Was this the greatest card of all time?

Was this the greatest card of all time?

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker

>Only costs one mana
>nukes creatures, players, and walkers
>instant speed
>according to Wizards defines the power level of creatures for an entire format

Lightning Bolt goes in all fields.

They called it "Mogg Fantastic" for a reason, but I think is right. Errbody loves Bolt.


How are you defining "greatest"? In terms of pure power, I think Ancestral Recall has to take the cake.

In terms of flavor, effect for the cost you paid, as well as what you *used* to be able to do with it.

Before the rules change you were able to squeeze out 2 damage from it and block at the same time.

lightning bolt
swords to plowshares

If we're going for creatures specifically he'd be up there. If only because fanatic used to be babies introduction to using the stack.

The change in how the stack interacted with combat damage nerfed it quite a bit, but it was pretty fucking incredible when it could be fully utilized

It's just underrated.

Show and Tell

just for how much it screams "screw strategy, mine's bigger"

I'd argue under the old rules he was one of the most versatile cards in magic.
>Is a goblin (counts for a lot)
>Swings for 1
>Chump blocks
>Can kill creatures with 2 toughness due to stack shenanigans
>Can kill 2 creatures with 1 toughness
>Pings for 1 at instant speed
While it's true lightning bolt can kill almost anything relevant in any format, it still only deals 3 damage. Mogg fanatic has the potential to deal more than 3 over the course of a game, and is likely to do so since nobody in their right mind would waste removal on him, and even if you block him, he'll still put 1 damage wherever it will be most relevant.

This. Even more design-warping than Dark Ritual(good black creatures can't cost under 3), Bolt defined the aggression level that creatures needed to have and ALSO the benchmark for effectiveness of removal in all modern sets(read: sets that were actually thoughtfully defined) that contained it.

Thematically? Image Related.

My personal favorite? Sword-Hunter (Yugioh) or Guttersniper (MTG).

Mfw this card is trash but i wanted to run it anyway
Then i found out witch of the black forest was banned. Then they banned sangan

Reminder that when MoggFan was originally designed, combat damage did NOT use stack. It just accidentally benefited from the 6th edition rules overhaul.

This is the nuclear bomb of creatures. This is the standard against which all big destructive things are measured. If you are making a deck that involves "find a way to cheat something into play" this is the card you're going to use. This creature is so ridiculously powerful and hard to deal with, Commander has it banned outright even though 3-5 or more opponents will get a chance to deal with it before you go next. This card has PAGES on its Gatherer discussion, trying to come up with effective strategies to deal with it.

Don't worry, she's locked in Innistrad's moon now.

typical ITA fag

probably andrea mengucci

Greatest creature =/= greatest card.

fine be that way faget

Phyrexian Arena or Rancor

Was a great feeling pulling it out of a pack.

Emrakul is cancer, Eldrazi were a mistake

I personally find the Eldrazi awesome.

You are what is wrong with magic

>You are what is wrong with magic.
>Not the lack of reprints
>Not the dying market
>Not the pandering to leftist politics
>It's (You)

>Faggots who lap up all the insanely pushed creatures and dumbing down of the game that wizards does and asks for seconds
>Not what's wrong with magic
yep, you sound like a faggot

Something something 15 squirrels.

The only faggot here is you, fool. Just because someone likes something you don't, doesn't make wizards any less responsible for the shit they put out. Keep crying though, it entertains me.