Veeky Forums server is up, come be an ace attorney that solves crimes with other anons...

Veeky Forums server is up, come be an ace attorney that solves crimes with other anons, or maybe the prosecutor that clashes with the attorneys, perhaps the witness that is actually the real killer or maybe the judge that oversees it all.

>I've never played this before, download link?
Right now all you need to download is "FULL DOWNLOAD" so enjoy it, you usually need to download a bunch of shit

Veeky Forums server is "Attorney Online Vidya", join us while it lasts

>start case with the premise that we will have two witnesses
>first witness appears
>in the middle of testimony a second witeness pops and testifies along with the first
>turns out they are multi-witnessing
>a lot of shit happens, defense is done with that multi-witness
>time for the second witness
>turns out the senile old man that appeared in the middle of the first witness' testimony to testify together was the second witness
>well fuck
>they call him individually anyway
>defense must indict him somehow since he is the only witness left
>pic related happens

I am not even mad

This is a very serious game.

There's case building going at Courtroom 2 and most roles are open

Please, only mature players allowed.

>mia gives murder weapon to witness
>"How does this work?"
>"you are supposed to go berserk and kill ever-......... your honor we're done with the CE"

Bumparu and a stumparu

Yep. Only sure-fire roles are Canada Judge and Von Karma so far it looks like.

Veeky Forums will love this game when they try it

if Veeky Forums is dead you can also do the /v/ server, it isn't cancerous.

you say "dead" but i'm seeing it more as "overwhelmingly indifferent" on account of there being "vidya" on the damn title in OP, and generally otherwise it is a slow board, especially compared to the nonstop storm of replies /v/ typically is.

Well, hop on area 2 and see how it goes

We prepared a stream so Veeky Forums can see how the game works:
twitch tv/lawfuldickish

It's the case happenign at area 2 right now


Area 4 building, roles open.


>detective roleplay
I must try this.

>when the map gets complex

God cases are best cases

You mean the worst?

is that a fucking trolley problem

Is this compatible with Wine or Mac? I'm at family's for the holidays and only have access to my semi-old Mac laptop.

Unfortunately no.