ITT: Bikes and Bikers
Underrated Space Marine Chapters
Other urls found in this thread:
The Hanged
Fuck off to /trash/
Rad Marines
Both of those are way too hard to paint.
>hard to paint
Nigga you retarded or something?
Goddamn, I remember seeing this shit somewhere. Someone refresh my memory please.
Here's hoping the plot advancement sees more stuff for these guys, since their whole schtick is being Astartes Praesus meant to fortify the most direct route to Terra from the EoT.
I really like how these guys are turning out
Op comes to Veeky Forums with an idea for a home brew chapter of Space Marines made up of Ex-criminals with an execution motif. His only Mistake: He made their battle cry "Take the Knot!", oblivious to the zoophilic sexual inneundo he had made.
They were eventually fluffed out as being cursed by Slannesh to constantly make unintentional sexual innuendos and to have all of their battle plans look like dog dick. The basic consensus is that they specialize in flanking maneuvers where they catch an enemy unawares on an exposed flank, set up a fortified posistion, pump 'em full of hot lead for a while causing panic, and then pull out before that enemy reorganizes. Despite their humorous quirks they are actually kind of horrifying, ripping the heads off of their enemies and using their bodies as makeshift flails with their noose-lassos and leaving the battlefield full of hanging corpses.
>Butthurt that people are more interested in making Their Dudes and disliking homebrew and creativity
Why do you even come here?
WS have a lot of potential but they need an upgrade kit or something to show off their Oriental theme.
>Far and away the dominant competitive chapter and army style for Space Marines. One of the most dominant factions.
He probably meant fluffwise. In fluff, they're jobbers who are stuck to their silly bikes. In 7ed gameplay they're killer of chaos gods tier.
all their artwork shows them covered in fur cloaks and the heads of the enemies and they hsuld wear these hats) but the actual models : nothing
Mongolian hats are silly and Space Wolves already have fur cloaks. They need more Mad Max aesthetics. Lose the armor on the arms and sport mad tattoos all over the body. Make a White Rhino variant where its basically White Scars on a Trukk made out of chainswords.
I personally think either more knives, daos, glaives, and trophies/a trophy rack would really go a long way to showing their differences on the battlefield.
are those yours user? They look nice
In gameplay, yes. But fluffwise they're part of the Underrated Legions Holy Trinity (alongside Iron Hands and Raven Guard)
I always find it weird that fucking founding chapters like the Salamanders, White Scars, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands get less attention given to them than some of the later founding ones.
Anyways, my vote is for these guys.
It's nothing but pure autism, literally no different from sonichu
Someone should brew up a CWC-themed chapter.
>Blood Swords
>unimaginative but solid colorscheme
>canon is up in the air - 5th ed Blood Angels codex said they were not Blood Angels successors, despite half their sparse fluff relating to that (defending Baal, etc)
>their Chapter Master is a dreadnought
>are bros with another minor chapter, the Star Dragons
>are currently on a penitent crusade and we aren't sure why
I disagree with a lot of that, but hell yes that Rhino idea is perfect
>Homebrew is bad because it's autistic! I'm not gonna explain how, just say that fanmade shit is autistic! If it's not cannon it's automatically Sonichu because I said so! Fannon is always gay and we should all suck from the teat of mommy GeeDubs.
Go back to the Games Workshop forums and never return.
I hated that thread, because the idea of a chapter of prison wardens and executioners was a rad idea, but it got bogged down in silliness.
Oh well, silliness is good too. This is 40k after all. I just frown, for the road not taken.
Howling griffons are to ultra marines what black templars are to imperial fists
Honestly, i much preferred it. Space Marine are always the Worst offenders of "Taking themselves too seriously" and get bogged down in making everything super Grimderp and serious, and never let any Rad ideas surface because "They're too silly".
I felt it was a good change to go back to the unserious roots. Personally i feel it was all worth it for the whole lasso-noose thing, that shit's pretty fucking metal.
And, let's be honest, were it not for the silliness, no one would have actually cared about them in the first place.
friendly reminder they succeeded where the Grey Knights failed
I've always loved the dual/triple/quartered colour schemes for marines, but am no where near good enough to paint like that without making it look terrible. I always thought that a chapter of marines painted like Bretonnian knights and sworn to defend the Sisters would be a cool idea.
Except shitposter who made them on purpose and keeps posting them
I always felt the opposite, the half/quartered paints always seemed like a waste of good chapter to me, even if they're supposed to mimic medieval tabards
These guys were my personal favorite. Though for some reason they changed to brown to black. It doesn't improve the scheme that much, and it stood out originally just for having brown where most marines don't.
>and sworn to defend the Sisters
The Sisters already defend themselves and the Ecclesiarchy. It's kinda their whole point of existing.
>It's obviously just a giant conspiracy by the guy to carefully engineer his own mini-meme
>it couldn't be more than one person who still likes it, nah, That's impossible.
>I mean, Veeky Forums is always fast to come and go with memes. it's notlike Outdated or unknown on this board memes get posted here in "Stat me's" and other threads all the time, right?
>The White Order of Fidarah
>Ultramarines Successor
>go out of their way to follow a Sister of Battle order around, defeating their most of their enemies before they can get to them, and outrageously praising their few petty victories
>"Don't worry, my ladies, we shall handle this! There is no need to put your lovely, independent forms at danger!"
The ones I just made RIGHT NOW.
I call them: The Obliterators