Last thread archived and I don't have the pasta edition
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Other urls found in this thread:
>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.
Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.
>Examples of games that qualify
Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).
>Places to get minis
>The Novice Trove
Anything Mongoose has ever made.
BF Evo
BF Evo WW2
Victory at Sea
Victory at Sea Age of Dreadnaughts
Call to Arms
Call to Arms Babylon 5
Once again for Dark Age CORE.
Trying to think of how to paint up this guy...
What's your armies colors?
Washed-out titanium white with orange stripes.
'Dirty, unmaintained NASA'.
I'm looking through Rogue Stars at the moment, and it seems like a pretty interesting game. Does anyone have any particular thoughts on it that they're willing to share?
Still waiting for a scan.
pics pls
same here
Who do you play as? If it's a meme faction like Bulgaria or something then that'd be why.
I'm using my buddy's Luftwaffe field division army. We usually play at 1500 points
Sounds good for this, any reason you don't want to do that?
go ask /hwg/ maybe their real life strategy books could help
Cover, ambush, Mass LMG's, mass pin markers, effective use of orders, use vehicles as cover.
Field your bolt action questions bro.
Also.... is it bad that I wanna play dystopian wars over dropzone commander?
People have a lot of complaints about Age of Sigmar, especially because it replaced Warhammer Fantasy. But for a game in its own category, not being compared to rank and file mass battles, is there another system that is strictly superior or is it solid for what it offers?
You mean something like Age of Sigmar?
Looking at it objectively as a skirmish game, its still weak. Its a really simplistic system that overly relies on special rules to fill in the gaps. I'd say SoBaH does what it tries to do better, and that's a system I still have issues with because the amount of special rules.
IMHO, for a Fantasy Skirmish I'd rather go with one of Two Hour Wargames' rules.
They do everything AoS claims to - only better.
Well, better IMHO.
They are quick-playing (I played 3 encounters in 2 hours once) support solo- and same-side-gaming and can be used with any miniature since it's so easy to determine stats.
>is there another system that is strictly superior or is it solid for what it offers?
The thing it really offers a easy pickup games with three of four different units.
All you need for that are the 4 pages main rules and the rules on the warscrolls.
There are other games that offer a good experience at that scope too though.
And they usually have much less expensive models.
When you scale AoS up it's a real clusterfuck from what I hear though.
can someone post a link to the old thread?
Spent yesterday traveling and I want to follow up on a conversation in the last thread.
here friendo
Thank you!
>There was a game with a mechanic where you use d4, d6 or d8 depending on the quality of the troops.
different dice everywhere
>Yeah, it's Force on Force and its sister sci-fi game, Tomorrow's War does this as well.
Ah, I see it has been mentioned.
I started reading Tomorrow's War on the road yesterday.
You use d6, d8, d10, d12 depending on troop quality. The universal mechanic of the game to successfully do something is rolling a 4+ on any given dice
I notice MOM Miniatures is missing from the manufacturers doc. Any reason for that, or just an oversight?
Dragon Rampant has a lot of the good aspects of AoS, without being so much focused on heroes and it's more streamlined because there isn't a page of special rules for each unit. Also you don't need the range of the modelcount is smaller I think. Both are good games though and I like them better than r&f stuff.
more to the point, there are ton of Bolt Action players in /hwg/ that will give list critiques and stuff.
Probably just an oversight.
I really like Mantic's orcs. They have something over GW's simian hooligans. How are they do build and paint? I've seen they're not all plastic and they probably don't allow as much customisation as GW's, but they look more "civilized" or intelligent and their chariots look awesome.
They go together pretty easily but posing is indeed limited.
The basic Orc mooks are all-plastic, the more specialised units come with metal components to add to the basic frame.
Hey buddy, i play a ton of BA2. How about you post your lost. If you dont have it handy use:
Then let us know how many points. Who you play will usually play against and how cheese you wanna go to win. If you have germans you can always convert to Finns or Hungarians for some sweet and cheap power options
wtf I love spain now
Is this a Spanish store? I want to buy some.
Top is Momminiaturas, second is Avatars of War.
There is also a third drunk spaniard who does not!WHFB stuff but I can't remember the name.
Ah yeah that's the one.
>Spanish models cost almost half as much as drunk Ivan's not warhammer models
Is it that the Spanish models are less quality than RA or is it that Spain is in an even worse economic state than Russia?
Wait nevermind, they're about the same amount
Coffee hasn't kicked in yet
Spain is not that bad.
Where'd you get this comparison?
ifitweremyhome dot com
wait, if I get to Russia I get a job, more chances to fuck and get a family for the risk of getting a knife in the gut? making me wonder.
please go to russia
Russia has a gender imbalance due to the propensity of Russian men to die young.
Apparently its not hard to score in Russia because of this
>That unemployment
>consume less oil
imagine that's using in cars and that jazz as oppose to drinking it
Do you use single based models, or multi-based? I'd like to do Dragon Rampant using 6mm stuff and multibased. I know the rules allow for it, but how badly does it jigger with gameplay?
You could just use, say 5 6mm guys on the same size base and count them as 1 28mm guy and not change anything other than looks.
I don't know if you've ever built GW orcs, but they don't customize for shit, really. There are only so many ways to stick the arms, torso and head on, especially if you want them to rank up.
But, really, who cares about customizing rank and file anyway? If you want to do that, you should go out of your way and give the unit a unique theme that makes them stand out and not worry about the individual dudes. R&F always blends together anyway, the look as a unit is way more important.
I feel the same than this guy, avoid SoBaH advanced (or raid it for a few things if you like) and you are set.
Gamezone minis? Good thing about them is the quality of they minis. The bad than they are shady as fuck, so if you have to buy better from AoW or Mom. Norba doesn't have the same quality.
Notice that after fucking, your chance of having AIDS increases by 250%.
Dunno if this belong here or in /hwg/ but has anyone played kriegspiel?
Ho does it compare with other wargames?
How does one get good at it?
That is more of a /hwg/ deal
Apparently someone made a Twitterbot that randomly generates an Oldhammer scenario every 6 hours.
I assume Oldhammer is sort of /awg/ related.
Oh fuck, this is brilliant and really tickles my fancy.
I'd say SAGA is the king of how to do special rules. They are faction specific, have strategic value, need to be activated, and all fit in a board
Though, if you forget to study your opponent's board before the game you might as well go fuck yourself.
Fucking Irish and their fucking abilities.
Just put additional manufactorers/stores into the doc then, it's an editable document.
>pic related
So did anyone here do any Christmas related shopping recently? I bought a couple of boxes of Dystopian Wars as a Christmas present for myself.
HeroQuest, die-cast tanks, Korean War minis...not much /awg/ related stuff, tho the HQ minis will be rebased for skirmish sheanigans.
I didn't buy myself anything wargaming related directly, but I have had a few kickstarters come through just in time for Christmas.
I bought some Mule APCs for warzone, I wanted them before for my armies, but I'd be lying if the freebie Christmas mini Prodos offered wasn't my main motivation.
Pic related. It's a Krampus Razide.
Which ones?
Warpath and Dropfleet mainly.
New brushes, a pin vice, an x-acto type knife set. I've kind of been half-arsing stuff by using my old gear from when I was a teen when I really need new tools. Also some paint stripper and new toothbrushes.
>rebasing HeroQuest stuff to use in skirmishes
Muh nugga. Love my old plastics.
I need to get some new paints and glue. All of mine have dried out since I stopped wargaming for awhile.
I'm thinking of basing the Fimirs on 40mm rounds, but you made me re-think that, and maybe they'll stay on 25mm rounds. Gargoyle will definitely go on a bigger base tho, even if it'll occupy more than one squares.
Do it user. I've sort of come back into the hobby after a while of just accumulating the stuff, and had several fruitless months until recently.
Yeah they look a little lost on 40mm bases, and at 25mm they fit the board squares just fine. Got a few different Reaper Bones that are too big for 25mm but too small for 40mm, but I don't want to pay for a load of nuGW 32mm stuff.
I mean, I'm sorta back considering I just spent about $500 on models. I just need to find a place to get paints and stuff now that my local GW is closed.
Aye, Fimirs on 25mm. Have you painted the Gargoyle? I want to pimp it a bit - mostly its back, as the joint looks bad.
Their heads are horrible, tho
Or, playing campaign, being ambushed in an ambush by the player with "halves your saga dice" ability.
But fuck the Irish, really.
Tell me about the irish and this game that is being discussed (SAGA Dark Ages?)
Does it have an actual campaign map with detailed rules?
Are the Irish OP or just irritating?
Recently I been thinking how does one get good at wargames?
Is it strategy? Powercreeping? Empirical experience?
General strategy stuff you can learn more about from books and documentaries and stuff, learn from actual historical generals - they knew their shit.
Getting good at any one particular game will require practice. If you lose, try to think about what went wrong and what you could do about it next time. If you win, try to think about what could have gone better.
have a look at the tabletop tactics 101 here
written by Andy Chambers
the Stat cards for the December releases for ground command:
Is there a PDF of the Beyond the Gates of Antares rules and its expansions?
I'm rather interested in the setting and what something to read whilst travelling.
What is it like as a wargame?
Annoying thing about the Irish in games:
Free ranged attack at the end of movement activation
Fields, forests, rocky outcroppings and the like can shoot at your forces (SAGA ability)
One very strong ability works basically like suicide bombing (2 auto hits on every enemy in CC) without the suicide part problems is that I play Vikings, a very straight forwards CHARGE IN AND MUSH THEIR FACES IN army, while everyone else plays shennanigans factions (Normans, Byzantine, FUCKING IRISH).
Yes, there are campaign rules, with warlord powers, motivations and post games rolls that can actually fuck you.
>What is it like as a wargame?
Joke answer: dead
Had a good haul from CMON Black Friday sale. Bought $200 worth of Dark Age stuff for only $100.
So /hwg/ probably knows better? Hopefully they have good books on strategy and such
more stuff to buy... oh well
/hwg/ has a massive copypasta at the top of the thread with literally hundreds if not thousands of books in pdf.
>What is it like as a wargame?
imagine if 40k was poorly written, had terrible rules for most things, bad reasoning, did things different than 40k just to be different than 40k and imagine if nobody played it
also it's quite easily to cheat the scatter die
>imagine that
>just looks at 40k
what a mess
But user, 40k IS poorly written, no need to imagine that!
So how many games have you had of it? Reading through the beta rules, yes it seems a bit overly complicated but some things seem really great, reacting to enemy movements and charges in their turn. Sounds like a nice bit of depth 40k has never had in the years I have played it.
Hey /awg/,
I'm looking for something set between 1900-1960's but with elements of both science fiction and fantasy.
Anything you guys would suggest?
Konflikt 47?
Its weird world war 2. You got futuristic weapons like tesla tanks and walkers and fantasy creatures like vampires, werewolves and zombies.
Secrets of the Third Reich
Malifaux is pretty good. Very characterful skirmish game.
I'll look into these.
If you like skirmishers i can recommend you Strange Aeons. Its about a group of Agents/Civilians versus Lovecraftian Monsters/Cultists and stuff like that.
It has really nice campaign rules where your heroes go insane after a long campaign or loose limbs and all sorts of things can happen.
Really fast games too (mostly its less then 10 Minis)
Its setting is kinda open so you can fight against Zombies and other types of creatures, cults etc if you don't like the typical Chtulhu enemies.
What's peoples opinion on the Lord of the Rings sbg? I've heard it's gone through something of a renaissance recently and i'm interested.
What was the name of that other WW2 game that has mechs and stuff?