Take your favorite mythology / legend / fable

Take your favorite mythology / legend / fable


This is now the campaign setting for your next game

What kind of adventures will you have?

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But, all of my favorite mythologies, legends, and fables ARE American.

South american here:

What does it means to make something AMERICAN?

>people are really fat and clap a lot
>everything is big and fake

it means your players are objectively better than anyone else, and they are constantly obsessed with defending freedom. You are always the good guys no matter what.

More guns and explosions, mostly.

Not actual freedom though, just the *WORD* freedom.

>making Slavic mythology American
This sounds extremely heretical

Just focus on polish traditions and it's fine

Take Optimus Prime, kind, just, fair and honorable now see Optimus Bayprime, psychotic, hypocritical, muderer, and he thinks he's in the right.

This, you can commit the most barbaric attrocities and still consider yourself the good guys, and if anyone complains you just shift the blame with "well, the other guys did it too so we're justified", also that, use "justified" as much as possible, almost as much as freedom.

>What kind of adventures will you have?
Tasteless, vulgar, stupid.

>>All this anti-Americanism
Hello butthurt foreigners

It's like clockwork.

Are we talking about Russians now?



I always wanted a over the top video game based on the revolutionary war but Dynasty Warriors/Sengoku Basara style.

Like...George Washington calls out for a giant eagle, jumps onto it, and just dive bombs the shit out of the battlefield with fireworks and the american flag waving in the background.

Or like a crazy Andrew Jackson dual wielding pistols and busting caps over the entire battlefield.

>Veeky Forums
I've been thinking of some revisionist campaign where players would assume some famous role as a historical figure and just DO things but that tends to not be enough to get people motivated and leads to murderhoboism.

Maybe I should go completely off the rails and have the players go search for artifacts to help Washington and his crusade. Like go get EXCALIBUR, but OH will you give it to the general, USE IT YOURSELF, or give it to the RED COATS?

All while using resources that would otherwise go to their own citizens to build weapons in a wartime level during peacetime while genociding and culturally raping eastern europe and parts of asia for the last 100 years.

Why is it that whenever someone brings up America or anything America related people here get into a jingoistic racist hate boner?

Because we're better than you and it makes us hard

better than who?

>that would otherwise go to their own citizens
>while genociding and culturally raping eastern europe
>says globalist fuckboy
Also, you still buying russian's space engines.

im not american you prick. Take your offtopic back to /pol/



For fucks sake Veeky Forums you're better than this. Just think of America FUCK YEAH, 80ies action movies, Sunglasses and snappy one liners and apply it to your favorite myth legend or whatever else you want.

This isn't a thread to talk about how awesome America is, its to take the "awesome" parts of american pop culture and see if it makes an amusing story.

Why can't it be both?

Can't when people are flooding it with hate and other shit. Every single time this type of thread pops up some prejudiced asshole ruins it.

Who's been hateful? Irrelevant non-Americans have been irrelevant. Real Americans have laughed at them. On to the /tg portion of the event!

This guyand this

Right. Irrelevant people. Ok in the same way Guy Ritchie is redoing King Arthur as a British crime movie what if we redid it as Die Hard? Arthur has to make his way thru a castle in a stealthy, low-powered, and clearly outgunned way to claim his birthright?

Too much pride and funded revolutions


>American is a race now

Just look at the shit fest that is GoT.

American renaissance faire bollocks need to go.

Did you watch that intro of Assassins Creed 3? In where a Native American hero infused with the power of George Washington defeats alone an entire army of British firing at him with guns and cannons at the sound of America Fuck Yeah?


Incredible outspoken to the point of being annoying
Masters of bullshitting, they "know" about everything even if they know shit
Patriotic as fuck, sometimes I envy that but others makes you realize they're kinda blind to what their country did or does
Pretty fucking entitled

am i doing it right

+ = Thank you.

Your replies reminds me of this

Tiddalik the Frog
America beat me to it.

Oh god, it's a third of the way through before they even get to the story and the story has been changed to the point of asking why did they bother with it in the first place.

Like all American remakes of foreign stories.

Thor, Loki and Thor's two servants end up meeting that one giant that uses magic to dick with them, invites them into his house to further dick with them, kicks them out and further dicks with them before taking his whole house and leaving before Thor can even make sense of what the fuck happened, let alone unleash hammery justice.

Or the one where Thor's hammer is stolen by a giant and so Thor goes in drag to marry said giant to get his hammer back.
This one does end in hammery justice.
Probably a National Lampoon film? I guess?
They'd be really awful though.