Post your wacky and tacky space age fashion Veeky Forums
Post your wacky and tacky space age fashion Veeky Forums
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Operators are the worst thing to happen to Warframe.
But on the other hand...extra fashionframe.
I agree mechanically, but lore wise they've apparently been around as a concept for at least a couple years. I think the Ember Prime codex entry first mentions them?
I like them, but i respect your opinion. they're divisive.
We didn't know what they really were though. Look at Rhino Prime's entry. We didn't know if they were adults at the time they get their suit, whether they were in the suits or not, how deformed they were, etc.
Now they're just faggy kids remote controlling empty suits.
well as of War Within The operator can now teleport through your warframe and use their void powers to kick ass.
Regardless of everything, the setting itself and the lore is pretty damn aces. and only getting better in my opinion.
The Operators were never in the suits. We knew that from the Rhino Prime entry.
Also, pay attention to Dark Sector and the very name of the game. The suits were never suits, they're whole bodies corrupted all the way through.
>Look at Rhino Prime's entry. We didn't know if they were adults at the time they get their suit, whether they were in the suits or not, how deformed they were, etc.
The Rhino Prime entry isn't talking about the operator. It's about the prototype Rhino warframe. The two scientists were responsible for creating then testing the responses and reactions of the warframes. When the one in the story went berserk, it only calmed down when it got to the area where they were holding the zariman children (those that would become the Tenno).
A warframe is a techno-golem made of Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Rubedo, and Plastids.
A golem built around a "human" (Corpus) host. That is who is in the cryochambers you have to defend in the older defense missions.
Think about it, you aren't defending warframes in those chambers, and all the tenno kids are asleep on the moon. Lotus just refers to them as "equipment" to hide the horror of what you are really doing.
I love this one
Warframe's lore really went to shit when they decided to go with the stupid "autistic children soldiers remote controlling toys" thing rather than "badass space ninjas". you can tell by how only a fraction of the people doing Warframe fanart give a shit about or even acknowledge Operators.
Frankly at this point the lore needs a hard kick in the head to get it back on track.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, it's always been about child soldiers. You just didn't realize until now.
I think the problem has a lot more to do with poor writing and business/development strategies than poor conceptualizing. The idea that these mutilated children are puppetting what should essentially be living beings doing war crimes is fertile ground for interesting story telling and characters, but they can't seem to write anything interesting with it.
>You just didn't realize until now.
People "did not realize" because the lore was so obtusely and vaguely implemented that it could literally have been interpreted any of ten different ways. And the one that they were going for was the one that literally nobody liked.
>he idea that these mutilated children are puppetting what should essentially be living beings doing war crimes is fertile ground for interesting story telling and characters,
No, that's a terrible setup for this kind of game, especially when most people play it for the sex appeal.
>Play it for the sex appeal
You're just butt hurt you cant bang Saryn
Why do you think Warframe even has a playerbase, user? No, really? because it ain't for the stellar gameplay and varied missions, I'll tell you that.
mesa a cute
Why do they have a player base? Grind. That's why. Sex appeal is just icing, not the cake itself.
>Why do they have a player base? Grind. That's why. Sex appeal is just icing, not the cake itself.
It is literally the only edge Warframe has over other similar grindfest games, and the reason it attracts shitloads of fanart.
I disagree with you sir. I doubt i could convince you otherwise, Thankfully i dont have to.
I enjoy what i enjoy. And i'm sure other poeple enjoy what they enjoy as well. I for one actually like the gameplay. Though i personally find it best in short bursts.
Interestingly, isn't that basically what the Warframe itself is? There used to be a person at the center, but it's been so warped and coated in technocyte it's totally unrecognizable?
supposedly, but it's semi-undefined at the moment. they'll probably fuck the lore up more with some retarded lore choices though.
i always assumed the subjects they used for creating/building fresh warframes was the cryopods in defense missions
An intelligent and respectful reply, on Veeky Forums of all places? Who knew we were capable?
I think this counts
I can meme you some memes if you'd like.
I actually like the tenno being what they are. Even if they're physically teenagers, they've still got the culture of a caste of warrior sages. For the longest time they didn't even realize they were teenagers. Now they gotta deal with that shit.
I also like the idea that the Operators, now fully aware of their hormonal teenage bodies, Use their warframes as sex toys. But that's just badly written fan-fiction that i love.
if they actually acted wise and such, but with the bodies of potatokids, i wouldnt mind, but so far they've just acted like shitty spoiled brats who are massive hypocrites
The Lotus has been acting like that since day one, or did you think the Tenno were being mind controlled by her like some people thought?
>space age
Please, it's all about fashion AND utility.
See, i dont really get the spoiled brats vibe, Maybe the hypocritical. but not the spoiled brats.
I actually love this fucking guy. The Corpus have such a gloriously overdone sense to them. They seem so nouveau riche and tacky. I especially like the cape literally made out of credits.
I do too, they really don't get enough attention compared to the grineer or infested.
oh wow, five star stories cosplay
>not a single pic has any pockets
These clothes are 2wacky4me
>needing pockets when your companions and servants are picking up and carrying everything
what a fucking peasant,
>protective suit
>hair still hangs out in the open to contaminate samples, get stuck in machinery, catch fire, or just soak up the dimethylmercury.
The two most recent Deus Ex games have been on point with their wacky future fashion. I like the combinations of harsh geometric shapes and Victorian patterns/motifs.
David Sarif is a well dressed man.
Wasn't fond of his new VO though.
What's this from? Searching for Imperia or googling the image isn't giving me anything.
He also looks oddly younger.
The game was shit anyway, so /shrug. Glad I wasn't retarded enough to pay for it.
But Adam...!!!?!!!...!!!
>Why do you think Warframe even has a playerbase, user?
user you really need to get laid.
Though if you are one of those Saryn fart fags, it will prolly never happen
I kinda want to play Warframe again. I miss my Ember colored to look like Pinkie Pie.
Plus all of the futa porn.
His face got augmented
>What if he wants to point the gun in another direction?
Damn that's a cold ass honky.
Before the Second Dream, we were playing as those techno-golems, twisted individuals turned into space ninjas and given meaning by trying to save the damn univers.
Now they're all basically just the deadliest drones you've ever seen. They're slightly too valuable to fire and forget ,unless you actually can build them once you have the blueprints like you do in the game and that's not just storyline/mechanics fuckery.
The implication is that the operator is you, some nerd playing their warframes through the ninjaspacenet. It's the equivalent of revealing that every character is secretly It's a shitty reveal and it makes every interaction you've had up to that point 'as' the Warframe worse in hindsight.
Aside from that, yeah, the setting's cool as hell. Except for that stupid, stupid core idea that for some reason drone operators are cooler than space ninja.
Now that war within is out, its Space Ninjas controlled by Space ninjas.
I don't really see your point.
The fact that there is a faction of psychopathic space child soldiers out there selling their services to the highest bidder gives a disgusting grimdarkian Warhammer meets cyberpunk vibe to Warframe especially when you consider that these children happily make new Warframes out of what we can assume are unwilling kidnapped humans infected with technocyte, and the hollowed out to fit in the various biomechanical organs that allow for Warframe abilities.
You have the Lotus, some inhuman Eldritch thing, mommying for a bunch of psychotic slasher kids. No wonder why Tenshin and the Arbiters hammer so hard on discipline.
The Tenno are basically one step away from being villians.
Well considering the Tenno eliminated almost every Orokin there was and destroyed the empire, kicking off a dark age, you could argue they already took that step.
Considering the Orokin had it coming a mile away. You could say they took the first step in fixing the problem.
>what if he doesn't want to break his legs with every shot?
>le badass space ninjas XD
opinion disregarded
That last one there looks like he's been swallowed by a frog.
>Archer 2-3, the HVT's getting away! Why aren't you pursuing?!
>Control, I had him, i-it's just-
>Just WHAT, Archer?!
>...he went through a doorway.
Dunno if this is the best place to ask this, but how do you go about designing clothing for a sci-fi setting?
I don't want the outfits to get too ridiculous, but I don't want to just have them wearing present day stuff either.
>he still mad
Yeah, I was kinda annoyed by that
One of the main reason where there is a massive plothole is that we know that tenno did become something greater than the orokins originally planned, creating technology of their own, schools with different types of combat abilities and plenty of different ways to channel and use their void abilities.
Now, I don't have any problem with this, and it's probably one of my favourite things about warframe, but there's one massive issue about this; when, exactly, did the tenno get the time to do all of this ? Because I hardly see them doing it during the war with the sentients or before, and according to current lore, it look likes tenno came back from the war as soon as it ended only to murder the orokin. And it couldn't be from the part AFTER the war, because even we say that it was the first tenno who emerged from cryosleep that ended up founding these schools, then some of them should still be around, and it still doesn't explain about how they knew about transference and focus (since you're basically the first one to know the truth through the second dream)
I'd love to get more lore on these schools and such, but I feel like that's not really the direction the story's headed towards
what are you even talking about, alad V is probably the most liked character of warframe
>I miss my Ember colored to look like [REDACTED]
That's a really good idea, thanks user !
Too bad it probably doesn't work on ember prime
when it comes to characters and boss battles, nothing can really compare to the grineer
you've got
>Captain 'orokindiana jones' Vor
>Sargas 'scorched earth' Ruk
>Lech 'Hammerman' Kril
>Tyl '
>Kelly 'we remade unreal tournament' Thaym
meanwhile corpus
>Alyd V
>robot 'ankles are the weakpoint' boss
>robot bossx4
>flying robot boss
>robot 'give it fire powers for no reason' boss
>The 'long overdue placeholder boss battle' Sergeant
>Nef 'space pope and accountant' Anyo that isnt even a boss battle
oh sure, the corpus faction is shit
Alad's great tho, the only grineer that can be compared to him are probably Vor and Vay Hek