Is there anybody out that that actually DISLIKES the 40k universe as a whole? Or is appreciating it like an initiation into traditional gaming?
Is there anybody out that that actually DISLIKES the 40k universe as a whole...
40k is "cool" but as a universe its much inferior and nonsensical than StarWars.
BL clearly isnt helping with marysue in every fucking books and power levels all over the place.
I much prefer WHFB fluff (not sure about AoS as its too young yet) compared to the 40k one.
And that comming from someone that never bought a whfb model and have 50k point combined across most armies for 40k.
Nope, nobody, you're the only one on the planet who dislikes the 40K universe user. Good job on being an actual special snowflake with that hot unique opinion.
you have falied this initiation, proceed with videogames, tabletop has no business with you m8
I honestly cannot stand it and doubt I'd even be able to name a single thing I actually like about it. Overall dull with poor writing, hard to get immersed in and the layers of irony grim schtick is tiring and was overplayed before the game was even invented.
Most people hate it. It's a terrible setting, and its fans somehow are even worse.
An initiation to traditional gaming is probably that moment when you actually look past the hideous, clunky designs to actually look into the lore, and find out it is actually more retarded than you actually imagined it to be.
Followed by some idiot saying "It's not retarded, because it's cool!" when no, it's just retarded.
Jedis and stormtroopers are gay. Look at the new movie it looks gay as fuck
I don't care for it, The setting is trite and cliche- ridden. The company is brilliant and despicable, it makes Microsoft look like Mother Teresa.
Overall, I find the setting to be rather childish, even for the RPG/Tabletop world.
I only know one person in real life who likes it, and everyone hates him.
>Followed by some idiot saying "It's not retarded, because it's cool!" when no, it's just retarded.
>Followed by some idiot saying "It's not cool, because it's retarded!" when no, it's jusy cool.
YOU are the idiot you're describing, user.
Yes. A lot of people dislike 40k, and it's setting. It is no longer the "gateway tabletop game" it used to be, due largely to the fact that there are so many mainstream games now available.
>40k is more nonsensical than starwars
user stop taking stupid pills, 40k operates by rule of cool and still manages to be less pants on head retarded then starwars
>200 replies in an hour
>the post
I really hate how real threads are just knocked off while the "lets get a fanbase mad" ones always stay.
It was never the gateway tabletop game, unless you were British.
It got 10 replies in 10 hours.
It's not actually that good of a setting, and it isn't the mandatory tabletop game gateway drug anymore. It's outlived it's usefulness.
Literally there is only one guy on Veeky Forums who dislikes 40k and he's a loser.
You literally can't like tabletop games if you dislike 40k, that's why everyone here loves it.
Honestly you have to have poor taste if you dislike 40k as a whole because it is literally the most awesome setting ever conceived.
The only people who I know that dislike 40k are the adults who take it all at face value and don't laugh at how ridiculous it all is outright, or do not like stories/settings where the group you are supposed to commiserate with are just as awful as the antagonists, or dislike stories that are bleak by rote.
Fortunately, you are all free to like, and dislike, what you want. I love 40k, and have most of my life. Other people don't need to, y'know?
>The only people who I know that like 40k are the adults who take it all at face value and don't laugh at how ridiculous it all is outright
Fixed to reflect my own experiences.
> rule of cool
That's just the fans way of saying "it's stupid, but we don't care."
The actual Rule of Cool doesn't apply to 40k, because 40k isn't cool.
Not really. Even 40kids know that 40k isn't that great. There's not much to debate or even discuss.
Difference, user, is that they cheer on the faction they like and have FUN with it, whereas people who don't have fun with it get up in arms about the silliness.
Shit, I've played SMs for.... 20 years? 9k of Ultramarines, and added 3k of HH UMs. It's like having a favorite sports team among people who bitch about "sportsball"; just because you don't get why I am invested doesn't make what I enjoy something less.
Honestly, I don't give a shit about people who don't like 40k, until they show up when I run the FFG rpgs and I have to boot them for being fuckwads.
Everyone with taste.
now hold up there, i dont play 40k, but even i can admit these walking tank coffins are cool looking
>as a whole
No. Like most ordinary human beings, I'm able to ignore the things I don't like; so I only pick up some books and bits of lore out of the whole.
40k has gone through so many years, authors and places that it's hard to hate absolutely everything.
Like most multimedia settings.
So is life. But the real threads are often very comfy when they manage to lift off, since all the shitposters are busy in the bait threads.
>inferior and nonsensical compared to star wars
As someone who loves both, gonna have to disagree here. 40K to me is over-the-top 80s sci-fi action movie: The Setting. Nonsense (and over the top ridiculousness) are integral to the setting and are explained simply by the fact it's 39,000 years in the future and technology is bananas. The insanity explains itself.
Star Wars, on the other hand, is nonsense and not in a good way. This began, imo, when Luke and Leia were revealed to be brother and sister and caused this whole bullshit idea that everyone in the galaxy is now related, everything important is set around this one family out of the trillions of individuals in the galaxy.
This is explained away by "the will of the force". Me and even my most ardent Star Wars loving friends have all agreed that the Force is essentially just "the plot".
>character in doomed situation
>just use force and get out lol
>need to explain character relationship
>just use the force and theyre brothers lol
40K ruins everything.
40k is complete nonsense but it is okay because i said it but my and my super mega lucasfilm approved 510st member friends thinks.
>everything important is set around this one family out of the trillions of individuals in the galaxy.
Are you referring to the 20 unilateral and uni-emotional primarchs family ?
>but mye and my super mega lucasfilm approved 510st member friends thinks its totally not okay for starwars.