Arabian Nights media suggestions and storytime

ITT we discuss all things related to the fantastic Arabian Mythos

previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

I approve.

You're a saint among anons.

>resuming storytime:
I found another remedy. Maybe this one'll help.
Fshhh! I hate spiders!
You'll end up killing my patient with your snakeoils
I'm barely able to keep him alive with my song...
you can talk?!
Of course I can talk! I'm a muse, not some cheap apparition!
Your buddy here's dying.
Die? no!
I can't heal ailments of magical origins. only slow their advance, sonner or later...
I've always been alone, I never thought I would care so much for someone else...
and a human no less!
Oh Simbad! What will I do without you?
There may be a way though...


Another way?
You've been seeing him die for two days and you didn't say anything?!
It comes with a price girl.
I'm not going to reveal my secrets just for prettyboy here.
Even if he's nice to look at without those blisters...
He's mine! yfw no werepanther waifu to claim you for her own
Right, keep him then, what I want is something else...
I want a new place.
This box sucks. It's too tiny and the furniture's horrible! I want to move out.
I could arrange that.
Get me an abode worthy of my rank and I'll reveal to you a way that may save your sailor.

Best arabian themed eurocomic coming through.

slowly Selim... slooowly.
It's quite fragile, you must be very careful.
this one?
you kidding? it's a mousetrap!
can I help you?
My... friend is looking for a new house.
your friend?
yes, me, you idiot!
Show us your best lodgings, the price won't be a problem@
Er... well... of course... there's this...
Yeah... doesn't seem too bright...
normally the dolls don't complain...
but if you need more light, there's this.
pffft, no privacy.

>double-pointed sword

>Previous thread
>The thread didn't even hit bump limit
Fuck off

make up your mind! Simbad grows weaker by the moment!
ok, ok, fine. That one in the back, the one with minarets, that looks nice.
Scherezade's palace! need anything else?
NO, thank you.
Hold your horses! I'll need some furniture!
what colors do you have for cushions? the need to match the drapes...
The white girl in the Sultan's Suite is real pretty!
Her skin's color's weird, but her gold's good enough.
I too have gold and it's yours if you give me a spare key to her room. whadda ya say...? har, har, har...
want some tea?
he's going in shock!

> yfw no werepanther waifu to claim you for her own
And this is after he sold her into slavery and abandoned her.

The previous thread hit the image limit, and we were all enjoying user's Simbad storytime.

Hurry! tell me how to heal him and start singing! he's getting worse!
You have to capture seven spiders during the day and put them in a basket and come nightfall you'll sing with me.
Meanwhile they'll knit Asclepius' healing veil.
At dawn, with the first ray of sunlight you put the veil on the patient's face and it'll absorb the pest's curse...
Hurry, Simbad won't hold out for long.
The sun will set in two more hours, there's still time...
Oh, I almost forgot...
...we only have one shot at this panther girl.

There's plenty of spider in granaries and sheds...
no, i'm safe...
Mommy is it normal for a cat to be bigger than me?
No sweety, that's a camel
c'mon, where are you?
there's one...
...Oh, I just can't!

Be strong! I have to be... for Simbad!
The basket!
Hiii! It's climbing up!
one... it's hideous!
no web this time...
have to hurry! the sun's setting!
hellooo? you there kitty?

the sun'll set any moment now. I hope you've made it in time panther girl.
you affraid of spiders?
you just have to put them in here, then you can play with me.
ready to play?
some other time boy, I have no time today. hey kid...
We... well... wanna /ss/?
I also like looking at naked ladies. 100% PLAYA

I made it.
now, get some of his hair in the basket
how much? better be safe...
now, sing along with me...

The sun's up...
The spiders are dying!
They've finished their task, the veil is done.
put it on Simbad's face
Please heal my love...
oh boy...
Eh? who's that?
Hi hi! looks like you're not on his mind...
what do you mean? Simbad, who's the most important woman in your life?
He doesn't think about me, after all I've done for him.
those are his women, to him you're just a really big cat, don't see the problem.

I thought he liked me as woman...
what? have you looked in a mirror?
Big yellow eyes! A stick with no hips!
A flat ass and no juicy lips! who'd want to kiss you?
He did!
Doesn't surprise me he hasn't done it more than once.
I never cared about my looks, I only morphed into a woman to mingle with humans safely
I guess I could work on my shapeshifting...
maybe you should.
he's awake!
The veil absorbed his ailment!
I had a weird dream...
don't move, you're still weak.
Azna? is that you? you're...
there's something different... about you...
did you get a haircut?

If you want something done gotta do it yourself
Well, at least there's good bakers in Bagdad.
Might as well get one or two for the ones I've lost.
Ahhh! Bagdad!
What a pleasure to smell your reeking streets again!
Thank you for everything, Azna...
I really thought I was a goner.
What's this...?
Hey, give back that knife!
What's wrong with you?! we're in the middle of the street!
Sorry, the tournament approaches and I need to train
For the Caliph's birthday. His Djinn will grant one wish to whoever wins the knife throwing tournament!
No problem telling you about it, there's not a single knife left for sale in Bagdad
I took my mother-in-law's, but she'll forgive me when I win.

Inshallah. That kid is thinking
>tfw no panther - were waifu

>It's not The Treasure Hunters
>also they're basically an Indian society

Holy shit I know that one! You have fine taste.

thanks for the information friend, we'll be extra careful
c'mon Azna.
hey! what about my knife?
A wish from the genie... that's all it takes the whole city to go crazy!
meanwhile, let's see the jewel-makers, I need some answers about that necklace!
why not win the tournament instead?
you mean... to answer my question?
instead of launching yourself in some complicated investigation, you could just ask the Djinn to find your parents for you.
easier than going through every jeweler in the city
but not less dangerous
why not? but I'm a little rusty, gonna need some practice.

My power goes stagnant. I need too feed my curses so my magic can grow...
So much power to be submitted to a street rat...
Accursed Al-a-din!
And with the years, he's grown ever less influentiable...'s time to look for a new master.
the knife throwing tournament might be it
I'll have to be quick and precise
i hate guarding the vault
That Djinn is evil.
The Caliph would do well to get rid of him now that he had his three wishes.
Impossible, the Caliph can't risk that someone might wish to dethrone him!

It's the first time I've ever heard of a knives shortage
Had this thing for years and it'll finally have some use.
It's got a bad aim, doesn't even cut butter, anyway...
you only have to say the magic word, dimwit!
shut up, you overcompensating toothpick!
wow, you suck
I see
truth is...
I don't get it, it seems easy
it's that damn knife! no one can throw it right!
but knife throwing is just like swiping, no?
excuse me! I am not of animal origin, I was crafted with love and...
ok, ok, no more talking!

no points for you, but the lady gets the game.
knifethrowing isn't my thing
I can teach you if you like.
We'd never make in time! unless...
I got an idea! you could participate in my place!
Yes, and when you win, you can ask the Djinn to find my parents!
Oh I see! And why should I?
Well, because you'd help me... and, you like to help me, right?
Is that so? and who says I don't have wishes of my own?
Well, I didn't know... you saved me and...
Real nice.
Why don't you try and do something by yourself?! since you care so little about me, let's see if you care while i'm gone.
But, I...
Oh, I'll win that tournament Simbad, and I'll make the Djinn bind your fate to mine.

that way you'll finally look at me, intead of spending so much time looking for those stupid parents of yours who abandoned you!
By the Red Sea, what's gotten into her? she's the one that wanted to help! I hadn't asked her anything!
bad with knifes and worse with the gals!
according to custom, I come to present my respect to you. Oh, Al-a-din, great Caliph of Bagdad
And it is an honor to have you with us Turabah, Great Sorceress.
Will you be staying for long?
Oh, have no fear, I've no interest in palace politics! I come here only for a short personal business!
Allow me to say hello to you Djinn...
What a lovely face! Every century that passes you look younger Turabah!

will have to make an intermission for about an hour, excuse the inconveniences

one user gave a link to the cbr in the last thread, I tried to download it 3 times now, but it always ends the download prematurely, any solutions?

try this

Always the flatterer.
Sorry if I cannot compliment you back, the smoke of you lamp has darkened your fur.
I see you've met before...
Take lady Turabah to the Turqoise room!
I would love some loukoums sent! it's almost meal time!
I know you're here somewhere thief... you may hide, but your days are numbered.
Would you join me for a drink Turabah?
I've heard of your interest in magic items and would like to discuss an arrangement.
Our last arrangement turned into deceit Djinn, excuse me if I'm somewhat distrusting of you
It was just the sum and unfortunate series of events...
Sit down and talk, but I warn you, you'll not cheat me again.
Until now, I've devoured all of those who've stolen the lamp. yet, there is an incantation that assures a succession
Is that so?

let me draw it...
like this, spheres joined like so
you sure it's a necklace? seems more like a kind toy... er... for the ladies.
they where chisseled out of solid gold.
I see...
It might've been Venkhuff's work, for a time he was knows works such as this
some thirty years ago, right?
yes, shortly before his death.
of course, it's been so long...
I must know who this necklace was made for. One way or another!
Well... hrmmm... if you have no qualms for principles, I may have an answer...
A jewel is eternal.
Instead of looking for it's creator to know it's current whereabouts, you could ask it's current owner to know it's past
How do you that?
I have friends by whose hands all jewels must pass, sooner or later.

Follow me.
...and quietly!
I'm not the one talking!
Don't lag behind!

Wait here.
Open Sesame.
Open Sesame.
Open Sesame!
Ahhh! That!
Speak up man.
Sorry, can't do it
He ain't entering, not with *those* slippers

They're not slippers, they're boots!
Don't argue.
This way
Where are we?
Inside the Den of Ali Baba, prince of thieves.
What do you want Alim? the boss sent fo you?
No, jsut a quick visit, don't worry I know my way.
Many visitors feel the temptation of taking something...

But, for some reason, Sesame can feel this and will refuse to open, and since there's no other way out...
I see.
Mi lord Ali Baba? I bring a visitor who respectfully wishes to ask information of you
Yes... well... I wanted to know about a certain necklace
I know of every jewel that has passed through Bagdad
In that case, would you be able to tell me?
And would you be able to pay?
In Bagdad all information has a price.
And I respect that, what is your price?
nothing really!
just the hairs of Mellia, the Caliph's favorite.
Her hair? why that?
I'll use it for my rites, besides, the Caliph has disrespected me
But that would mean spiriting into the harem!
I can't just...
Then your reputation does not precede you Simbad, you may show yourself out.

ty user it worked

OP from last thread.
Thank you once more user, I'm happy about how the thread turned since I had expected it to die after a handful replies.

Comfortable, Turabah?
I could use more cushions oh Caliph
But the foodstuffs for your birthday are worth the sacrifice
I guess.
The knife throwing tournament will begin shortly, it's the major event.
I must say that the winning prize is quite unusual. you'd entrust the lamp to a stranger?
how will you manage to keep control of it?
the winner might wish to dethrone you...
I've taken my precautions...
which will be completely useless, my dear master
get ready!

Nah brah.

You got good taste in comics. I wish I could get this in English. Your translations are wonderful.

Thank you for lending me the knife Simbad, I couldn't participate without one
Don't mention it, at least one of us will make their dreams come true.
I know one day you'll have yours.
The tournament's about to begin, better get a good seat.
If you want I could demoralize their blades, we have our own language.
Contestants come forward!
You've made it past the preliminaries...
After this test half of you will be eliminated
I really wish for you to win Azna, wonder what your wish'll be...
There's even a girl!
Pfft! she's so skinny you can varely tell!
Throw! (or fire?)

(btw sorry if i'm running slow with the pages, I had some of them pre-translated, reaching now the untranslated ones)

I'm not the guy who's posting the comics, just the dude who made the first thread asking for help.

Bullseye... Go Azna!
I'll bet you 100 dinars on the persian!
You're on
The ten candidates closer to the center will now use three of their knives to turn of the lights of these candles.
Sorry darling, you have no chance with just one knife
Some knives are straight and others curved...

Double six...
That pale young lady is impressive!
Don't you think?!
Remember your color?
what's his problem?
guess I'll help you lose...

Last test! Every contestant sahll be assigned a bird, doves for the lady, blackbirds for the persian, pigeons for the celt
Be skillful and aim for yours!
birds! that miserable Caliph did it to mock me!
But if ti'll disctract him while I act...
with just one knife she'll try to skewer them...
...or not!
Dirty cheater!
Hey kinsblades! this way!
Wha-? how?
three doves and two pigeons! the lady wins!

this stinks of magic!
I won! I won, Simbad!
Yes... I'm happy for you Azna.
You are a most exceptional knife handler young lady, you've won the right to ask for your wish
You only get one, hope you've thought it throughly...
Yes, I...
give my prize to my friend. he needs it more than I do.
a most intriguing petition... but if that is what you want.

Thank you Azna, I'll never forget this
Thank you...
Oh Simbad! I'll be happy is this is what it takes for my dream to come true!
You'll understand that I must take precautions lad.
If you wish sounds unbecoming these bows will be released into your throat
take the chance thief...
good fortune doesn;t last to those who anger Turabah!
Now you must recite the incantation, only then will the genie obey
I said if before you, so the genie obeys me now
as soon as I take the lamp...
I'm yours to command young master, order and I shall obey.

I... I want to know...
No, I want... you to bring my parents here!
Two people concieved you... those are two wishes.
I have a clue about my mother, so...
I want to see my father
Your wish is my command.
wish granted young master, your father is here, you may see him
here? but there's hundreds of people!
bring him forth!
rules said one wish Simbad, should've been more precise.

What a dick.

Hello, DJINN.

No! this can't be it!
I'm sorry lad, the genie is twisted and despicable
you must now return the lamp!
Want to take it Simbad?
do it! get yourself killed for a cheap copy, why don't you?
not even you noticed the switch you amateur...


Oh no, such a sad tale, he only got a hot shapeshifting werepanther waifu who is crazy about him even after he sold her into slavery and abandoned her. Truly this is a horrible tragedy.

Come out Djinn! I've decided my third wish!
I've made you int a powerful sorceress Turabah, and also granted you an immense fortune. what more do you want?
Youth, Djinn
Magic keeps my body, but I cannot pass an eternity in this shriveled shell.
so my third wish is for me to be young again, and recover the body of my youth.
Is that you last word Turabah?
My last word Djinn
This elixir will grant your wish, drink this vial entirely.
But you'll have to be patient, it works slowly.
Time can't be returned in one moment.


Hmm... this elixir of yours works slowly but definitely works
Yes! I've finally recovered my former beauty!
Genie! when will the elixir's effects stop? This is the body of my teens and I don't to go further back
You'll go younger. you'll have the body of your youth. that was your wish Turabah.
You tricked me Djinn! you'll kill me of youth with your stupid potion!
Go rot under the waves!
My last master abandoned me young Al-a-din. but I'll be yours to command if you repeat after me...

Oh yes!

You glutton
that old coot Aladdin never let me eat mi fill
What is going on here?!
Speak of teh devil
You... you killed again!
I forbade you! How dare you?!
Oh, but my new owner allowed me to do so.
My dear Aladdin, you were so preocuppied witht the knife tournament you didn't notice when I took the lamp.
the Djinn obeys me now.
Kill her!

Meat's roughter than the girl servants
I still don'te know what my three wished will be, but my old friend and I have decided to get along
one word from me and the city's lost
your rule is over Aladdin
Meanwhile and for the moment, you'll officially be Caliph, the people loves you and you'll keep them content
these peasant need not know who really pulls the strings
your first decree shall be to find two nasty thieves
I think I'll have quite some fun here.
do you collect magic items?

repeat after me

The Sultan's Suite is the nicest room in the Three Humped Camel inn. The pillows are mended, the drapes full of moths, the floor creaks and is full of termites...
... but is also discreet.
Well, what do you think?
Depends for what...
But I guess you pass for a hairdresser
I wasn't asking you
I think it's horrible, you reek of herbs. it itches my nose!
I'm willing to do anything to have Ali Baba's help, he wants the hair of the Caliph's favorite, and I'll get it for him
Even if I have to hide my manly musk smell and bother your nose my sweet Azna.
You'd do well to keep an eye on him, he's begging for trouble
quiet you muse of misfortune
one last touch to complete the costume...

Hey you!
who? me, handsome?
where do you think you're going?
I'm Nefertutu the Egyptian, the harem's new hairdresser. could you take me there big boy?
we'll see that with the eunuch first, keep walking and don't come near me.
Serafad! Open!
Who is it?
the new hairdresser for the Caliph's wives.
No man can enter within the harem.
Not unless you go through a certain procedure

The fact that mother nature made a mistake when I was born doesn't mean it's ok to insult me calling me a man
unlike you, if I'm unmanly it's because I've chosen it so.
I bring the latest fashions from Damascus and the new trends from Alexandria...
A hairdresser!
you dye hair?
me first!
I need my hair straightened!
move aside!
My hair tips are a mess!
My saviour!
My hair looks like a bird's nest!
Mine's all greasy!
Help me!
Ladies be calm!
Serafad, you look after our wellbeing, and make sure we look our best for lord and husband Caliph Aladdin
what do you think he'll say if we look like scarecrows?
won't he reward you if we look stunning for him?
this way!
make yourself comfortable
want some tea
a loukhoum?
how about two?
hi hi! ladies please, it's bad for my diet!

I'll look after you all! but we must go by order, don't you think?
Mellia, the favorite should be first...
But, I had my hair trimmed last week I don't need any more cutting
Last week? darling, who did this? it's horrible!
it is?
this looks like dry straw. so unkept! do you not crave your husband's favor anymore?
well... I do... but...
do... do you think you can fix it?
it'll be a challenge... but I know my work.
I'll leave this blanket here to keep things tidy
leave it to me!
We'll start here...
then work some layers...

What are you going?
There, now we apply this Argan oil...
I'm going to gut you you charlatan!
but I assured in Alexan... *hurk*
I don't about that, but I know I'll cut you head off
The hair...
Azna leave it!
You shouldn't eat fatty food! it's bad for you!

He's done?
And we finally got a good hairdresser!
Yeah he gave Mellia a full bodywork...
Come back!
And me?
Yeah, should've opened beforehand...
Alarm! Alarm!
which they'd made him a mute too...!
That way! the north wing!

sorry anons, will finish the rest tomorrow
I wouldn't like to impose on you, but, if you would, please help me keep the thread alive until then

Will do.
Loving the story.

Thanks user, you're doing god's work.
You should put it into a txt file at the end of the storytime so another fearless user can edit the pages.

Ah, the French. ALWAYS finding way to squeeze some sexy, young naked chicks into their comics, regardless of the target age demographics. Gotta love them for that. Seriously, it's nice to see a culture that is not actually afraid of celebrating female nudity as an artistic ideal.

user, I hate to say this, but this is a typical examples of a modern fantasy series that's targeted at teenage boys.

Yeah, so?

You forgot made by Arleston, and published by Soleil. Not expecting titillation here would be pure madness.

>regardless of the target age demographics

It's aimed at teenage boys.

Back from work, thank you so much for the continuation.

I can say right now it has given me quite the inspiration for magicking up a setting I'm working on. Maybe not the whole arabian nights angle, but this is some great high magic shit right here.

Yeah everything as a txt file would be appreciated.

As a novice DM what are the most important things to focus on in non-European fantasy worlds? I'm trying to figure out what will help make say an al-Qadim game really stand out from say generic fantasy world III only set in the desert.

The foreign names, titles, and other such things?
The monsters used?
Something else?

Also any general advice would be appreciated especially pitfalls to avoid.

According to Ali Baba's map, there exit's this way...
Or this way...
unless I'm holding the map wrong
Nah, it's fine.
This'll yake us through the laundry rooms, and a street past it...
...or not
Get them!!
Careful, it hot!
So's this!

Don't mind us!
Hey lokks tasty
Coming thru.
Carry on
At ease
Make way!
Not cutting edge...
...but it's got a sting.
I want 'em skewered!

Another storage room...
Maybe will find something useful here.
Where does this lead to?
This is bad...
Unless we can make to the river in one leap...
I'd be grateful if you could lend me hand, y'know?

find something to cover yourself with.
Specially down there
I've told you. Humans aren't exactly comfortable with nudity U WOT M8?
If we make it out of here you'll draw *lots* of attention!
Always relying on things, you're weak as kittens...
I sometimes wonder how your species has managed to survive this long!
This thing launches big arrowheads no?
and more.
Take it down!
Hop on.
Hold on tight with you cl-... er, hands.
I want it known throughout the city! two thieves cheated during the knifethrowing contest... and the Caliph shall reward the one who delivers them their weight in gold!
The news shall spread immediately my lady

good, tell me as soon...
that was weird for a light breeze...
Hurry! we'll be safe inside Ali Baba's Den!
This body's so impractical for swiming
Attention! Two people are wanted, the man has been seen accompanied with a pale woman.
Whosoever delivers them to justice sha'll be rewarded their weight in gold by the Caliph!
What injustice!
A nimble man could chase them and I can't when our wight in gold is the reward!

Open Sesame
No need to be rude... and wipe your feet, don't want a mess inside.
Ah, Simbad! Come, come!
got something for me?
Mellia's hairs, as you asked Ali Baba.
I've payed your price, now tell me about the necklace
Of course! two seats for our guests, and some clothes for the lady
Right away Boss
Have a little of this sow's stuffed vulva, real delicacy
You wouldn't happen to have the rest of that trout, raw if possible?
I didn't come here to eat, tell me about my mother's necklace
But you haven't even tasted the honeyed Ibex brain!

it's this piece, right?
It.. it is! where did you get it?
In older times, rich families would give a necklace to a wife who would give birth to their firstborn male
they would be unique pieces, made solely for such occations
unfortunately, your mother had to part with you when you were a babe
Goodbye... my child...
A basquet?
I found this in the river lord Ali Baba
I would recognize this coat of arms anywhere! there's money to be had here...
I only have to send this to the mother as proof...
leave the basket so that only an honest fisherman may find it.
Your mother gave her necklace and many jewels in exchange to know of your well-being...

As the years passed, I kept her informed as you grew up
she was a regular source of income
Your father wanted no more children, but that didn't stop him from honoring his wives. and so, years later you mother died after a sad miscarriage press (F) to pay respects
She's... dead? she's dead Jim
But you haven't told me who she was! You said it was an influential family, you must remember which it's name!
Oh didn't I? silly me.
She was Daina, our beloved Caliph Aladdin's favorite.
After the Djinn devoured your siblings, all births were prohibited within the palace, so as far as I know, you're the only son of the Caliph! the one prophesied to be his doom!
I... I'm the Caliph's son?
Correct, and he ignores you live.
And, funny thing, he *just* offered a reward for whosoever delivers Simbad and her companion for cheating in the knifethrowing contest...
Now if you'll excuse me. I have some details to work on before I deliver you and get payed my weight in gold
guess I'll have some desserts, going to need those extra pounds...

Meanwhile, I'll leave you in the care of Kazpar, our newest recruit oh boy...
harharhar! You're mine now!
You doublecrossing rat!
Hey now, our agreement was that I would answer your questions, and I did.
We never talked about what would happen after that.
Get in, I feel like playing darts.
I really don't like you Kazpar.
To see is to know.
... and with these hairs I'll have your eyes Mellia!
and with them, your knowledge!

Fucking Kazpar still got the sword on his neck?!

What's wrong?
Let's see what's in the vault young lady.
just two guards and a gate... perfect!
now let's make a roll-call.
garden, twelve.
kitchen, none.
so, we can make our way to the vault through the service tunnels...
now let's see the throne room!
I like seeing you on your knees Aladdin

the man was all about CON

Yes! now I'll handle the city more to my liking
*Our* liking Djinn! I think it high time we settled our little spat between us...
We have a deal... I hope that formula won't take too long to make.
Have no fear, it is almost done
What is going...?
Oh... looks like time's up.
Bagdad is in the hands of the witch Turabah... hmmm, this somewhat changes plans.
not so rough, Kazpar!
they're worth more whole
tie them up, they'll be taking a stroll though the desert
weren't they to be delivered at the palace, Boss?
You'll deliver them somewhere else, and you'll collect the reward
go eat something, they'll weight you.
meanwhile, your 39 new colleagues and I will take the chance that the palace will be empty...
... to do what we do best.

no. that won't work on the lamp...
Milord Aladdin, this man claims to know where the cheaters are hiding!
Speak then.
Ah, yes, I mean: tell us man.
Speak, dog!
Milord Aladdin, my master hs found the thieves you're after
He captured them in the ruined city of Reitra, at the edge of the desert
It's a labrynth in there!
My master says he weights 213 exact pounds
if true, he shall be payed accordingly
Aladdin is a man of his word.
I'll go after them! gather your army, I'll need them to search the ruins
In that case I must go.
They only obey me.

The culture man. You can describe the beautifully built caravanserai all you want, but the npcs inside are what make it come alive.

Kazpar! we've been moving for hours! at least tell us where you're taking us!
Ha! I f bother you that much, I'd rather keep you in the dark!
But sadly, we've arrived.
As soon as the Calpih's men arrive I'm to hide you inside
They'll find you but, it'll take a while
I know not what fate awaits you Aladdin, but if they need a headsman you can bet I'll be first to volunteer
see you in a while
Azna, can you transform certain parts of your body? the implications...
I've never tried before. wew
I need your claws. If you could transform just your hands...

It worked!
how do you come up with these ideas...
it's a blessing.
need a weapon
silly me, it's right there!

I'll take this!
I've had enough! Ali Baba be damned!
Good old Kazpar...
oh no... OH YEAH!

Azna, no! it's...
bad for you, you have to be careful with villain's meat
We have to go, quickly! Aladdin's men are here!
To the camels, we can break for it by north!
What's wrong? you're faster as a panther!
But you don't understand panther tongue!
get off the mount! riders are coming by the north!
Aladdin has sent more men to cut our retreat then...
nothing left but to hide in here until we can sneak away with some horses!

Turabah, with all the power you wield, I don't understand why waste your time on two common thieves.
Some matters concern me Aladdin, and tuling your land is not my one of top priorities.
true, our main concern is our deal... and it is time we settled it...
a deal?
Milord! I've found a body!
just by looking at it I'd say it weighted 213 pounds... or at least he used to.
the prisoner have escaped!
search the ruins!
Aladdin *please*...
Ah yes, right.
Men, search the ruins.
lucky us the palace's deserted, eh? barely ant throats to cut
Right, it's nice to work in peace for once...
Ali Baba was right, we just needed to choose the right time
We've already packed a dozen mules Boss, we'll need more for all this gold
then have the harem women do it, there's enough of them to do the job.

If the Caliph says we search the ancient city of Reitra, we'll search the ancient city of Reitra.
But it'll take days!
and? we'll still get payed for it
To a clear fountain is use to go-o...
and the water was so blue, I just had to gen in i-it
horrible! what is that?!
sounds like a cat in heat!
Azna! it's her voice! this way!
my heart beats for you-u, and it'll will forevermo-re.
good, Azna, now do your thing...
It's her! Kill her!
Oh, a pretty seashell!
such pretty color!
Didn't you hear me?
Tell your men to kill her imme-...
I think not.

He's taken our lord captive!
And I'll kill him if I need to!
Don't try to follow us and you'll have him back safe and sound.
I could destroy all three, but the men could overcome me...
don't move...
Killing me won;t save you lad! I'm only a puppet of that sorceress...
we'll talk later, move.
Azna, try and find an exit!
they're getting away! they just can't!
well, er... what should we do now?
go back to the palace imbeciles!

There! My panther has found the Tigris...
Now we should talk my lord Caliph...
Aladdin, I am your son.
You're wrong lad, the Djinn ate all of my children
Except me, Simbad! Daina was my mother, she saved me!
Dearest Daina... but... it cannot be!
really? then, how do you explain...
her necklace! how is it that you...?
that doesn't matter father.
If what you say is true, then the Djinn's prophecy dictates you to be the bringer of my death.
And I would not blame you if you hate me my son.
my heart is yours to strike!