How do we fix this piece of shit, Veeky Forums?
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Play by the actual rules or not at all.
This, it doesn't need fixed just play it right
Determine the point at which there's less than a 1% chance of someone coming back from their deficit, or less than a 1% chance of the person in the lead ever losing that lead
end game there
That's a shitty idea
I told ur mum the same thing when she wouldn't get an abortion.
Learn how to actually play it.
Considering it was meant to explain how capitalism works? I'd just change it so one player would start with 10 times more money and the most expensive land with a hotel on it.
Are there any actually decent house rules?
Play Clue instead
Have you tried not playing Monopoly?
Enjoy your bread lines commie shit
Enjoy your last days of patrimonial middle class, future slave.
Can't fix what's not broken OP. Stop changing the subject, and pay me the 400 for landing in my space.
>Roll a die at start, highest number wins the game.
>Now sit there staring at each other for 2 hours and 45 minutes.
>Be sure to yell and shout at each other for no reason, don't be afraid to get physical
That's Monopoly without a board if you're short on cash
>future slave
So future communist?
what's this "future" shit
After you roll the dice, process everything else on your turn while the next player rolls. By the time you've finished your turn, it should be your next turn. The game should be over in a half hour. If it lasts more than 45 minutes you're doing it wrong.
>Highest number wins
>Not rolling low and dominating the low cost field early game so high ends can't build mid and control late
Filthy pleb.
You don't. It's inherently flawed, because it's about this flaw. Play something else.
Follow the actual rules. No money for landing on Free Parking. If you don't buy a property when you land on it, it goes up for auction. Houses/hotels can only be sold back to the bank for 50% of what you paid.
Play to a pre-determined time limit. Whoever has the most assets at the end wins. Alternately, play until the first player goes bankrupt, then count assets as above.
You can make it better than other mass market shit by playing by the rules but it's a shit game compared with other stuff out there. Just play other games.
By seizing the means of production and turning the blue and green property groups over to public control.
Also my eminent domain rule. If you own the largest share of a color, you can force a player or banker to sell it to you for its listed value.
That and being able to get anyone out of jail for $100.
Main problem is it takes too long to get going, with early luck giving players an unassailable leads.
Before the start of the game shuffle the property cards
Deal 2 cards face down to each player.
They own these properties but don't have to reveal them until play begins.
One card at a time reveal and auction 2 more properties per player.
When auctioned this way bidding starts at the property's mortgage value.
By giving each player something to start with you ensure no one loses simply because their first laps of the board are a disaster and skip the dull early game where nobody has to pay rent.
Nerf Race Car
power gaming piece of shit
>People saying house rules are the only things wrong with the game
Play with the right people. If your games don't have an insurance market ("I'll pay you $200 now to get out of paying you next time I land on the blues"), buying on option ("I'll pay you $500 but if you land on Park Place you have to buy it and give it to me") and mergers ("give me the last Red I need and we'll split the profits"), you need a better group.
Fines go to the bank and "free parking" is just an empty space.
Game goes much faster.
>game goes much faster if you know the rules.
Really makes you think.
This; the best games I've ever played have been with business majors, economics majors, Jews, and any combination thereof.
If your monopoly game doesn't end up like a mafia simulator, you're doing it wrong.
>tfw me and my buddies played this at 11am
>tfw me and one of my bros were still playing it 5am (This is still the first fucking game we started earlier yesterday at 11am with our group) because everyone else lost and went to bed, and neither one of us wanted to quit the game and be the loser.
Monopoly is some serious shit.
Paste the board over with some good P&P game so it serves as a good folding base.
print out a custom hero-quest board
>all about talking business and negotiating
>figure most eurogamers would like the game, because hurdur small numbers and resource management
>nope. They never get absolute control without socializing and being smart, so they hate it
>moral of the story is if you hate ameritrash games you're an antisocial cocksucker who needs to leave
The roll symbolises the one you take to determine starting order. If you get to go first you have a statistical advantage and are more likely to win. So excuse YOU, Fuccmaster Pleb, careful who you reply to in the future.