How do you guys think they will handle the next expansion...

How do you guys think they will handle the next expansion, now that Bretonnia seems to be the last major content update of this cycle?

I guess they'll work on it for a while and then release it.

Either they go west (Ulthuan, Naggarond, Lustria) or east and south (Nehekhara, World's Edge mountains, possibly even Zharr-Naggrund).

The maps will probably be separated Empire style since each expansion is supposed to stand on its own without the other games.

I suppose the next big release is a map expansion (possibly standalone? idr if that was just a rumour) and it's probably going to be elf kingdoms. Going south for tomb kings is also a possibility, but you'd need at least one more faction to add.... ogres maybe?

they stated that the upcoming expansions will not only be incorporated into the grand campaign, but also have its own standalone campaign

they kinda backed themselves itno a corner.

The most logical thing would be Lustria, Ulthuan and Naggaroth.
Still they want to add all armies and i realy dont know how they are gonna ad Ogre kingdoms or tomb kangz since all the "relateable" good guy factions in those areas are used up, they could go south for an expansion and include skaven for the posterboy money.

The other way it could work is that Ogers and Kangz will come as an expansion for game two and game two willinclude the game 1 map by default without the facitons beeing playable, which makes the expansion towards east and south mor feasable without it beeing a main game.

The datamined plans shows that their final expansion is supposed to be chaos centric, tho im fairly sure nobody would buy a 4 chaos game.

My best guess for now is that theyll try to figure it out later and for now stick with the new world witht he main factions beeing High elves, Dark Elves Lizardmen and Clan Pestilence since we know theyll have 4 faction as a start, this fits niceley since they got two pairs that can occupy each others settlements and are generaly arche enemies.

It should also be noted that Lizardmen, Skaven and Dark Elves have some of the most expensive rosters to complete with tons of monsters, machines and other non standard units, making them ideal choices for basegame factions, read: Factions that they can sell DLC too, besides Demons i cant think of a single faction with that many different unit skeletons as lizardmen.

i also think that theyll include some form of naval combat as its pretty much essential for High and Dark Elves.
My guess is that Dark Elves will have Black arks as swimming settlements, Lizardmen will be like Rome in Attila, they have a big territory but they cant defend it all, also i think theyll have a system simmilar to the book of grudges where they are doing a bunch of quests to fulfill "the Great Plan"

>implying ogres and skeletons aren't relatable good guys

But seriously they can both fight chaos and engage in diplomacy with humans and dwarfs or whoever.

thats true, and chaos dorfs make a good unconventional bad guy faction.

Still try selling soemone on the protagonist poster boys of "Skelingtons" and "Fat mongolians" opposed to "Fancy dressed Germans" and "Dorfs"

Skaven yet?

Bretonia and Skaven then im gonna buy it


Khalida is arguably one of the most 'good' characters in the entire setting and Settra is also respectable in his own way.

Kislev when?

>Settra is also respectable in his own way.
Settra would be the BBEG in most settings, he's just contending with guys who are such bigger assholes than him that he looks pretty good in comparison.

Khalida is pretty much the only good example of an undead paladin in any setting







Fuck yes.

Oh I want to Tomb Kings across the Old World. Create a confederation of kings with Leon, Karl, and Thorgrim. I want to destroy Naggaroth using only spiders.


She can worship snakes, fight a war of genocide, and specialize in ranged combat and still paladin harder than any of them.

Cult Of Pleasure

The target of DLC is not new players.

Veeky Forums is the dumbest fucking board mostly because they have allusions of intelligence.

Will it go on sale for Christmas?

I want Justin Trudeau's wild ride to end. Getting the game and all the DLC is like $140.


Hi /v/.
They use DLC to advertise the game new again on Steam. Usually with the original game on sale like what just happened with the release of Wood Elves.
So yeah, DLC can be used to bring in new players.

It was on sale like two weeks ago for $30. DLC were full price though.

But what's in the main games?

The traditional good guys.

You're a retard.

Fuck, dunno how I missed that.
Hopefully that means $30 or less for the Christmas sale too, though.

Well I think they're saving the Elves for the next game.

If they are then I would expect naval combat to be in the game in order to even get to them.

>mostly because they have allusions of intelligence.

Where did we allude to intelligence, /v/?

Vampire Counts and OnG are not "good guys".

There is no good in Warhammer. Only Order/Destruction, and how much of a prick they are.

>Standalone Game
>Standalone Game that will have DLC for it

You would be right if this would simply be another DLC like beastmen, it is a platform for more DLC tho.

fucking mongoloid.

It was only for like three days.

What is the better overhaul mod Steel Faith Overhaul or Lorehammer?

Haven't tried Lorehammer, but I just finished a Wood Elf campaign in SFO and found it very enjoyable. There's definitely still room for polishing, but the core changes of the overhaul make all the races feel more distinct and make elite units actually feel elite.

If I have some free time over the holidays I'll try Lorehammer, but currently I'm very happy playing SFO after using vanilla for so long.

I heard WEs are OP as shit with that mod. Someone said wildwood rangers can veat chaos warriors

Eh I wouldn't say that. I can't vouch on wildwood rangers vs warriors, but I can definitely say that chosen rip right through rangers one-on-one.

Honestly you've just got to try it yourself to get a good feel for things, but personally I like how things are balanced in SFO currently.

We better get some fucking Lizardmen.

this is the official map for the future, you can figure out yourselves which factions will come

>Lizardmen will be like Rome in Attila, they have a big territory but they cant defend it all

m8 u best be rusin', lizards have the best track record for defending their territory

>outing yourself as a leaf

fuck you, fellow leaf.

>mfw can defend against a full stack with just the garrison
Fucking love shield walls
Sucks that units in Warhammer can't do it.

Soo..I'm not into Vidya in anyway, So if i want to play with all the current factions I need to buy Total Warhammer and all the DLC stuff and then buy another upcoming game?

If I buy the new upcoming game will i still be able to play Empire or Vampire Counts?

Don't know about the upcoming game, but the base Total Warhammer has 4 factions; Empire, Vampires, Dwarves and Orks. Rest are DLC. Also Brettonia is going to be Free LC in a month, hopefully.

yes, yes, grim and dark and perilous adventure. There's still a fairly clear line between the factions that want to murder everyone and the ones that mostly want to be left in peace and maybe steal each others' territory now and again.

Its not an upcoming game per say, its like an expansion pack. With DLC.

So vanilla is Empire/Dwarfs/Vamps/OnG at launch, then Brets later, and the DLC are Warriors, Beastmen, Wood Elves plus minor DLC that add extra characters like Volkmar and Vlad to be your main character.

The expansion would most likely add like High and Dark Elves or whatever, then some DLC like Lizardmen and maybe the Chaos Wastes with Daemons, then probably the addition of Nehekhara and east of the Old World in another expansion which would then have more DLC for like Kislev and shit.

Cool thanks guys, will be picking this up...especially if Tomb Kings are in the future.

Pretty much all of them but Nippon, Cathay and Ind.

Well, there's this Russian leak that says that the next exp are High Elves, Dark Elves and Lizardmen and the last exp is Chaos in at least four flavours. Tomb Kings, Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms are coming as a DLC.

Google it. It's still somewhat relevant, even if they placed Wood Elves as DLC5 which were released as DLC6.

Not Total War related, but anyway
Is there workshop Fantasy/40K for Tabletop sim?

Would a Dark Souls rip off work in the Warhammer world?
Maybe even in a post apocalyptic (i.e. after Storm of Chaos) setting?

Want 20% of?
and a second

Snakes are apparently good guys in WH:FB, look at stuff like Sotek as well.

Which sucks because apparently Cathay is pretty dope. Army of steam powered terracotta soldiers lead by a righteous dragon emperor.

It seems pretty reliable honestly, and as it is I'm alright with how they're doing it. I've been mostly pleasantly surprised by the entire game.

fuck it ill post mine too

I want to buy this game but am worried about getting denuvo onto my computer since it was made by the people that made secureRom. Has there been any proof released yet that this shit is safe for your computer? Isn't this thing supposed to kill SSD or something?

Next expansion

Tomb Kings, Ogres, Skaven, Lizardmen

map goes really deep to the south so we can get all the monstrous factions that occupy South Africa

Yeah 140CAD. That's like 104USD.

Not really. Chaos is Palpatine, but that doesn't make Jabba or Thrawn a good guy.

>shield walls
Aren't as impressive in a world where heavy cavalry can ride monsters, and people can throw fireballs into your formation.

Lustria works on multiple levels because we know there's savage orcs in the southern plains of the continent, and scattered tribes of jungle (forest) goblins, as well as the mythical Amazons and Jungle-Halflings (honestly don't expect to see them show up at all though, except maybe as Free-LC). Meaning that there would be plenty of opportunities for the Lizardmen to do stuff in the early parts of the game that doesn't see them venturing out of the jungles, or require someone else to invade. Not to mention that the occasional 'disagreement' between Temple-Cities is not unheard of. And I was reading the Army Book not long ago and apparently there's even beastmen roaming around the northern parts of Lustria, near Naggaroth.

>tfw I can't wait to play a Slann and rain magical destruction down onto my foes

I'm predicting Kroq-Gar and Mazdamundi as the two Legendary Lords that they start with, with Tehenhauin being reserved for later DLC. Probably in one of those 'rival' packages where he's paired up with a Skaven Legendary hero. Kroak would be awesome, but unless they make up a bunch of new shit to go with him, he's kinda a one-trick pony.

>I want Justin Trudeau's wild ride to end.
Fuck off /pol/. I don't like le weed man, but he didn't crash the price of oil (which is what really tanked our dollar), and you're a retard if you expected him to 'fix' it.