again, need a frame of reference to other boards.
> board slowing down?
Insufficient data.
Worry when it hits 4+Veeky Forums levels of slow. Do they still block mention of that chan? We seriously need to keep their Veeky Forums board propped up. The mod there is based and dedicated.
We're also happier. Almost as happy as the two of them combined.
Hurrah indeed.
Yep, just tested.
wheelschan is still considered "spam".
Unfortunate for us in particular, since we've got the best sister board over there.
>I need a frame of reference for that.
The reference point is the calculated average for all boards, obviously. Negative and positive most likely is a +- std dev.
Atechan Veeky Forums is like almost dead and barely gets posters half the time
>Is it me or is our board slowing down
Purging the qulaks thinned this place out a little bit.
>Purging the qulaks
It was a regular Holoquest.
Yeah because Veeky Forums still tries to deny it's existence
But it's importance for misc boards is now very importance since Veeky Forums sold.
If we cared to maintain it, we have a nice bunker.
Unfortunately, Veeky Forums is fucking determined to make sure it dies.
I still visit 2x4chan but yeah, it's too damn slow to hold my attention.
>Low profanity
>High positivity
>lit is tied with us
It seems /int/ has the highest vocab rating. Time to perambulate over there.
Not only Veeky Forums but atechans poor fucking leadership
>TFW no stats for /trash/
Probably because it's the only board where multilingual posting is encouraged. They're basically cheating the system, it doesn't count.
>high vocabulary
>low profanity
>the word "good" ranked as #1, higher than the word "shit"
This is why I love this place.
>>TFW no stats for /trash/
Just assume 0/the lowest for everything.
>They're basically cheating the system, it doesn't count.
I see your point, but cosmopolitanism should count for something, no?
>the word "human" ranked higher than "elf" or "dwarf" or any other words
Good Game Shit Play is a good descriptor for .tg.
The yugioh thread is in Veeky Forums
>never used to see threads going for several days, and now it seems common.
No quests means less posters, and means less rapidly-filling general-style threads bumping slower ones off the board.
That's not a value judgement, by the way, just an observation.
Before we pat ourselves too much on our collective backs for that high vocabulary score, we kind of have to remember that it's going to be inflated by the fact that we use a lot of unique Fantasy/Sci-fi words, and a lot of game terminology.
I disagree, since quests would just bump around on page 1, which doesn't actually remove any other threads no matter how rapid they bump. The only thing that actually drops a thread off the board is a brand new thread being made.
Also, the amount of posters on the board hasn't gone down significantly, since quests were not alien to the board and they're all still here.
>"Good game, shit play"
>Veeky Forums - Traditional Games
I can dig it.
Like 'sconces' and 'pauldrons'?
>Finish playing my last round at FNM, get beat but oh well.
>"Good game, shit, play pretty fucking fuck."
Just so you know I'm now going to include the word nigger in every post,
by your reasoning soon we'll be related to /b/
Does it count total appearances per post or just once per post?
Plus the fact that we don't just use the word "Elves", we use Eldar, Aelves, Mer, Quendi, Drow, Asur and that kind of thing. Just a lot of words that don't show up on others boards that much, but they get regular or semi-regular usage here.
Since Veeky Forums is the only good board on wheelschan the other boards are cancer incarnate compared to their Veeky Forums counterparts
>We're 51% similar to /mlp/
>tfw i'm playing MLPFEMTORPG, waiting for the official RPG to be released and shitposting about hyperspace hyperwars right the fuck now
The overlap is surprising. Like the time /mlp/ tried to make a homebrew based off 1pWHFB. A good amount of armies were "finished", but no one ever actually played it like a lot of Veeky Forums homebrews.
Cost should be 3BG, ability cost should be BGT and end in a colon, deathtouch shouldn't be capitalized. Surprisingly enough, everything else checks out. It's even well costed.
I imagine the main reason we have a 'high vocabulary' is the sheer number of unique terms.
Every game universe has its own library of monsters, characters, nations, classes and such.
Any given post might be about Aboleth Skum or Badab War-era Carcharodons or Lamellar Cuirasses. That's a shit-ton of different words.
>Veeky Forums-trends.org/?board=mlp
According to the stats, they're closer to being /qst/ than we are. Also eerily close to us. Ain't that ironic?
/mlp/ has its own quests that are still quarantined by GR15, so it's not surprising at all that they're similar to the other board that has quests and the board that plays other games with similar terms and concepts.
The terminology is sort of different though. What we'd call quests, /mlp/ generally calls CYOAs. CYOAs in the Veeky Forums style don't really happen on /mlp/.
I actually wanted to run a horse quest in 5e back when I was in between groups. Woulda set it a thousand years before season one. If I could find the time I woulda been a decent DM for a bunch of horny spastic anons
Just the fact that they use the same acronym is enough for an algorithm to pick up similarities. Also connected terms, like Turn and Rolling (Although they would use post numbers, I guess). Potentially also Hasbro, although that's not a word used too often around here.
I don't think it's common to roll in /mlp/ quests, they're more narrative driven. And it there's rolling, it's pretty simple.
I also think the regular roleplayers, the ones playing an actual system with rules, have a dice roller script.
/k/ and Veeky Forums spend a lot of time discussing guns, weapons, and historical armor and futuristic military stuff.
Also /m/ and battletech stuff. And /toy/ and a general fear of intimacy in our close personal relationships.
Yeah, Veeky Forums's feels like its slowed down a bit over the course of the year, but it also sped up a disturbing amount during the summer this year so we're now at about the summer speed of a year or two ago.
The real thing that's happened more recently is that the current sub-nazi-mod-tier mod is not putting up with the off topic tangents that literally defined Veeky Forums for a good 5-6 years, which means that there's fewer of those super fast threads that are powered by people arguing about a weird tangent.
Which probably means that the only reason it has "slowed down" recently is because there's a substantial portion of Veeky Forums's posters constantly cycling on and off 24 hour bans - so 20% of posters are getting banned just as another 20% comes off their ban in a weird carnival of shitposting
Probably because of all that skub we love.
no one who's been on Veeky Forums long would argue with the notion that Veeky Forums is literally only ever a barneyfag or two away from becoming /mlp/, like some very weird game of call of cthulhu.
We love you too
>Implying Veeky Forums doesn't have at least as many technical terms as we do.
Excuse me? Veeky Forums is an anti-skub board, always has been and always will be. Take your filthy skub back to Veeky Forums and never return.
>tfw you've been shitposting with the same group of faggots from FEMTO since 2012
It's not even about the show anymore lads
That pretty fucking fuck works.