Who was the villain of this story?

Who was the villain of this story?

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You, for making this thread in the first place.

really powers up my potions

The Potion Seller.
The Knight clearly understood the risk of the strongest potions, and should have been allowed to buy them.

This user, for responding to this thread in the first place

This. It's lame shit.

The potions seller. Even if the traveler couldn't handle the strongest potions, he should at least get a chance to try them. A man is in charge of his own destiny, and going into battle will surely lead to death if preparations aren't made.

Maybe the traveller should have found a potion seller selling weaker potions.

What is this?

The traveler

He could have just found a potion seller selling weaker potions

>you should be allowed to own recreational nukes, so long as you understand the risks involved


This meme is too strong for you. Perhaps you would like a weaker meme?

>not believing it is the right of every man to own nuclear weapons for recreational use and self defence, if he so desires

Friend, even I am not all-knowing.

>not even a dragon could handle my nukes. they are not fit for a beast let alone a man

/k/ says yes

But you cannot handle OP's threads, for they are too cancerous!

Obviously the arrogant knight for overestimating the limits of his power

Clearly the potion seller for not selling the good sir knight the potions that would surely aid him in battle

Wouldn't the villain be whomever the Knight was going into battle to fight?

The Knight.

After all, the Potion Seller's potions could do in a dragon! Anything the Knight could do, his postions could do better!

Should knights be outlawed?

the potion seller had weaker potions and gladly offered them, but the knight going to battle insisted, like a fool, that only the strongest could do. the problem was that the knight's arrogance keyed into the potion seller's own ego, revealing his true nature as a power-mad role that wizards in fantasy tend to occupy. The knight can't be a villain, as he's just not understanding the situation and isn't measuring himself properly, and the potion seller is more selfish/self-interested than an actual villain. On one hand, he withholds potions that could kill a dragon, knowing the brave knight has to go to battle. is it possible the potion seller is taking advantage of the situation, selling weaker potions to let both sides continue to wage war as his business profits?

Do keep in mind that these are potions, not poisons, and it can be inferred that the Knight fully intends to use them for himself.
Perhaps the potion seller refused to let the Knight kill himself through overestimating his constitution?

Potion sellers shouldn't play god. His powerful potions could have turned the tides for all he knew. How powerful do you think he made them to outright deny pitching potions for the needy traveller?

Powerful enough to kill a dragon, of which that traveler was most certainly not.

This would be funny. If it didn't drag on for three minutes. It is like the duck season rabbit season joke from bugs bunny if the joke went on for three minutes as opposed to ten seconds.

It is funny enough to have spawned a meme

It stayed funny to most people because of how hard he was trying not to laugh. It can be difficult not to crack a smile at someone else having dumb fun.

First time I watched it I got bored and started skipping ahead, second time I bothered suffering through it all, third time I actually thought it was kind of funny and now every time I watch it it gets funnier for me to the point where I have to stop whatever I am doing and watch it again if I randomly find/think about that video.

But he's going into battle.

It's literally only funny because it drags on too long, like that "YER A WIZARD HARRY" video.

> 2016
> Posting frogs

The potion, for being too strong to be sold.

what story is this


It's a tragedy of the ages.

The knight is heading off to battle where lesser potions aren't enough, nobody else is brave or capable enough for the task.
The potion seller is trying to warn him of his foolishness, but little does he know the knight has no choice and is willing to pay even the ultimate price to complete his quest.