Does anybody know of any good Discord servers for finding people to play games online or help with building maps or making tokens?
Does anybody know of any good Discord servers for finding people to play games online or help with building maps or...
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The /fvgt/ and Fading Embers threads are both trying to do that. We don't do discord though. Kills ideas.
Discord is an abomination that leads into circlejerking, stagnation, and gay pedophilia without fail. Every single time.
I've seen it kill generals.
Only ever use it as a convenient way to meet up with people you're already planning to play with, and even then almost any other program would be better.
If such a server exists, I guarantee you nobody there has played a tabletop game before in their life, or even wants to, and is just there to talk about video games and anime and occasionally post elves in lingerie.
I had such high hopes for he JTRPG Discord... High hopes....
Don't go to Discord for playing tabletop games, it's a retarded shitshow of retards, fags, pricks, spergs, autists, man-children and fuckwits.
KiwitehWeh is the most autistic fucking person I've ever had the misfortune to interact with from Veeky Forums.
Spoken like a true shit lord.
Well, I don't know if any good public discards exist for that, you could always just make one yourself, and moderate it. I'm not sure if posting the link on Veeky Forums would be a great idea, but if you have any other rpg forums and such, you can invite people from there. And the admin tools are pretty easy to use.
Discord is better for those games where roleplay is the most important aspect and combat only happens like every other session.
Well, there IS a Veeky Forums discord.
SweetSoulBro was on earlier and was talking about shit RPGs he's seen and how terrible they were because they were made ironically
are you jelly you got banned
are you jelly you can't boot up your gameboy and exploit IRC anymore
are you afraid of the glory of crowdsourced cloud bullshit
also you're telling us this on Veeky Forums what the fuck is wrong with you!
>gay pedophilia without fail
What if I'm into that?
>exploit IRC
What is this, the 90's?
We've had good, powerful server-side protections against all forms of attack since like forever
I have no idea what you're trying to say. If you're not being ironic, you know you're just proving my point that people who do stuff like call others "shit lord" love Discord, right?
>you could always just make one yourself, and moderate it
Do not ever, ever, under any circumstances do this. Speaking from experience; yours won't be the one that finally breaks the mold. Yours won't be the one that's actually on topic. Yours won't be the one with the quality, active community. It doesn't matter how good you think you are as a moderator, all it takes is one, just one retard, the kind that browses for Discord links regardless if he's actually interested in the topic or not, to taint it irrevocably. It starts with him adding his smug anime avatar friends out of the blue, and before you even know what's happening, the fuckers have driven out everybody worthwhile with their dumbshittery and stolen what little community is left from you, calling the one you made "dead" before running off and starting a new one that pretends to be on the same topic instead of being a glorified clubhouse for all of a month or two, like the fucking Traitor Legions from 40K fleeing into the Eye of Terror.
Are you really into stupid, attention starved fourteen year old boys posting nudes and demanding you cyber with them 24/7, user? Are you really?
Sounds like somebody got salted the hell out.
There's a Veeky Forums discord and a /wbg/ one. On the plebbit side there's worldbuilding one and a game design one. All four are fairly active.
Invite plz
Yeah that's exactly the response I'd expect from neo-Veeky Forums.
"Oh noes my discord got ruined by shitters and I was too much of a wuss to stop em, NO DISCORDS EVER CAN WORK WAAAAAAAA"
Do you really think I didn't try?
I guess it's just Veeky Forums-related discords that are shitty and attract autists. The ones I'm on are pretty comfy and mellow.
You were too much of a wuss with the banhammer if you let it happen.
Simple as that.
I straightup called them faggots and said to cut the shit or get out.
Why not swing the chainhammer right away?
>/5eg/ Discord server
Veeky Forums discord is too /b//pol/ar
And then they stayed and kept being faggots, I imagine.
What next, throwing more pleading words into the abyss?
>not swinging it right away
Clearly a pussy. No mercy at all, slam it or damn it, man. If you want control, if you want shit perfect in your server, then you need to be a tyrant who enforces the laws of that server without any forgiveness for the people who try to ruin your shit.
I thought I'd recognize the signs, but I only really began to notice how bad it'd gotten when they were the only ones talking anymore.
That's when they all took their ball and went home.
Understood, I was too lenient. Need to assume the worst case scenario at all times instead of letting things slide if I ever try to do something like that again. Thanks for the lesson anons, I'll put it into practice if the chance ever comes back up.
Seriously though, if you sense cancer starting, you ban that shit early and you ban that shit for good, or else it's going to go terminal fast.
>That's when they all took their ball and went home.
Okay then if it is as you describe
> the fuckers have driven out everybody worthwhile with their dumbshittery and stolen what little community is left from you
You should've done that way earlier.