Just as planned edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Just as planned edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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- DoT is a new AoS battletome. They will also give an overview of where they are at AoS, both story and rules wise!
- This battletome moves the story along a bit.
- Where are we in the mortal realms right now? We only saw three realms so far, we know that the forces of chaos rose and drove back the forces of Order and Destruction in the Age of Myth, they overthrew the pantheon of gods. Sigmar build an army to reclaim the mortal realms one day. With the Age of Sigmar he threw down his Stormcast Eternals. Wars in Realm of Fire, Life (-> Sylvaneth), Beasts. Nurgle and Khorne's forces are driven back, they both had big footholds there, but their powers are now declining. Alarielle got reborn in her War-Aspect.
- It's now Tzeentch's time to try to claim to be the head of the chaos pantheon.
- Forces of Order have now bases in some of the realms, re-populations begin. New cities!
- Season of War campaign - some of this elements are now incorporated in the narrative of the ongoing world/story line. Basically - this book is your fault ;)
- There are already agents of tzeentch out there in the cities. Tzeentch is playing the big game with style. He is trying to get dominance over the other chaos gods - Sigmar is secondary.
- 2016 was an awesome year for gamers of AoS - both competitive and narrative games. AoS is doing great!
- Not only new human population - also new beasts population.
- DoT is not only about the Arcanites, it's an evolution of the classic battletome. Created with feedback from the community.
- The Tzeentch book covers ALL OF TZEENTCH. If you got Tzeentch, this is for you.
- It's got lots of stuff. Like tzeentch daemons, tzaangors, arcanites, tzeentch mortal army (chaos warriors, slaves to darkness). Huge amount of models. Some new ones, some old ones. Ogroid Thaumaturg is in ;)
- There are still human kingdoms who survived the Age of Chaos. Scattered remnants of tribes that once where great kingdoms, a few may have found ways to hide from Chaos. Also people are moving back in and build new cities - tzeentch already has spread his seed though ...
- Years happened between the last book and this one! Enough time to build a city.
- Cover shows a LoC!
- 136 pages.
- Big release over several weeks. Loats of stuff.
- New Path to Glory. If you are playing narrative, for the first time they have included the PtG for that army!
- Full spectrum of building a Tzeentch Army!
- New tzeentch dice rolling mechanic for your army^^
- You can't change the dice, but choose to use one of your tzeentchy dice instead (you get nine at the start of the game).
- In order to get this, you must be playing an army of Tzeentch! (of course ^^). Any, as long as it's tzeentch (daemons, arcanites, or a mix!)
- Expand your collection, use your collection or get a new one - or a mix!
- New Command traits for different sub-factions. Three charts. Arcanites, Daemons and Mortals.
- Arcanites are sneaky. Mortals are more the "traditional" chaos army.
- New Lore of Fate - the ones for Arcanites and mortals.
- More spells! Also, the Lore of Change. It's for daemons.
- Two very different ways, you can also mix them.
- Gaunt Summoner - keyword daemon, mortal and arcanite. So he can pick from both lores! Lvl 2, also has his own spell. He's gonna be great!
- New narrative warscroll batallions (similiar to the Sylvaneth ones).
- Points are in the book.
- New models. New Tzaangor on disk - it's a Tzaangor Shaman. Lot's of spells.
- Tzaangor Skyfires. Tzaangor guys on disks with bows.
Obviously a nurgle thread.
Shiiiit, starting to add blue accents/highlights to my slaves to get ready for Tzeentch mixing boys
1k Skaven List. Just starting out.
Arch Warlock
Warlock Engineer
20x Clan Rats
- Command
- 10 x Swords, 10x Spears
20x Clan Rats
- Command
- 10 x Swords, 10x Spears
3x Storm Fiends
2x Chaos Familars (left over points)
Warp Lightning Cannon.
Can you mix weapons in a unit? Like a unit of 20 Warriors of Chaos but 10 Swords 10 halbers?
Nurgle smells
t. Tzeench
No you cant mix weapon in a unit
War scroll will say if you can
Depends on the rules wording according to today's faq
Reminder that new FAQs got released
Well, I guess I'll do 20 Clanrats w/ Spears and 20 w/ Swords.
Any other critiques?
Looks like a good starter list.
I recommend a Warp Lightning Cannon next
He already has one.
It depends on the unit warscroll.
Brutes can mix weapons because it says they can mix weapons.
Saurus Warriors must be equipped the same because it says the entire unit must be equipped the same.
So have 2 total?
I know, I mean he should get another one
Reminder that battalions don't work with keywords.
theres to little room to do anything else with the list so try that first given it uses the model you have.
the only way to do something else at 1k is to remove the clanrat alltogether, so try to use this list foe a couple of games first.
Already bought one SC! Skaven; should I pick up another? Gives me another Cannon and gives me 40 total Plague Monks. But not sure I need another Bell/ Furnace
>tfw want new army
>barely anything released yet
>want to avoid situation that i buy army and something cooler comes out right after
life is just perpetual agony.
what do
Was this even a problem for anyone?
if the bataillon says "MORTAL TZEENTCH" its any "MORTAL TZEENTCH" units amd if it says "CHAOS KNIGHT" its only chaos knight.
you would have to be a nice little fucker to argue something else thats what on BOLD in the keyword
Which Allegiance do you prefer ?
There's a guy who wanted to take a dragon archmage instead of normal archmage in the dawnspire battallion, for example, since the one on dragon also has the archmage keyword.
clanrat nerfs REEEE
You are such a fag
>I wonder which kind a faggot could argue something so stupid /Powergame his way above the rules
Do people like that ever stop to consider they are cunts?
so I've used a friends unit of skinks and came to like them as a screen, and ordered my own but have two tiny complaints.
One is that you can't do javelins and clubs, despite that clearly being a bits option.
The other being that javelins are just as shit in melee as blowpipes. Which seems dumb, I don't expect the skins to be a melee unit, but stabbing people with a javeline seems more effective than hitting them with the blowpipe. Also with not being able to use a club with the javelin, it makes them that the worst option for melee. 5+/5+ doesn't seem like to much to ask for.
The original FAQ said that Battalions were based on keyword and not the name of the unit.
It was a dick move but it was legal.
Boltspitters and Javelins are almost identical in melee but javelins are slightly better at doing damage in the shooting phase.
Either way you almost never strike in melee with Skinks because you should be retreating with them using the Wary Fighters ability, so it's a moot point.
i thought about getting something from Chaos but i am not sure how long should i wait
Can't wait to drink the tears of FEC players as their Ghoul King on fuck off bat now must pay reinforcement points with the fucking ring of immortality.
Fuck the bone zone
>check the Facebook comments
>literally everyone bitching about the Ring of Immortality
Is this just Death players being salty or is this an genuine concern?
Many death players feel they got shafted beforehand, like with summoning. Probably a 50/50 mix of salt and genuine feels.
So, no Great Gitmob in matched play until gits get their own book.
It was a necessary change because people were ressurecting big models that could heal.
It was fine for small heroes with 5-6 wounds and no healing but it was legitimately overpowered on Terrorgheists and Warsphinxes.
Ghouls ain't the bone zone, bro. Don't hate on the wrong people.
There were people who didn't spam black books on every hero that could carry one and take a Mournghul for good measure?
If anything the Bonezone still suffer because they don't have a Deathrattle Wizard to make use of summoning.
Just Death fags being fags.
Most of their damn units already regenerate each turn for free, but they just have to find something to bitch about, as they dip paint another 40 skeletons or some shit
well if Chaos is split in 4 Gods, skaven and beastmen (will be included in gods books)
If you wanted anything to do with the god of change, its safe to say that the upcomming book will be good for at least 5 year, and will let you field anything chaos of tzeentch but skaven.
if you are into another god, save and wait a couple more month.
Fine. Fuck the Ghoul...zone. or whatever they call themselves. But really, just fuck death.
Why ? what was replaced ?
Yeah, I paint and highlight every one individually, going to convert heroes too, skelly necros and liches on the way.
Goblin units are now called Grots, but the old battalion calls them by the old name, ergo, no use of updated warscrolls in the Gitmob.
Proof or GTFO
i wont refuse a game against a grot player for something that stupid tho.
well i don't like Nurgle
Khorne is a mixed bag, kinda overused everywhere
Dunno about Tzeench at all
Didn't Slaanesh get rekt?
But there's no Deathrattle allegiance perks so... who cares?
If you're playing Deathrattle without Settra you're already playing the game wrong.
I would.
Fuck grots.
>well i don't like Nurgle
This is really cool. What is the sauce of this?
Not him but I put effort into my skellies
Tzeentch is about color blue, magic, plans and chicken. There's not much else to know, really.
Oh and mutated horrible dudes too.
And it's reeking hindquarters?
That was the best part senpai.
Just wish Sigmar would have smacked that fucking elf cunt for being all prissy.
"No sigmar human MENZ often don't listen" wah wah wah life bitch.
> thick paint
> Shit dry brush job
> still a lot of mold lines
user I shudder to think what LESS effort on your part looks like
Just because he put effort into something, it doesn't mean it is good.
I mean hell, I put the same amount of effort into both of these Dryads, but the difference is I got more experienced and learnt how to do things properly.
he's ugly and stinks
can i get chicken tenders if i play him?
still better than you fielding unpainted/barely assembled waac armies.
Well if the battalion says "AELF, ARCHMAGE" (IDK what it actually says but hear me out) and the archangel on dragon has those keywords then it fits, I don't really see that as being cunty. It's literally what the battalion calls for, RAW and all that.
Or am I misunderstanding the scenario?
user if you want me to congratulate you on using slightly LESS paint, and using the old 'dot of white, green wash' eye technique (which isn't a bad technique, admittedly) you came to the wrong place
These dryads suck though
> Barely assembled
Yes, i have stuff to assemble
> unpainted
I don't use unpainted or unbased models. So my army grows slowly, but doesn't look like shit.
Also how is scores of shit painted skeleton blobs NOT WAAC? Add one hero at the back for deathless minions and the bastards never die.
> sideways picture
> base coat, wash, dry brush
No highlights... Sword could have decent rust effects, but can't tell from your shit picture. Based on the rest of it though... probably not
So, question: Im the guy from the last thread who asked about the Malignanr SC box, and I was wondering what I should do from here. Here's my current list so far:
70 Skeletons
10 Ghouls
15 Grave Guard
5 Black Knights
5 Hex Wraithes
5 Blood Knights
3 Vargheists
1 Zombie Dragon/w Vampire Knight
1 Necrosphinx
1 Skull Catapult with crew
1 Casket of Souls
1 Feral Ghoul King
2 Tomb Kings
2 Necromancers
1 Wight King
1 Vampire Lady
Im just trying to choose between the two different configurations for the Engine/Throne and the Wraiths/Knights. Any thoughts for which would be better?
>user if you want me to congratulate you on using slightly LESS paint, and using the old 'dot of white, green wash' eye technique (which isn't a bad technique, admittedly) you came to the wrong place
Can't say your approval is worth anything anyway, but I wasn't posting for it. Just trying to make the guy you decided to shit talk for no reason feel better.
Also, if you are going to rag on others models, it is only polite to post your own.
On the topic though, I am not sure if it is worth redoing the bases with texture paint instead of sand. I don't know which one would make a better looking forest floor. I do know I need to make it a bit darker, no matter what I do.
>Pics or GTFO
Sideways because phone is being a bitch, and there are highlights. Didn't say I was a master painter, either. I do my best on every mini though.
For good forest floor basing, weirdly enough, try a thingy of mixed herbs. Grind them down a little bit and then glue down with PVA or superglue, seal them with gloss varnish and then paint. Gives a really nice organic look, perfect for forest floors with all the leaf litter and scrub. I'd post a picture of mine but I sold those dryads a while back.
If you want a "complete" death army...
you lack 30+ ghouls
20 blackknight/hex wraiht
Fuckload of vargeist/Crypt Horror/Crypt Flayers
Couple wargulf
Mortis machine
But much more importantly :
Morghasts and Mortarchs
like I said, tiny complaints.
It doesn't effect how I'm going to use them really, but it felt weird cutting off all the clubs for javelin guys. Why are they not an option? I have the parts right here, they fit fine, but I can't use them.
But really they're there to be an a very efficent screen. If I get 2 unsaved wounds out of the unit over a game I'm impressed.
Oregano user?
>fuck grots
Crypt Horrors and Varghulfs are actually on my to buy list, but I'm not exactly fond of the Flesh Eater courts. They seem a little too focused on formations and battalions, and the court themselves, where Im trying to focus more on Death as a whole. Plus, Varghulfs are still Finecrap, and I've already painted shit tons of skeles.
Same with the Morghasts, but at the moment, im holding off on the Mortarchs: The whole goal of my Vampiress is that she wishes to prove herself to Nagash and become a mortarch herself.
Nah brah Moon grots are mah boyz.
Just git mob grots. And spider grots.
>the Ring of Immortality requires reinforcement points
guise, got some cash from work lately.
Should i get ps4 or warhammer jew stuff
how the fuck are we supposed to answer that
buy what you want
dunno man, i'm indecisive as fuck
You should buy Total War: Warhammer instead.
well theyre totally different kinds of entertainment
do you want video games or a long hobby to work on
Well, call me retarded but where can I find rules about building skaven army? I have read their battletome but have find no word about their keyword rules
they dont have any yet
only sylvaneth, beastclaw raiders, and bonesplitterz have allegiance bonuses
everyone else uses the generic stuff in the generals handbook
Ok anons, I need you to clarify something. I am an old High Elf player from WHFB.
When AoS got released with the lack of points for play plus scrapping the fluff that I loved for years, I got really upset and sort of just moved on to play other games and just stopped paying attention to any AoS stuff.
Recently I have been made aware that there is again structured play in AoS and I am willing to give it a shot since, but I was wondering, have the legacy army warscrolls also been updated with points?
I feel ready to give to give AoS a shot and If I but I would rather keep the Ulthuan/Old World theme instead of the Aelve stuff, but the GW info regarding the status of Aelves/High Elves has left me confused.
Can I still field a High Elf army on structured play? Or do I need to switch to the Aelves lists like Draconis/Phoenix Councillists? Because that would make a large part of my existing army unsupported since their minis aren't on those lists.
TL;DR: Can I play and expect playing with my old WHFB High Elf army in AoS structured play?
The General's Handbook has points values for all of the discontinued units in the 'Compedniums' section.
but it's the most jew game i've ever seen righ after csgo
both, but i have cash for one ;_;
well you keep using "jew" as a casual slur so im gonna tell you to fuck off back to /pol/ you retard
Also this means you can't use the old empire battalion anymore right?
Not that user but could you, say, choose between using Skaven allegiance bonuses and Grand Alliance Chaos bonuses when they have both available? Or do the faction-specific rules override Alliance rules?
You can pick and choose traits and artifacts for any allegiance you qualify for
So you can pick Beastclaw Raiders as your allegiance but still take Chaos allegiance bonuses
It *is* a powerful tool, but if it costs reinforcement points it should probably heal to full.
Ah ok, I went to recheck the warscroll since I just assumed they would have updated them, guess it was there
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