MaRo is asleep

MaRo is asleep

Post cards that violate the color pie

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That seems very black to me

Black can only get -X/-X mass removal


Not true, Black gets wraths. They're less frequent than white and usually cost more and/or come with an extra rider.



Low hanging fruit.


what part about this card is blue?

The part where its fucking bullshit and hard to deal with.

why was this allowed

The manacost and creature type

'Destroy' in blue.

And its red equivalent, with counter.

>pyroblasting someone's counterspell

you haven't really played mtg until you've done this

How about some direct damage in blue?

Don't violate

>Char is color shifted Psionic Blast

This wouldn't be printed now but I didn't really understand the colour pie when I first played during sixth edition.

>This wouldn't be printed now
It was reprinted last summer.

How about some green burn to go with your blue? This doesn't even have the excuse of being really old.

>i'm so new at mtg

I mean into a standard set, commander and masters sets often have old colour breaking reprints because they have no impact on any format.

Tim was printed before the color pie existed.

Fuck you WotC, keep your jungle fever cuck fetish off my iconic childhood cardfus

It would be better if you had to name a player like cabal therapy

If you couldn't name your opponent, the effect would fizzle

wtf is this? and so recently printed...

fucking favorite

isnt posting planar chaos cheating? because they were supposed to be out of color...

You do realize -X/-X is a higher level of destruction. One that bypasses indestructible and used to bypass regenerate?
Any black card that says '-X/-X' can be replaced with 'destroy'.

At least you tried.

Already posted

He's Greek you retard

Black's slice of the pie historically has included "anything, as long as it has to pay life or sacrifice something as part of the cost."

Only the cards in the alternate frame are "color-shifted" there were a whole bunch of normal cards in that set as well.

it bends the color pie but it does not really outright break it

the alt frame was future sight, not colourshifted cards

Planeshifted cards had a different coloured frame

see misspoke

Fuck off.

/pol/ go home

Friendly reminder Time Spiral was the best block and we'll never have another one like it.

Posting pic relevant to thread.

Go back to 1942 you shitty asshole

Do you need a safe space so the mean old liberals don't hurt your feefees?

>time spiral
Time Spiral was good but there were better blocks before it and there have been better blocks since.

That card is incredibly red tho

great card for edh

I will never understand why MaRo hate this card but defend tooth and nail Delver of secret.
They are both cards that give something their color normally don't have: efficient flying power for hornet queen and efficient aggro creature for Delver through an in-color method: token for hornet queen, having a deck with lot of instant and ritual for delver.

Delver is in Blue.

You know, that card only functions as a shittier version of pic related. Wouldn't really say it's a violation of the pie.

Delver of secret is blue as fuck.
Could call it super Prowess.

Maro didn't like flying in green.
But since DTK he's changed his mind to "Green can have flying at really REALLY high cost."

Hornet Queen is on the edge of the green pie slice. The flavor is also extremely fucking green. And it's only played in EDH anyway.

Wat. Queen sees sideboard play in Modern ramp decks pretty often. And it was very present in its Standard.

It's a violation/break, as in no color but blue should have the words "counter target..."

Yes was played.
>X card sees sideboard play in this Modern tier 2 deck
Oh wow really.
All cards that are 'ok' see play in top the 3 tier sideboards.

Hornet queen makes a bunch of small creatures. This is a color pie bend. White is supposed to have the most creatures, while green is supposed to have the biggest creatures. Making four 1/1's is white, while making one 4/4 is green. Deploying an army with one card is normally a white ability. Additionally, green doesn't get flying very often. Usually it's reserved for sort of special occasions, like when they print a green dragon. (dragons always fly, since players expect them to) Green gets deathtouch. I forget if it's primary or secondary in green.

Trouble is, this one card makes an army of flying deathtouchers, making for a highly effective army to attack or block with. This isn't something green usually gets, but in this case green was able to pull off with a collection of bends. The card isn't a color pie break, but it's kind of a stretch.

Delver is 100% a blue card, except for its mana cost. Blue isn't supposed to get big creatures for cheap. The devs clearly expected it to be much harder to transform and costed it accordingly. If it had been a 2/2 for 2 or a 3/3 for 3 it would have been fine. As it stands, it's just an undercosted card. If anything, blue has a history of undercosting powerful cards. (Ancestral Recall, anyone?)

Tooth and Nail I have no idea what you're complaining about. Green can fetch creatures and it can put them onto the battlefield. It doesn't normally get to do both at once, but that's not even a bend, it's just powerful.

>color pie

yes let's start calling it this because of some faggots draft on mtgo

>Oh wow really.
>All cards that are 'ok' see play in top the 3 tier sideboards.
I was just saying that:
>And it's only played in EDH anyway.
is incorrect.

>Hornet queen makes a bunch of small creatures. This is a color pie bend. White is supposed to have the most creatures, while green is supposed to have the biggest creatures. Making four 1/1's is white, while making one 4/4 is green. Deploying an army with one card is normally a white ability. Additionally, green doesn't get flying very often. Usually it's reserved for sort of special occasions, like when they print a green dragon. (dragons always fly, since players expect them to) Green gets deathtouch. I forget if it's primary or secondary in green.
>Trouble is, this one card makes an army of flying deathtouchers, making for a highly effective army to attack or block with. This isn't something green usually gets, but in this case green was able to pull off with a collection of bends. The card isn't a color pie break, but it's kind of a stretch.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

White gets small creature cards.
Green gets big creature cards/bigger for less.
Both make tiny tokens, green is primary token making color. Green can make 1/1 tokens or 6/6 tokens.
Have you never played with green? Like half the green cards make tiny tokens, double token, X tokens, TOKENS! Tokens and counters are the 2 main focuses of green.

The flavor of Hornet Queen is 100% green. It's just green isn't mechanically happy about flying.
The problem with Hornet Queen is it makes FLYING tokens, green should "never" make flying tokens. But it can in flavor, and that's whu Hornet Queen was made while Maro was sleeping.

Go be an autist somewhere else. Obviously it's not "only" played in EDH.

>BFZ was my first block, The Post

Can target enchantments.


Nice projection.

Nice meme.


Fun fact, if you google "color pie", and not even "MTG color pie" or "magic color pie", just the words "color" and "pie" the first two images are BOTH the classic MTG color pie charts.

Also if you google "blithering mongoloid" a pictures of you and your whole family take up the first 20 spots. Weird huh?

Heh. This plus Wound Reflection.

so it is like the line in the sand, the great equal.

>before the color pie existed.

So? It has the flavor of red chaos effect. Its great removal to have.

Because it's awesome, that's why.

I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, but how Forgotten Ancient with wings doesn't have green in it?

Flavor explanation. Big ojutai bird -> uber-prowess

>that card only functions as a shittier version of pic related.
But that's wrong, avoid fate works when the target is a permanent, vines of vastwood only works on creature.


You must be new. It's newfag lingo for people who haven't played for more than a few years. stop trying to pretend you're an oldfag

no totally wrong try again


And I actually did laugh out loud at your post

it was recently popularized by that twisted pie crap on mtgo but people used the term before, but only in recent years. nobody was saying it back when I was playing Urza's block.
a lot of lingo has come about in recent years because of the influx, not all of it good

yeah, they're giving blue counterspells now? wtf wizards??

isn't the twisted pie cube a thing of this year?
I've been aware of the term color pie since Kamigawa.

Classic litmus test. If you think this is OK, you failed


it's not actually blue

>phyrexian mana is bad unless it's black
Dismember yourself

The term color pie has been around since at least 2003, see The Value of Pie article on the mother ship.

Fuck off Ken Nagle

But user, Phyrexian mana is always bad!

He's saying nobody said "color pie" in the old days. which they didn't.

That chart is also from 2006
You'll notice all the dates at the bottom are mid-2000's+ as well

In other words, he's right. You can put your autism kit away now

Yes the Twisted Pie draft is new on MTGO although you probably wouldn't like it. Yes the term was from around the time they changed the aesthetics to lure in Yu-Gi-Oh kids

>You'll notice all the dates at the bottom are mid-2000's as well
Mid 2000s was 10-15 years ago, bud. Also, that site didn't exist before the mid 2000s. All you're proving is that the site used color pie the day it was conceived.

Satan pls

Whats wrong with it?

Color Pie as a term was already in use in the 90's you colossal mong.

>Hornet queen makes a bunch of small creatures. This is a color pie bend. White is supposed to have the most creatures, while green is supposed to have the biggest creatures. Making four 1/1's is white, while making one 4/4 is green.

You're a fucking idiot. Token generation is in literally EVERY color. White isn't even especially good at it compared to green and red. Only one that's sort of bad at it is blue, and even blue does okay with cards such as Chasm Skulker.

It's a green burn spell

Mental misstep allows all colours to counter spells. Something that is strictly against green and blacks slice

I can see how you'd think its old if you're a newer player, or if you started 10 years ago.

I used to say color wheel but I always felt like a first grader talking about primary and secondary colors. Color pie is distinctive and I'm happy MaRo changed it

Because every color can do anything, they're just better at some things than others. Every color has direct damage, red is just the best at it. Every color has countermagic, blue is just the best at it and so on.

The term color pie has been around since the inception of the game. That is why colours even exist

The earliest use of it is from 2003, and thats only because the old is down and unusable, even with wayback. The term is at least 13 years old, most likely more, its not new.

The part where it's ludicrously overpowered. We all know that being ludicrously overpowered has always been a Blue mechanic.

Real talk though, TNN should never have been printed in blue. Protection is primarily a white mechanic, while blue has the LEAST claim to it of all colors (just run a search on "protection" keyword for each color - blue has less cards than any other color). Yet the best protection creature by far was printed in blue, because fuck the color pie I guess.
