So, Veeky Forums, real question here

So, Veeky Forums, real question here.

Why didn't in your setting all manly races (humans, dwarves, orks) banded up and killed all prissy pissy faggy fag races (elves, halflings, gnomes, kitsune bullshit?).

it only seems natural that manly races would easily kill them and then make an awesome feast to celebrate their victory. So what's up with that? Are you some sort of elf lover?

>Why don't all the magically retarded races do anything but be kept heavily under-heel of the magically superior races

Humans are actually better than elves at magic.

All human magic is practical, while elves hone the craft of pretty fireworks for 200 years because they're faggots who care about aesthetics. Human magic is practical and effective.

Wait why halflings? They ain't prissy, they're mean things. Hell go far enough back and halflings are cannibals. They live in holes in the damn ground, but like their homes comfy. That's about it when it comes to prissy bullshit, and even human do that shit.

>Why didn't in your setting all manly races banded up and killed all prissy pissy faggy fag races.

>Why didn't in your setting
Why the fuck would you start a sentence like this? It's like one of those retarded "passive" sentences they show you as an example in school, saying, "hey retard, don't start a sentence like this, it makes you sound ridiculous".

>all manly races banded up and killed
You mean, why didn't they band up and kill? Or why don't they band up and kill? Or why haven't they banded up to kill? There are like five ways to ask this questions and none of them are this way.

Questions end with a question mark, user. That's why we call it a QUESTION mark.

>not manly
t. man who never worked on a car in his life


You're not doing your Elves right then.

Proper (High/Dark) Elves have enough strength to do all that flashy stuff and still do it faster and more efficiently than humans. Tuned in with magic n shit.

You really nailed the "underage retard grammar". Nice job.

Because in my setting Elves are refuges of a higher plane and were somewhat angelic at one point until they adapted to living on this middle plane we inhabit, they are forgiving and fair to the other races but mostly just wary, so only monsters have a good reason to hate them. They are not annoyingly passive and will be happy to raid the evil races and even believe humans need to step up their game in this department.