Stat him Veeky Forums

Like the god emperor but less so.

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The hollow shell of a god, if you can call him that. But just because he's stripped himself down the bare essentials doesn't mean he wouldn't thunderfuck anything short of The Emprah.

Scion is the Bork Lazer of eldritch abominations.

he literally got bullied to death LMAO

cant believe you fags compare him to the god emperor


"Each signal is nuanced, shaped with subtle details and clues by the trillions upon trillions upon trillions of individual shards that make up the entity. Through these nuances, it conveys more information than an entire planet of sentient beings might in a hundred revolutions."


"The city burned, and the entity wielded its power. Controlled wavelengths disrupted the molecules, extinguished each source of heat, inside and out, rendering it a little cooler than the ambient temperature."

Those nostrils are just begging to be inflated...

>Stat him
>Not just saying "he's the GM"

>Emperor mindrapes him
>He dies

Are people forgetting Psykers in Warhammer are also dickass levels of telepaths as well as space wizards?


He seems significantly more powerful than the Emperor. If I'm reading this wiki right he sounds like he could take on Thor or Silver Surfer.

Nah, he's the GM's sister that sometimes has input and usually just draws the PCs. The GM was Eden.

Retard IQ with zero social integrity/durability.

As expected of a modern internet writer, this villain is a big mean invincible physical bully, who is defeated by the smart and enlightened method bullying, against which all his brute force is useless because he is So Dumb.


It's a muddy area and I really doubt that anyone in 40k can make it work.

First, there would be the problem of finding his main universe in the first place which would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack except far worse.. After finding it, you've gotta access it, not made easy by the fact that Scion has it sealed off with powers out the wazoo to the point where the only thing that could actually pierce it was the Sting (which is incredibly broken ability that was made for entity v entity combat). Then you've gotta actually kill a being that's larger then stars.


Geom will get spanked by the worlds shinest toddler

>Emperor calls him a faggot from inside his own mind
>He an heros

You're pitting what is basically a superpowered autistic manchild against a Superpowered Apathetic immortal.

>Completly disregards what I just said about parallel universes and the problems with actually doing mind rape in the first place.

they communicated, and each message was enormous and violent in scope, expressed with the energy of a star going supernova. One ‘word’, one idea, for each message.

And below that:

Destination. Agreement. Trajectory. Agreement"

The thing is that Worm's Entities are really just super autistic C'tan. They're super powerful, masters of the physical realm, yadda yadda. They're still confined by the physical realm and are deathly afraid of the inexorable heat-death of the universe. They can 'appear' to violate physical laws, but are actually just offloading the massive power requirements and planet-sized machinery required for each parahuman's tricks into a separate dimension. They still have to get that power in semi-conventional ways.

40k's Warp explicitly violates the conservation of energy. It violates multiple physical laws. It's a dimension of pure, unending energy where there are no constants. Psyker powers run on the Warp. It's a source of power and effects as foreign and alien to the Entities as it was to the old C'tan.

Someone like the GEoM could tell Scion to get stuffed and make it stick.

T I don't really think you give credit to just how insanely powerful entities are if you just describing them as "autistic c'tan."

Communicating with the energy of supernovas, detecting and simulating the earth from outside the local galaxy cluster and all their universe hopping shinanigans.

C'tan are able to eat stars, entities speak with supernovas.

"manifested" entites like scion are a rough equivalent to the C'Tan, but a fully realized entity is stronger then any one deity in 40k.

>it's a "the godlike being from my setting is more powerful than the godlike being from your setting" thread
The answer is, as always, One Punch Man wins. I don't care how.

Consider: it took all the Emperor's power to defeat a single C'tan shard.

>superpowered autistic manchild
Fair enough, that does sound like an accurate description of the emperor.

Like superman but more so.

that kid whose power was to have all the powers

How would you even begin to stat his health?
His physical body gets repaired every time he takes damage by teleporting mass from another dimension directly into the missing parts.

To kill him the classic way of hitting him until he dies, you'd have to force him to regenerate until an an entire universe full of the material he uses get depleted.

Unless you talk about One Punch Man tier power levels (which the average Worm character definitely wasn't) I don't think it would even be worth the effort to figure out how to put this shit into numbers, just put in "basically infinite".

Kind of a clusterfuck, but so is the guy himself.

>Worm is a shit setting, with shit characters and plot, written by a shit hack
>In other news, water is wet

What happens when you sever his link to the other universe?

Nope. He wouldn't be able to be killed in one punch solely because of his structure. One punch would destroy his physical body entirely, and the next instant he'd be back. The point of having the body is that only so much of him can be damaged at once.

>I don't care how

Gag characters don't give a shit, they unzip his physical body, pull out his real one, and dump lava onto it until it dies because it's funny.

The entire point of gag characters is that it doesn't matter what their enemy can do, nothing can beat them, because they've got infinite bullshit.

Hasn't been done in the story but if he went up against someone with such a ability it would probably completely fuck him up since the dimension hopping is also where he gets all his other powers from.

Good thinking I never considered just fighting the problem at the root with him.

You mean cut off the golden projection or turn off all universe hopping in general?

The former would just cause the projection to fizzle out forcing him to create a new one while the latter would probobly make him starve to death in isolation.

Guns 0
Pouches 10
Cyber 27

Underrated post here. I think I'll respond to all future 'stat me' posts with B.L.O.O.D.P.O.U.C.H. stats.

How much Muscle would he have though?
(slow ass internet doesn't allow me to upload the PDF for BLOODP.O.U.C.H.)

Saitama is a parody of shoen protagonists, not a toon.

He gets wiped out by golden light after punching scion to Pluto.

He would probably punch the golden light away. His punches don't exactly follow any recognizable logic.

Scion vs Saitama is a fight neither can win.

Jesus christ my dude what is so hard to understand about a joke character whose whole thing is that he wins every fight?

Whatever Scion is going to do the answer will be "Saitama punches him and wins", this is not some cock measuring contest about reasonably comparing their abilities, one is a real character with, even if they are ridiculously high, real limits while the other one is just a joke where the unchangeable punchline is that he wins.

maximum depression.

The golden guy is like... I guess the light on the head of an angler fish. Except it's actually a functioning guy instead of a lure. So you'd cut off that part of him, but he'd still be "alive". He'd probably grow a new body in some universe.

What kind of games are you playing where you would ever need a full stat block of Scion?

I'm pretty sure if Worm was just a tabletop campaign the GM wouldn't even have bothered even making one up.
One hit kills, he regenerates any damage, the whole rest gets made up on the fly as it is convenient for the plot.

This desu. Best you could do is set difficulties for dodging debris and avoiding his attention and stuff.