> tfw here will never be Neverwinter Nights 3
> tfw here will never be a good video game adaptation of 5E
> tfw Dragon Age Origins was the last good "old school" RPG, and as close to a modern DnD video game we'll ever have
> tfw Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny were utter shite
I only want a good DnD rpg with pleasant graphics, likable characters and some meaningful choices. I don't care if the plot is cliche, as long as it isn't horrible.
Do I want too much, anons? Is hope gone?
tfw here will never be Neverwinter Nights 3
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Wrong turn. /v/ is a few boards over, stop being a pussy.
"This is fine" the post.
Good. Videogames should stop trying to take mechanics from roleplaying games anyways because a computer is never a good substitute for a GM.
A thread died for this, OP. You should be ashamed of yoruself.
Divinity: Original Sin is the closest thing you'll get to a modern D&D video game, even if it's 4E. It's got almost everything important from it - reasonably closely balanced skillsets that do different stuff within the same framework of skills with cooldowns, a huge focus on debuffs, crowd control, and using terrain to your advantage, rider effects on nearly every damage skill in the game but the outright nukes like Flurry and Fireball, and enemies that function almost nothing like PCs for the sake of giving them a good challenge. That game was my GOTY for 2014 and the EE version was my GOTY for 2015 for a damn good reason.
Better than Pillars of Eternity?
PoE is pretty dull by-the-numbers RtwP tank and spank combat with barely-not-autoattacker martials screening for mages, who are quite a bit less impressive than they used to be.
D:OS is the exact opposite of everything I just said about PoE.
Quite interesting, I never got very far in D:OS (they just gave out the enhanced edition, so thinking of trying it again) due to getting horribly mauled in combat it felt.
>Tyranny was shite
You shut your whore mouth.