Let's make a necromunda gang!
1d10 for gang society
Let's make a necromunda gang!
1d10 for gang society
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Rolled 10 (1d10)
>Enforcer: Working under the guise of legal private security companies, these are no more than gangers with fancy equipment and very loose contracts.
1d100 size
Rolled 12 (1d100)
We're tiny! Roll a 10d10 for our membership size
Rolled 3, 1, 8, 6, 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 8 = 46 (10d10)
Okay, with the tiny modifier, we have a fat 26. Roll a 1d130 for hablocks
Rolled 44 (1d130)
Alright, now we need a 1d6 with that modifier
These are some weird roles
Rolled 5 (1d6)
Alright, our 26 men own 4 hablocks.
1d100 for special equipment my friend
Rolled 1 (1d100)
>Traditional weaponry
Boilerplate stuff so far
1d100 for legality
What's some good sites to get models that fit the Necromunda aesthetic?
Rolled 49 (1d100)
>Local Pest
1d100 for secrecy
Rolled 32 (1d100)
1d100 for demographic influence
Rolled 26 (1d100)
Mind linking whatever charts you're using? I remember them but I don't think I saved a link.
>Blue Collar Workers: The laborers of the Hive owe you some favors, whether they like it or not.
So we're like reverse pinkertons
1d100 for gang ambition
I actually couldn't find the tables myself, so I decided on using these, which borrows a lot from them 1d4chan.org
Rolled 26 (1d100)
High hopes for Space Pinkertons
Those're what I was thinking of! Thanks OP!
>Riches: A desire for wealth and splendor motivates these gangers to amass huge hordes of money and capital. If only someday.
Greedy upstarts from blue-collar families, it seems
1d100 for dedication
Rolled 56 (1d100)
>Full time commitment
1d10 for gang demeanour
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Once a Space Pinkerton, always a Space Pinkerton.
>Aggressive: Members destroy property and rob unsuspecting citizens, leaving them in a bloody pulp, if alive at all.
Seems to fit in just fine
1d100 for leadership type
Rolled 73 (1d100)
>Cell Structure
Since there's so few, they'd be split into squads?
2d6 2 times for gang assets. Here's hoping for distilleries
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d6)
Moonshine making, HOOOOOO
>Small Market Stall. Your Gang sells scrap parts and boot-legged commodities.
one more 2d6 baby
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d6)
I can live with bootlegged DVDs
>Hunter Trading Post. Your gang runs an outpost dealing in pelts, claws, poison sacks, jewel eyes, etc of strange local beasts.
Can you be hive mountain men? Because we're dangerously close
Alright, that's all the rolls for this gang, I'll compile what we got
>Enforcer: Working under the guise of legal private security companies, these are no more than gangers with fancy equipment and very loose contracts.
>Tiny, 26 members
>5 hablocks
>Traditional Weaponry
>Legality: Local Pest
>Secrecy: Obvious
>Blue Collar Workers: The laborers of the Hive owe you some favors, whether they like it or not.
>Riches: A desire for wealth and splendor motivates these gangers to amass huge hordes of money and capital. If only someday.
>Full commitment of its members
>Aggressive: Members destroy property and rob unsuspecting citizens, leaving them in a bloody pulp, if alive at all.
>Cell Structure
>Small Market Stall. Your Gang sells scrap parts and boot-legged commodities
>Hunter Trading Post. Your gang runs an outpost dealing in pelts, claws, poison sacks, jewel eyes, etc of strange local beasts.
Alright, so these guys seem to be pinkertons that use the bluecollar folk to do their bidding rather than actively fucking them over. Maybe they use protection rackets to press the poor minors of the lower tiers of the city into making sort of a gang militia? Sort of like the Shinsengumi meets Pinkertons meets Mobsters
So we're basically the equivalent of low-level yakuza roving around in gangs and extorting small businesses between jobs from our corporate overlords?
>corporate overlords?
Could be government employed. Mining towns in the low level that the hive government couldn't be bothered to govern, so these opportunistic fucks show up, offering to take up the burden for them, abusing the fuck out of their power and setting up a total dictatorship
Better than my idea
Well, the low level yakuza stuff should still absolutely apply if you ask me. Protection rackets, illegal gambling, breaking knees and busting shins.
Now, what do we name them? My vote is for the Jade Cobras because Hua Yuan is an Asian-flavored world and that sounds very Asian.
>Jade Cobras
I'm down for it. Someone should make one of those name generators like for the space marine chapters
we could even do it now
Fittingly, I got the name from a gang name generator like the creatively bankrupt sod that I am
Link? Sounds almost exactly what I'm talking about
I got it from here
cheers m8
I was thinking about rolling up a genesteeler cult or chaos cult too, more factions you know. Maybe a pdf. 1d3?
Rolled 2 (1d3)
You got it.
Nice Sclicey, Genestealers! 1d100 for homeworld
Rolled 7 (1d100)
>Hive World: This cult's seed was planted in the midst of a massive urban sprawl, providing "PURGE THE XENOS" all the nooks and crannies needed to spread its influence. These Cults are characterized by their sheer numbers
makes sense makes sense
1d100 for planet terrain
Rolled 52 (1d100)
>Desert: The Cult probably got its start hoarding moisture accumulators and power converters. Eating womp rats, too.
1d10 for specialization
Rolled 2 (1d10)
>2: Swarming the enemy
1d100 for technology level
Rolled 43 (1d100)
As a Genestealer cult should
>Makeshift weaponry, hunting tools, and repurposed industrial equipment. Very little that was originally intended for a combat purpose beyond simple autoguns.
I see what's happening here, they've infest the mines. Its the goddamn coal strikes in space
1d10 for influence
Rolled 16 (1d100)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
>Margaretmarine shooting workers when?
>3-4: Small, a thorn in the population's side, they have not yet ascertained the true nature of the threat.
sorry guy, wrong one
1d100 for cult enemy
Rolled 4 (1d100)
rolling for not redemptionists
>The priests or clergy in this group suspect heresy but have little evidence to back it up, save a definite feeling of dread and unease.
Not redemptionist, motherfucker
Alright, so lets fluff these fuckers out now
The cult is made up of mostly lower-class hiveworlders, having to overwhelm their enemies with mobs of cultists with mining tools. They've managed to keep their activities secret from the rest of the hive, but some priests who administer to the lower levels sense that not all is well...
Can they have a mine fortress made of dizzing pathways and full of traps and battlements? Its my fetish
Their fortress can have as many twists and turns as you want, senpai. I won't kinkshame you.
Okay, so, I'm thinking up a hombrew campaign for necromunda, right? Based on these two, its back woods in SPAAACE? What else should I include? Whiskey rebels? More rolls?
Yakuza toughs versus genestealers? Oh Emprah that sounds cool.
I like the idea of the this happening in a From Dusk 'Til Dawn-type thing with genestealers instead of vampires.
You guys know GW is re-releasing an update Necromunda either 2017 or 2018, right?
You guys hype? I am. Can't wait. Hope the old shit is there, with some new shit, more customisation, more bits and bobs, awesome models, etc.
Wait, I'm going to need source. I don't want to get my hopes only for it to be shit
Last Xmas they said they had opened a new Specialist Game studio. They said Bloodbowl, Necromunda and BFG were being updated. We just got the new Bloodbowl, so the other two are due sometime.
Here is one.
Also this.
Ever since they did lost patrol again, I had my fingers crossed. Im too happy man, thanks for making my christmas
You're very welcome! Might be awhile though. We only just got Blood Bowl. Still, their Board Games are fantastic. Space Hulk Terminators are the best they do. Lost Patrol is a neat game (don't think models are unique). Silver Tower has some amazing models which can be used in AoS or 40k. Execution Force got updated in White Dwarf and seems cool. Blood Bowl seems the same as it was.
Let's hope it's soon. Though if you look at the order of the games names, I suspect Epic will be next, then Necromunda.
Perhaps this Magnus mini is going to be used in Epic?
Here's hoping for GorkaMorka