>woman wearing a shirt
>image of a 20-sided die crushing a cop car
What does it mean?
>woman wearing a shirt
>image of a 20-sided die crushing a cop car
What does it mean?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's from silver sprocket, an anarchist zine/music distro. It means she plays CG characters exclusively.
Yeah, but what is the meaning of the picture?
>anarchist chicks
Hot. Might be the perspective of the photo but it looks like she has a huge rack too.
She supports the NEET uprising.
Chaotic Good = opposing law, embracing freedom
I doubt that.
>Yeah, but what is the meaning of the picture?
Is this the first time you've seen the picture of the d20 on the cop car? It gets posted on Veeky Forums pretty frequently.
Let's be honest OP, this is a female wat do thread, isn't it
The creativity involved in the playing of rpg's crushing a symbol of government control? I dunno.
She has some big....sided dice
If there was an adam's apple there, we'd see it.
I think the internet has made you paranoid, user. Put down the ten foot pole already.
It means that she embraces an ethos which rejects authority by means of role-playing games.
But how do role-playing games undermine authority?
Some things don't have a hidden message. I know, shocking.
>But how do role-playing games undermine authority?
Ask the 80s? They seemed to know.
Your eyes are good, user. She has a very full bosom. This picture pleases me.
See 90s
You sound like a faggot.
>Anarchist who plays role-playing games
Aren't role-playing games full of rules?
> not liking big tits
Confirmed paedo
shes got some big ole titties
Anarchy isn't an absence of rules, it's simply an excess of stupidity.
>>not CE
You had one job.
Rules that you can ignore or amend at your leisure without being threatened with confinement or violence.
At least if you're not playing with spergs or nonwhites.
That's a funny way of spelling Chaotic Evil.
>It's from silver sprocket, an anarchist zine/music distro.
oh cool. do they have a collective diy art space?
How many nonwhites have you actually played with?
>Put down the ten foot pole
not falling for that
you won't get me to put down my other bushel of ten foot poles, either
Thankfully few.
Just the way that user wrote that post out, made me thing user was a faggot.
Only faggot don't like big old tits though. The bigger, the better.
It doesn't mean anything, she just wanted something large and light colored centered on her rack to contrast with the dark background, thus drawing your eyes to her tits. Basically all the effects of a boob window without the actual window.
And don't take this as a diss, I actually think it's genius.
If ya got'em might as well show them off.
>Anarchy isn't an absence of rules, it's simply an excess of stupidity.
Now THAT should go on a T-shirt.
Not everyone who dislikes tits is a baby diddler. Maybe user is just gay?
>Not everyone who dislikes tits is a baby diddler.
How do we fix this?
Those are called suggestions, not rules.
Normies should be stopped
Obviously it means she was asking for it.
RP is, at least to some extent, about idealism
it's also about being someone you're not
go reread >It means she plays CG characters exclusively.
pic related
cant i like juicy fat titties and dfc?
Saw this sculpture at the smithsonian. Assuming that means it's famous enough to be a reference, it could be a play off that
So Gandhi was chaotic evil, huh?
You know less about anarchists than you think.
Do flat chested women actually think like this? That's pathetic.
>implying Gandhi was a good person
You still subscribe to basic bitch mindless masses knowledge, I see.
I wanted to have tits until my sister told me about her back problems.
>So Gandhi was chaotic evil, huh?
Gandhi was a super racist jackass. Suuuuuuper racist.
Nonviolent, but that's really the only nice thing to say about him.
He was also literally pen pals with Hitler.
how big were hers? nice tits dont have to be huge.
You don't have to be a "good person" to not be evil.
Not really. When you're a teenager it fuels your image issues, but when you're an adult, you go 'Whatever' and either stay flat, get pregnant, or/and get implants.
Being racist doesn't make you evil, just stupid, and there really was a lot of that going around at the time.
I'll grant you the pen-pals with Hitler thing is a little evil, though.
Okay, so toss Gandhi aside. How's Leo Tolstoy chaotic evil? Or Helen Keller?
It means I want that shirt
Most teenage guys are into super big bewbs but youll find more men interested in more body types. Also, like you said, you get older and just say fuck it.
>Not calling it beta uprising
It's like you want to get killed with the normies
>"I roll to fuck da police".
You niggers are the most gullible little fuckers one could ever hope for in society
Contrarianism will never die with idiots like you
>a jappo cartoon
>"flat chests are hard to find, big titties are everywhere"
>What does it mean?
That you're trying too hard to read into the meaning of a t-shirt.
DCFag reporting in; the sculpture you saw at the Hirshorn is a reference to Malcolm X's "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on US" statement.
>We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on US
I don't get it. A land happens to a people?
She rolls to FUCK DA POLICE
Gentrification? Rich people move into a neighborhood and then complain about the poor people there
Take it up with Mr. X.
>Someone who plays games that require you to be observant
>trying to hard to read in the motives of others
>showing how little you actually understand the concept of creative thought
>apathy is cool bro
A cigar is just a cigar, fuckface.
>opposing order
>killing people just because they are cops
>lacking empathy to grasp depth of character
>is an obvious loot whore
>goes to the table to murder hobo and get attention
I think most women are chaotic neutral in actions, and lawful good in assumption of their personality.
Yeah no
He's saying that black people specifically were crushed by America, not voluntary arrivals to settle it.
When Malcolm X said "we", that never included whitey.
>cherrypicking the worst quotes you can find
Saying dumb shit: It's not just for Twitter!
But seriously, he's trying to apply the model of passive resistance which worked in India, not realizing that it wouldn't work against the Nazis. It's dumb, but not evil.
It's metaphorical, Plymouth Rock was often invoked as image of our glorious forefathers who came to this land and built a wondrous nation. Malcolm is saying that black folks weren't a part of that pilgrimage, they were the victims of it.
IE it wasn't long before those colonists were importing African slaves on which to run their industry.
GO AWAY /pol/
"..It would have aroused the world and the people of Germany..."
The point was that if they had killed themselves the rest of the holocaust wouldn't have happened. He's referring to a heroic sacrifice for the betterment of all jews, not an Idi Amin style "should have killed more of them."
I mean, he's kind of wrong anyway, but the context is important.
Then I guess you just see every vaguely cylindrical object as a dick then.
>cigar is just a cigar
>not a symbol of status depending on quality
>not something to represent a moment in time of value
>a possible prank tool for a trickster
Or maybe you have no concept of creative thought. Don't DM. It's for the best. Let someone else spoon feed you a session.
Who said anything about dicks?
It's /pol/ to have an accurate grasp of the ways "anarchists" are chumps, now?
I mean, I'd call myself pretty hard left and I think anarchist kiddies are giant chumps. Squat-type are terrible, trust-fund type are noxious beyond words obviously. user's joke is spot on.
Or maybe you're so desperate to make everyone else think you're super smart and creative that you jump at shadows and see things that aren't there.
>not knowing the origin of "a cigar is just a cigar"
>being this much of an uneducated plebeian
>Isn't aware of what creative thought is used for
>acts like profiling isn't common and valid
>demands everyone should dilute their thoughts
My nigga... there are people on this board that will run circles around us both, and I have no shame in that, and keep myself open to learning from what they are willing to share.
With that said, try not tripping all over the piles of bullshit you leave behind with your misleading attempts to be angry and someone who values "over thinking" over apathy, the sad man's moonshine.
>With that said, try not tripping all over the piles of bullshit you leave behind with your misleading attempts to be angry and someone who values "over thinking" over apathy, the sad man's moonshine.
And you accuse me of projecting? I guess it just takes one to know one.
The size of a woman's tits is directly proportional to the size of her ego. DFC for life.
>wanting a doormat
>he doesn't fuck big-boobed babes that get off on being treated like dumb cum-dump bimbos
I'd feel sorry for you but you've brought this hell upon yourself.
>wanting a roastie who's used to getting her way becasue many other men fall over themselves at the chance to have sex with her
What doesn't it mean?
It means she's wearing a shirt with a d20 crushing a cop car.
>Saying dumb shit: It's not just for Twitter!
I mostly posted that to remind people that Gandhi's Nonviolence isn't some faggy pacifism like modern day hippies like to make it out to be. He literally meant "going to war, but not shooting at the other guy, just dying anyway on principle". Another time he said some thing like (this is from memory so not exact) "if you're too weak to throw your life away I certainly advise you to take up arms, to kill and die. It's unquestionably better than submitting to tyranny out of pacifism."
If you want to find some *stupid* shit Gandhi said, look up his views on vaccination.
How did you get around the captcha? I know you're poor or else girls would be into you.
Man, somebody should put that on a shirt.
>can't think of an argument for the central point
>attacks word usage instead
Classic deflection.
>the 6 is now an SS
What does straight shota have to do with it?
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being ironic/trolling and not this much of a stereotypical laughing stock. So here's your (you).
I didn't feel the need to refute anything. Women get wet from confidence, which I exude in quantities that would make you want to spread your chubby bepimpled cheeks for me.
I'm just making fun of you for being a friendless robot loser who managed to wander outside of his beta containment board.
Or how he wasn't really against racism, he just didn't agree with the fact that indians were lumped together with those dirty niggers.
>he wants a flatchested doormat
Confirmed for pedophile.
I don't browse /r9k/.
I have friends.
You are making false assumptions, thinking you've guessed right. You're wrong on all counts. The term "roastie", while it probably originated from /r9k/, has seen usage on other boards which I browse.
Also, no one on the internet cares about your sex life, whether you're lying about it or not.
Funny, I've been here 6 years and haven't heard the term until today.
You realize she probably thinks everything is rape and has a gender that takes 15 minutes to describe, right? Leftist girls a shit.
>I-I d-d-don't browse /r9k/
Have you even talked to a girl?
Judging from the stands she has, I'm going to have to say it's a big die. For you