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December 21st errata.

Total shit. Play Infinity or Guildball.

bad errata; bad game

stop shilling that garbage game.

Guildball is definitely recommended

Seconding that. The models for Infinity are gorgeous but the game is pretty meh to be honest.

Well not really seconding the guildball. It's a good game but not really my jam (Plus I hate the models).

I generally hate everything soccer.

How you can say that the Errata is bad ?

They nerfed the things that need to be nerfed.

The nly thing that make me sad is the simplification of power attacks.

>cryx players call this a nerf
>there is actually a post in the cryx forums that say that this is a nerf because it makes Brute Thralls even better but they don't want to take them

Never had I imagined this much salt. Even the troll forum posts seem cautiously optimistic.

I'd assume it's more about the fact that it's a game that has to put out a 20 page errata PDF to fix its rules.

Glad about the Bane Thrall changes but are Mechanithralls and Bile Thralls truly fixed now?

Why do you even come to these threads?

waiting for skreeonk user

Half the errata doc is old changes as well, so that's not fair.

Virtually every game out there needs a 20+ page errata PDF to fix their rules, they just leave them broken.

Most of the errata document is also repeating the same errata changes for every book they appear in.

Because general threads mean that I only have anything understanding of things that I'm directly interested in playing or already playing.

It's hell, but it's the only hell that I can fit.

Because red button issues are still not resolved for all the factions.

>Night troll mat bump
Yup, this sure answers the over dependence or krielstone and inability to buff infantry damage while having warbeasts that still can't efficiently trade against jacks due to lower native power and higher cost.

Yup, Night troll mat buff. THIS is what was going to save the faction.


What people really want is the immunity to losing. That's what I noticed from a lot of baddies complaining. Its a cuck mentality where they can only envision themselves losing.

>Nerfing Haley1
>Literally why even bother

Replace the text of Reconstruction with the following:
Remove one soul token from this model to return one destroyed
medium-based friendly Faction construct Grunt to play, or remove up to three soul tokens from this model to return one destroyed small-based friendly Faction construct Grunt to play for each token removed. Place each returned Grunt completely within 3 ̋ of this model, in formation, and within 3 ̋ of another model in its unit. A returned Grunt must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it is put into play.

Uh, what?

>1 Soul token for 1 medium base infantry
>3 soul tokens for 1 small base infantry

Lucant spam plz?

yeah, I thought the wording of that was weird too. I think they might have gotten it reversed.

up to 3 soul tokens to return one small base infantry for each token removed. You have to read the whole sentence.

that ability didn't even get changed this errata.

>1 medium base for 1
>1 small base PER TOKEN UP TO THREE
reading comprehension

when will you dum dums realize that text in black was from a previous errata and nothing changed

No one is making that mistake?

so do I need to go out and buy new cards for the changed ones, or are FLGSs supplied with them. Because I really don't want to buy another deck so I can replace eight cards

>no High Reclaimer change

My only concern, otherwise the errata is pretty spot on. They've shown a lot more awareness of the global meta than they ever have with this one. It's not perfect, but it's a very strong step forward. Anyone complaining is either a shitposter or have the inability to look at the game other than "m-muh faction got nerfed".

>implying Ossrum can't discipline humans and trollkin into line shooting

This is a disgrace.

Terrible errata. MK3 killed the game and they couldn't revive it.

The designers have literally 0 idea what is going on and what they're doing. Nerf the wrong parts of the wrong models, ignore the inconsistencies that are breaking the game.

gg PP, you suck.
Malifaux / TOS here I come

This. This this this this this.


So cryx is fixed now?
>Increase Lich Lord Asphyxious’ warjack points to +28.
>Caustic Mist. Change the duration of Caustic Mist from “UP” to “RND.” Replace the second and third sentences of Caustic Mist with the following: A model entering or ending its activation in the AOE suffers the Corrosion continuous effect . Caustic Mist lasts for one round.
>Feat: Spectral Legion. Replace the first sentence of Spectral Legion with the following: Return up to d3 + 5 destroyed small- or medium-based Grunts that were part of a friendly Faction unit to play, placing them completely within 3˝ of Asphyxious.
>Granted: Tough. The Bane Warrior Officer gains the Granted: Tough special rule

Is the eHaley change actually relevant?
I guess Decel tends to be better than force field, but I'm don't play into that matchup often so I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Not even fucking close. No hope for Skorne at all now.

t. Skorne Player.

The other side.

scaled up Malifaux

Two throws extends the range of his assassination by 11".

He may be the best caster in the game now, but his threat range is significantly reduced.

isn't the full Skorne rework coming in a few weeks?
if nothing else this shows you what models you shouldn't expect to change all too much. Expect more for pretty much everything else in your faction.


Let's not kid ourselves user, they're pricing that game waaaay too high to take off the ground. Not that I want it to fail (cult backer here), but I just don't see it. They want to use fancy pvc material, and make them mono pieces, all to appeal to normies, only to price them like forge world, which only works on dedicated hobbyists. The same hobbyists who don't like static pose models.

Malifaux is good stuff though.

Can't throw your own models anymore bruh

Considering that I typically kill her by flinging deviating aoes on her, I'm not sure it's a nerf.

Not it shows me that Privateer Press has no idea waht is wrong with Cryx. Since they've never understood what was wrong with Skorne then the coming errata is nothing to be excited about.

That's... the... point. He lost a chunk of threat range on his assassination.

Sorry, I read it the wrong way


Eh, the game doesn't require enormous amounts of models so the total cost will be acceptable.

Good game design is what I care about most and so far Wyrd seems to nail it at every corner. I don't even know why I came to PP anymore.

Neither, you can print them from the site but that's it.

Tough is worthless as a ua ability on banes. All the other cryx changes are good.

When considering any comments on cryx errata, always remember that cryx players think that slayers and inflictors are unplayable for their points and that buffing an already good model in the faction is a nerf because they don't want to use them

Will Pagani confirms that there are 89 changes coming to Skorne.

Geeeet readyyy

what the fuck? so you buy a deck to get the high-quality cards, and then they don't print the errata onto cards so you either swap to shit cards or buy their in-app deck? why? it would make more sense to supply stores with them so that things don't get all messed up!

>Storm Lances completely unchanged

Honestly don't know why Wyrd isn't a bigger player in the wargaming scene. They care about their player base, create kick ass fluff and content, and make some fuck all amazing sculpts. I guess the setting just does not work for people, or they dare not turn in their dice for a deck of cards.

>fwiw not shitting on WMH, I like both

from what I saw on reddit all cards are going to be free PDFs from now on

No one gives a fuck about Storm Lances.

It was Haley2, SURPRISE SURPRISE, that made them off the walls good. With every other caster they're just a super good self sufficient unit.

The issues in Cryx cannot be fixed with nerfs/buffs, they share the same problem as Skorne:
They don't have a core design anymore.

Everything seems designed by a completely different people with completely different standards.

PP has shown they have no idea how to balance this game anymore

... that's actually the first thing that they've done that really bothers me. I hate having bought things only for them to not be useful anymore, and not being able to replace them with the useful parts.

Storm Lances are the best unit in the game by leaps and bounds. Laddermore is the best dragoon solo by leaps and bounds. No wonder everything else looks bad in comparison.

>skorne ogrun bokurs
I don't care about how they would affect the game. I'm just curious about the fluff implications.

Do you think Skorne society would be accepting towards Ogrun looking for a master?
Or is it definately a case of the skorne finding an ogrun tribe and enslaving them?

Too Wyrd for people

Seriously. the game just doesn't have mass appeal.

Not using dice is weird. Minis have aesthetic that's really all over the place.
Some stuff is either too fetishly or edgy for normies.

Also minis are really hard to paint well. The details are very shallow and conversion is nigh impossible due to model assembly complexity.

>has clearly never played against Stryker2 double storm lances

>Storm Lances are the best unit in the game
>in a world where Sentinels, Sentry Stones, and Hellmouths exist

This, I'd be embarrassed to own a lot of the Malifaux models I've seen and the rest just don't appeal to me at all. I've heard fine things about the mechanics but I'm never you hung those models.

I think it's completely dependent on the person "hiring" the bokur. Skorne military leaders are practical, some would see the value in paying a mercenary and some would see more value in just enslaving it.

I don't think many ogrun tribes live that far south/west. Also, if you're a big tough warrior guy looking for a master, then wouldn't honorable sword people be preferable in some sense to shooty rich people?

Anymore? That's as if to say "being overpowered across the board" was their core design in Mk2.


Cygnar still has the problem of "Take two units of Storm Lances, two Centurions, a junior, and pick a caster".

You're a shit poster or new. Probably jobless.

Irony is theyre pretty big on the leftist coasts.

>I'd be embarrassed to own a lot of the Malifaux models I've seen
what's embarrassing about them?

I could understand the incentive for the Ogrun.

I'm just not aware of the Skorne having relationships other than master slave or, at best, mercenary employer with non-Skorne.

But maybe the Skorne are more Pragmatic than they are prejudiced.

AFAIK Ogrun are more like Vassal interns than real mercenaries.

Why is that ironic?

Why is mk3 so dumbed down? I dont even care about lack of balance, the anti-rules bloat just made it so boring. I dont even play skorne but look at rhinodon, who went from a 360 boosted thresher that kills infantry which dares free strike him to a thresher. Yup, thats it. He wasnt good to begin with but had so much more oomph, that cool factor. And changes like this are everywhere.

SJW's hating on kinky models.

Can you think of any off the top of your head? Since they went to 2nd edition the sculpts got a lot better, and I can't think of anything since then that's been obnoxiously cheesecake teir. But yeah, I can see some not like the almost weird west/steampunk aesthetics.

I still think the death Marshall models look a fuck ton cooler than pistol wraith models

They didn't enslave those nomad guys.

well, at least now I know what to buy if I ever get into Cryx and need Wraiths

SJW don't hate kinky stuff because that's sexual acceptance. SJW hates assumption of sexual nature.

Funny thing is a lot of people were saying its too complicated. Too many different rules, too many new things to remember.

We must deal with different sjw's then.

Skorne still respect warriors of other races. The bokur mindset would actually mesh really well with Skorne society.

I really hate to tell you this but there are very few factions that have a 'core design' in this game, and it has been this way for years. Unless you want to use core design to refer to ubiquitous faction-defining pieces like the beast handlers, which Skorne players bitch about having to use.

What was the wording on the marauder siege weapon?

I fear that it was that damage to structures, and my buddy Brisbane just missed out on a great buff...

Given their cost, lances are so close to fine. The reason they're taken is they outshine everything else beyond a trencher cloud wall, by so very much.
They are an issue. But more as a one trick faction concern, than an underpriced overpowered model/unit problem.

>has pp failed to save game/face?
>is their fat incompetent gut now hanging over and completely covering their benis?

Special rules and exceptions are the biggest thing designers have to be careful with. An extreme example of failure would be AOS, which forces the player to learn not only the 30+ pages of bullshit their army does, but the 30+ pages of bullshit the opponent does, and constantly keep track of the interactions and general weirdness that occurs at all times. Then they do it all over again when they play someone with a new army. The end result is that you spend just as much time bogged down in rules minutiae as games that have more than 4 pages of core rules.

Warmahordes was trending in a negative direction, and I understand this decision. What I fail to understand is every other fucking thing they have decided.

Those are embarrassingly edgelordy.

Can't think of anything by name, I remember years back seeing things like the fat shirtless witch and the hooker zombies. I really just don't care for any level of cheesecake but bare tits/junk is very much no. I don't care for Relic Knights anime cheesecake either if that helps clarify.

Otherwise yea, steampunk wild west does nothing for me. I have no problem with it existing I'm just not gonna touch it.

Do you literally relate everything you think about to SJWs? They're a bunch of ineffectual bloggers that most people, most people on the left included, do not care about in the least.

>reclaiming this hard

What's weird about Malifaux cheesecake models is that they're not even sexy, so I'm not sure what demographic they're appealing to with models like zombie hookers and Trixiebelle.

But, but... people my tribe is supposed to hate are wrong on the internet! THIS CANNOT STAND!

They're grotesque in an adult way.

Shock Value.

In Trixibelle, it's more of a humor. Also I'm pretty sure someone's into that. R34 and all.

True cheesecakes I would consider things like the Viktorias.

>Una2 feat makes griffons immune to melee
>slam own models into them is a viable counter
>errata removes power attacks against friendlies

Stealth buffing your new toys I see, PP.

Circle Christmas at Christmas.

I could have sworn that they enslaved/killed them on sight.

Killed on sight. They didn't enslave them because they are too weak for manual labor.

>good things can't be good

Talking about these guys btw.

Did anyone read the Insider?
>No more rules in books after Command books, fluff and hobby only
>No more cards with models
>All rules up as PDF or use War Room, or Print on Demand
>Every model gets a 6 week public playtest before release.

Okay PP you have my attention again

SJWs hate whatever allows them to prey on people. Their only intention is gaining power and feeding their insecurity complexes by making others grovel before them.

Yeah, some of this might bring me back. In a year.

So, new models rules will be released on a pdf and not in an expansion book. Like its just updated on the site? Not too shabby. Playtest thing is also nice.

Also no, no one read the insider cause they just wanted to immediately rage that there still exists things that can beat them.

The dev notes kinda showcase what the change was for. It gives her a distinct weakness to ranged attacks. No part of her specific kit provides any ranged defense, which wasn't true before.
I mean, sure, you could run trenchers with Haley2, but she doesn't help them at all.

>Mak3da can now put Hand of Death on Molik Karn