So, I loved Rogue One I'll put on my robe and shill hat right now and tell you to go watch it right now if you thought any of the SW movies wasn't bad, because it is literally the best of all them and I feel like running a game set in the Star Wars universe. What is the best SW RPG and why?
Star Wars The Roleplaying Game
ps: Pouty McBritish was awful. Her character was bad and she couldn't convey any emotion other than "slightly annoyed".
Personally, I like the FFG one the most. The quirky dice make all rolls two-dimensional, compared to the one-dimensional D&D approach. The main book for either Edge of the Empire or Age of Rebellion will get you started. Should hit the tone of a Rogue One style adventure easily.
I thought she wasn't that bad, at least compared to Ma-Rey Sue.
I'm honestly glad they all died at the end. The heroine was unbearable..
The only cool guys were Donnie Yen and the droid.
FFG Star Wars or D6 Star Wars.
Keep away from the d20 star wars games, those suck major balls and don't feel "star-warsy" at all.
FFG would be my choice
Rogue One is literally an Age of the Rebellion adventure.
>The heroine was unbearable.
Why did you think this? I thought she was actually a decent character, with her own flaws.
Much better than Mary Rey Sue
What does d6 do that FFG does not?
It was nice they finally included a gay character
FFG is great.
Krennic's gay?
FFG is so rules heavy though
His obsession with Galen is pretty homo
Am I wrong for being interested in playing a pro-CIS game? I always thought the universe treated it a bit unfairly.
Rey isn't a Mary Sue, wanna Know why? every fucking thing she did has a reasonable and plausible explanation within the story, Luke is arguably more of a mary sue than she is, and Anakin even more so than his son, but none of them are true mary sues, because everything all of them did is logically consistent within their narrative, go fuck yourselves, both of you
There's a Star Wars General; download Age of Rebellion's Beginner Game from the OP and use an online dice roller or download the dice roller app (or just buy the Beginner Game set) to get a basic understanding of how the game works.
Only real reason to choose WEG over FFG is because you want something with very simple rules to jump into. It's still a solid system, but FFG just gets the feel of the films down better.
It's really not that rules heavy. Using the Beginner Game, you can learn/teach everyone the most of the core mechanics as you play through a single session, with only another session or two for people to really start getting a hang of the symbols/what to spend them on.
You think so? I've been playing a campaign for several months now and the game feels really narrative to me. The skills system is pretty general even though there's a lot of them, so you can justify a lot of things through them if you're creative enough.
Combat doesn't even seem all that rules intensive compared to send or pathfinder, and it's by far the most rules intensive part of the game.
Ma-rey Suuuuue
> *triggered*
Luke and Anakin depend on other characters.
Rey does not.
Luke Skywalker Suuuuuuuuuue, see i can do it too. She's not a mary sue because everything she does within the story is explainable. All of her skills would be necessary for survival on jakku, piloting included. Her force-sensitive talents don't come out until some dumbass Solo decides to use the force on her and essentially show and tell her how to use it. Finally, the only reason he didn't murder her and Finn is because, um didn't Chewie hit him with, oh shit what was it again? Oh yeah, a Wookie Bowcaster Bolt, and unlike everyone else hit with it he survived and wasn't blown back like he probably should have been.
Rey Depends on her deuteragonist Finn, Han Solo, Chewie and a few random resistance fighters, as well as Leia. Lastly, consider that she grew up and survived completely alone, why would she depend on other people as heavily as Luke or Anakin?
Rogue One was a good movie, and definitely the best action movie in the Star Wars franchise, but unless OOOOH AAAAH PRETTY EXPLOSIONS AND LASERS is your only metric for how good a movie is it doesn't hold a candle to A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back overall.
>Rey isn't a Mary Sue
she survives by taking random junk parts.
- She can pilot a vehicle in 3rd dimensional flight and also do it against professional army pilots.
- She is 1st class technician who can bypass and reroute vehicle programs
- She can use the Force with no prior training
- She can beat a Sith in lightsaber duel. Even if he is an apprentice he clearly has more training.
Eat a dick user. Force Awakens is a bad movie.
I hate Force Awakens and prequel trilogy and I liked Rogue One. There are some flaws but I was pleasantly surprised.
The first half an hour of Rogue One is complete garbage and looks like it was filmed by a student project.
The force accounts for some of that preternatural ability, just like it did for Anakin, the rest comes from proximity to technology that any fucking idiot would make an effort to learn about especially if you're gonna tear it apart safely, also Crashed star destroyers, possibly with flight simulators for training exercises?
She learned by doing literally the same shit Anakin Skywalker did growing up, he wasn't a mary sue.
Throughout the legends continuity and even in the movies you don't need to be trained to use the force, you do to use it to your fullest potential.
Ben was injured quite fucking severely by that point, and then stupidly reminded a clearly very high potential force sensitive that, hey you can use the force too! He was a fucking idiot and he deserved to lose that duel.
I strongly advise everyone to simply skip the first half of the movie. It's not worth it and it never will be.
The only thing I disliked was her taking the spotlight to make speeches about hope, that shouldve been cassians job.
Overall I thought she felt resonable and her scene with hologram father and guerra was pretty dope. But krennic really stile the movie for me, especially him being flustered with Tarkin.
>- She can pilot a vehicle in 3rd dimensional flight and also do it against professional army pilots.
She also crashes around while flying and basically survives thanks to plot armor, like every main character in a Star Wars.
>- She is 1st class technician who can bypass and reroute vehicle programs
She learned about ships by taking them apart for a living.
>- She can use the Force with no prior training
That's every Force user ever, though.
>- She can beat a Sith in lightsaber duel. Even if he is an apprentice he clearly has more training.
To be fair, Kylo Ren took a bowcaster shot to the gut only moments before his fight with Finn (where he toyed around with Finn until Finn got a lucky swing in) and Rey.
>Ben was injured quite fucking severely
Also, he's not a Sith.
ALSO, he's not even fully trained.
Nice, at least one other person is halfway reasonable on this board about star wars i'm
>he wasn't a mary sue.
Anakin was a major Mary Sue, though.
>little kid
>but he's a genius with robots
>and an ace pilot
>also a prophecy about how great he is
>gets a super hot chick despite zero chemistry
>youngest jedi master ever
>probably youngest jedi knight ever, too, considering it took kenobi like 30 years to get knighted
Those were not needed to make my point, but yes technically he's just a Dark Jedi, but soon will be a Sith, and yeah.
He's a Knight of Ren, not a Dark Jedi.
he never reached Master rank, and considering a Mary sue is this- A mary sue is someone jammed into a different person's story and explained by the writer as being the best.- Not Luke or Anakin Or Rey qualify.
CIS scum
He is a Dark Jedi, that distinction doesn't go away just because Snoke decides "i'm gonna call my force buddies Knights Of Ren", just pointing that out.
True, he was refused the title but he pretty much was a master since he was on the Jedi Council.
>but soon will be a Sith
I mean, maybe. I don't know if Snoke is a Sith, but even if he is I'm pretty sure he's going to turn out to be a Sith in the same way that Luke is a Jedi: he's got the combat training but, because of his accelerated learning, is missing a lot of fine details on Sith culture and practices.
Like someone claiming to be a Celt because they've seen Braveheart and can showcase some vague Scottish/Irish ancestry. He's a Sithaboo, and Luke is a Jediboo.
Why are people so fucking upset when someone accuses rey of being a mary sue? Is she your waifu or something? Mary sue's always been a contentious term but now it's just ridiculous.
>implying Rogue One's main strength is not how much it shows us of the SW Universe
Did you skip the shot of the crowded market street?
Or the awesome holy Jedi temple town?
Nah, half the people in the story (notably most of the Jedi council, who are obviously only keeping him around because of the prophesy) treat him like the douche that he is, and the universe justly punishes him for being a colossal fuckup.
Nah, he's a Knight of Ren, not a Dark Jedi.
Same way Vader was a Sith, not a Dark Jedi.
But he was only on the Council because of Palpatine pulling strings and ordering that he be placed on the Council. And even that was not because of his abilities, but rather a part of Palpatine's plans to make Anakin hate the Council more since Sheev likely knew that he wouldn't be made a Master.
I don't see how she needs anyone (in the movie). Of course fighting for survival on a dessert planet would have imbued her with certain skills, _some_ technical aptitude (no Watto to train her) and basic melee/hand-to-hand not the least among them, but flying better than TIE fighter pilots (without prior training), shooting better than Stormtroopers (without prior training), besting Kylo on several occasions (without prior training), feeling no mistrust whatsoever of Fin/Han/Leia/anyone at all, when reservation would surely keep her out of the hands of slavers (moreover making fast friends with absolutely every non-evil being) and generally being the center of attention whenever she's on screen.
Just try to explain all of this away...
>taking the spotlight to make speeches about hope, that shouldve been cassians job
The greatest thing about that scene is that she made her speech, and she failed. They were like 'fuck naw, I ain't killing myself for some deluded twat'
Abrams has straight up said that the Sith are done and that these new guys are not Sith.
>1 proximity to technology, Crashed star destroyers, possibly with flight simulators for training exercises
Because you are really trying so hard I'll go with your logic on this one. If there was a crashed star destroyer with functioning power, people would inhabit it. Not loot it for scrap parts
>2-3 She learned by doing literally the same shit Anakin Skywalker did growing up, he wasn't a mary sue
Anakin had "spidey-sense" but it was so minuscule (and they said Anakin was walking "god" because of the potential he has. No one came near his level.). She literally learns stuff in 2-3 minutes tops. Anakin spent years in jedi order.
A Dark Jedi is someone who has received Jedi training but turned to the Dark Side, without becoming a part of some other order. Not every Dark Side user is a Dark Jedi.
A Sith is a specific order of Dark Side users. So are the Knights of Ren. On the flip side, the Jedi are a specific order of Force users. "Jedi" is not a generic term referring to any Force user.
Huh? The only one dickish to him on the Jedi Council is maybe Mace when he doesn't let him take the title of Master, which is really only Mace being a dick to Palpatine and saying "you might run everything but you don't run the Jedi."
Luke did every one of those things except win a saber duel against a superior opponent, and his only saber opponent was Vader. If he had a jobber who's entire character was based around not being as good as other villains and crying about that fact, Luke probably would have beat him too.
Anakin also did those first three things in Phantom, and he was 10.
Your entire argument for Rey being a Mary Sue is based on her winning a lightsaber fight, which is a really shit argument.
>Nice, at least one other person agrees with my opinions about star wars
You're pathetic.
>She literally learns stuff in 2-3 minutes tops
Apart from mind trick (which is never stated in the series to be hard or easy) and fighting an injured, emotionally unstable boy, what did she learn in 2-3 minutes tops?
Nah, a Dark Jedi is a Jedi. Both Vader and Kylo Ren abandoned being Jedi. Therefore, they aren't Dark Jedi. They're a Sith and Knight of Ren respectively, as well as both being Ex-Jedi.
>apart from nuclear science, what did she learn in 2-3 minutes tops?
Threadly reminder that having an explanation for being a Mary Sue does not exclude your character from being a Mary Sue
If he was refused the title, he was never a master.
Maybe I'm waiting to find out.
I fucking hate Mary Sue talk in general, none of these fucking characters are Mary Sue's and i really wish people would stop misusing a valid literary criticism incorrectly because not only is it fucking annoying, it reeks of stupidity, and shows only a persons ability to feel inferior to a character with abilities greater than their own.
A scathing rebuttal, sir.
Ma-rey Suuuuue?
True, but 90% of the time someone accused of being a Mary Sue, isn't, by any reasonable definition of the term. Remembering that, I'm more inclined to presume innocence until guilt can be shown.
To be fair, the Jedi Council was flat out scared of Anakin and how good he was with the Force. With a few years of training, he was on par with or better than people who had been on the Jedi shit all their lives.
>and shows only a persons ability to feel inferior to a character with abilities greater than their own.
You really are reading way too much into it, why are you so incredibly defensive of characters you presumably had no part in creating or financial stakes in the success of? Why do you care so much if people think Rey's a mary sue?
Go fuck yourself, user, I'm just severely disappointed that people aren't nearly as smart or perceptive as I give them credit for.
>If he was refused the title, he was never a master.
Sort of? I agree that he never had the title, but that really was little more than a formality given that he sat on the Jedi Council.
It's like if some company said "we're not going to give you the title of CEO, but you're going to be paid like and have all the powers of a CEO." I mean, yeah, technically, you aren't a CEO, but really, you are.
Which nevertheless means he wasn't a Master.
A core component of being a Sue is that people just seem to inexplicably like you, but as we see Anakin has plenty of people who don't. His only real non-droid friend was Obi-wan and Padmé, and he was banging one of those two.
>Rey uses the Force in fear/anger to save Traitor McChicken
>Nobody ever gives a shit, no danger of falling to the dark side
I hope she falls to the dark side. She won't.
Different user here.
I care when people take a stance that can be demonstrated as being wrong. Doesn't matter the context, whether it's Holocaust denial, being wrong about the historical facts of Ancient Egypt, claiming that clam chowder should be made with tomatoes, or calling someone a Mary Sue when they're not.
>by any reasonable definition of the term
What is a reasonable definition though? I'd think any character that just doesn't face any real challenges and the whole story's just a kind of power fantasy for them (like Rey) would qualify but then some people claim it can only apply to fan fiction or something idiotic like that. There doesn't really seem to be any kind of agreed upon definition.
I'm severely disappointed at the fact that'd you'd actually make such a nauseatingly self-congratulatory waste of a post. What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Because she is not, it annoys the fuck out of me when people misuses terminology they don't actually understand well
Basically this
I know, i was just being pedantic.
>Rogue One
>literally the best of all of them
>I'M WITH HER:ed protagonist
>What is a reasonable definition though?
I go by the original one, obviously adjusted for the fact that the term has expanded beyond Star Trek.
>Mary Sue stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever person to graduate from the academy and ever get a commission at such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm-wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock, and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the end, being grieved by the entire ship.
And those are the shittiest movies in the franchise?
>comparing arguments over whether or not someones a mary sue to holocaust denial
There's no objective standard for what even is a mary sue, let alone what objective evidence for it would be. Who gets to decide what a mary sue is, who gets the final say?
>it annoys the fuck out of me when people misuses terminology they don't actually understand well
You're just gonna have to get used to it buddy, that's what people are like. No offense but you must be either really young or really autistic to not understand this.
Read the thread I put a very reasonable definition literally in this thread. Also, that was self deprecation not congratulation, I was noting that I am far too optimistic about other people's intelligence.
Which characters don't like Anakin?
Anakin's kid friends - all seemed to like him fairly well
Anakin's mom - obviously loved him
Jinn - loved him
Padme - loved him
Kenobi - "he was a good friend"
C3PO - "father"
R2 - they were pals
Yoda - mentor to him
Mace - indifferent
Palpatine - took him on as an apprentice
Watto - liked him as much as he'd like anyone he owned
I guess maybe Sebulba didn't like him?
>>Mary Sue stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever person to join the Resistance at such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in everything from lightsabre fighting to engineering, including force power usage and advanced piloting abilities. This character can also be found burrowing her way into the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Han, Leia, and Luke], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the end, being grieved by the entire ship.
Yeah she's a mary sue.
> it reeks of stupidity, and shows only a persons ability to feel inferior to a character with abilities greater than their own.
Nice ad hominem, bro.
"A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment."
- idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character
- a young or low-rank person
- saves the day through unrealistic abilities.
- character is wish-fulfillment.
Checks alls boxes, except maybe the last one.
> no mary sue here
That all depends on your point of view but no, that would be the Ewok movies and the Clone Wars movie.
That a character is extraordinary is by no means sufficient for him or her to be a Mary Sue. Someone always is, and why would a matinee adventure be about some random slob instead of the guy at the very end of the bell curve?
A Mary Sue is a self-insert in a story that's all about making the author feel good by proxy.
This of course isn't to say that Anakin's character was a good part of the prequels, merely that the problems lay elsewhere. Lucas wasn't making a self-insert wank fantasy (), he was merely shit at writing.
i'm 25, i know people are like that and it needs to stop, my generation and the one coming up (millenials right?), are going down the fucking tubes because people are choosing to avoid learning at any cost and nobody wants to call them out on them on this.
She is not idealized, she's an orphan abandoned to her fate on a world littered with imperial starship wrecks
She has no rank so you got that one
Her abilities as noted before are not unrealistic to have in that universe and specifically in her unique situation.
She isn't wish fulfillment for any of the writers or the director of the film and while a grat many people might wish to have her powers, they do do not wish to BE her.
>using buzzwords instead of actual criticism
top tier post, /pol/
If we're to be able to communicate then some degree of consensus, silent or outspoken, must be reached regarding what words and phrases mean. Everyone understands this, or you wouldn't bother typing instead of juastgp d8aASHe WAS a good friend.
>Checks alls boxes, except maybe the last one.
>- character is wish-fulfillment.
You're saying you're NOT SURE whether "SQUEE A GIRL JEDI AND SHE'S MUCH BETTER THAN ALL THE SMELLY BOOOOYSSS~" is wish fulfillment? Are you crazy?
She only checks one box on his little list, as i've already pointed out here,, not three so definitively by his definition she is NOT a Mary Sue.
We're pretty horribly off-topic, and only a few people have really answered the OP, so I'll throw my hat in.
>West End Games Star Wars
One of the better Star Wars games out there with a ton of material, but pretty much all that material is pre-prequels (which is also good if you're into that) and you'd probably have a hard time finding takers.
>Star Wars d20
There's essentially two versions: original/revised and saga. Revised sticks the closest to 3.5E D&D, whereas Saga tries to be something different. Personally, I think Saga is the better edition of the two, but if you're a 3.5 fanboy, you'll probably like revised more.
>FFG Star Wars
Currently the most popular of the games and what I'd recommend to you. Grab a beginner game (if you want something like Rogue One, go with the Age of Rebellion beginner game) and give it a try. The biggest newbie hurdle to that game is the special dice but if you can overcome that, I think you'll enjoy it.
>She is not idealized, she's an orphan abandoned to her fate on a world littered with imperial starship wrecks
>slumdog millionaire does not present an idealized version of reality
>She has no rank so you got that one
She is young.
>Also, homeless people are not low ranking in civilian society.
>Her abilities as noted before are not unrealistic
I still contend they are.
>She isn't wish fulfillment [...]
Do you even read? I admitted that she might not be wish fulfillment on the authors part. Moreover this isn't even necessary: "_Often_ this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment."
J.J. is many things, but a girl he is not.
>Most of the Galaxy ended up being less than friendly towards him.
They didn't hate Anakin. They hated Vader.
>Who gets to decide what a mary sue is, who gets the final say?
Me, obviously.
>They didn't hate Anakin.
I don't recall any Jedi singing his praises outside of Obi-wan and Qui-Gon.
Did you not see the rage on her face before the chasm pulled her and Ben Solo apart? she was in danger of falling maybe that wasn't clear to you, but it was to me, also that wasn't Battle Meditation that shit affects whole fleets, that was simply focusing and using the force as all force using lightsaber wielders do, she didn't have any training which is why all of her strikes were amateurish, but fuck did fuck did the force help her put the hurt on the severely injured Ben Solo.
You can contend her abilities are unrealistic all you want that doesn't make it true. I know you didn't say she was wish-fulfillment for J.J. that refutation was for other user's benefits because as you noticed others are saying she is.
Yoda and Mace both admit he's the most powerful Jedi and none of the other Jedis in the movies have all that many lines.
Also, them not "singing praises" wouldn't prove your wrongful assertion that they "hated" him.
>I thought she wasn't that bad, at least compared to Ma-Rey Sue.
She was basically Rey without the benefits of the force.
>Luke did every one of those things except win a saber duel against a superior opponent, and his only saber opponent was Vader. If he had a jobber who's entire character was based around not being as good as other villains and crying about that fact, Luke probably would have beat him too.
Also if Vader had been shot in the gut and slashed in his sword arm prior to the fight, Luke might have stood a bit more of a chance.
And even with that shit in her favor, Rey was running away up until she let the force take over.
>J.J. is many things, but a girl he is not.
>author insert OR wish-fulfillment
Rey is the latter, ie wish fulfillment for the audience, not an author insert. She's pandering as fuck, just not to JJ Abrams (although frankly, I wouldn't put it past him to want to be the little girl).
>this is what Star Wars is now
>an endless parade of shitty identical Mary Sue Disney princesses in hacky franchise vehicles, forever
I really wish Lucas hadn't sold it, this shit makes the prequels look great.
Things Like foes in Ep 4
-complain about his chores
-get raped by a sand nigger
-decide to rescue a princess to get some poon
-sneak around a ship following someone else's lead
-get rescued from his own rescue
-watch his mentor die
-shoot down some TIEs who were being retarded on purpose
-nearly crash his x-wing and kill himself
-make a shot with the Force after a bunch of people die to give him the chance, Han saves him, and a ghost tells him what to do
-give his sister tongue
Things Rey does in Episode 7
-be the best scrapper on a planet whose entire culture is scrapping
-mountain climb a super star destroyer
-tool around in a hover bike she built from garbage
-beat up some toughs who try to bushwhack her effortlessly
-start the Falcon even though it hasn't flown in years
-out fight and out fly modern fighters in atmosphere in a wrecked ship effortlessly
-save some dude like 4 times
-resist a force adept's mind probe with no experience, counter-probe him
-mind trick a guy with no experience
-easily evade capture despite having no disguise or help for hours and everyone looking for her
-force pull a lightsaber with no prior experience
-win a lightsaber duel with no prior experienced against a force adept who leads a knightly order
Ma-rey Suuuuue?
Sand people hated him.
I liked TFA a lot and even I thought Rey was laying it on a bit thick with the Sue
So you wish or if not female, assume 18-25 yr old women wish to be an orphan, abandoned by your parents to no care at all by any adult of any sapient species, be chased and battered and broken by forces unknown to you previously, mind-raped by a cringy sith wannabe, than be nearly killed by that same wannabe after he has nearly killed your first true friend in the galaxy, the only awesome part is the force, and that doesn't balance out all that horrible above it.
I'm not the user who said that they hated Anakin. I am the one who said a core component of being a Sue is that people inexplicably like you, whereas Anakin seems to have plenty of people who don't like him: You can not like someone without actually hating them. You can also acknowledge the technical skill of someone without actually liking them or singing their praises. Anakin was, from an objective standpoint, the most powerful Jedi. That didn't make him the best, and in fact Yoda and Windu seem to pretty clearly believe that there's much more to being a Jedi and especially a Jedi Master than simply being strong in the Force.
So, you conceded the points of idealization and youth/low rank. If you continue to claim that her abilities are explained by her back story, riddle me this: When (in the movie) did she ever fire a pistol before?
She failed to rouse the rebel leaders. Never displayed skills she couldn't have. Characterization was okay.
>wouldn't put it past him to want to be the little girl