Tabletop Simulator

Has anyone tried it yet? as a platform for online pen & paper.
I can't stomach using roll20, and I'm thinking buying it.

It's -50% on steam right now.
If you buy the 4-in-1 pack it's less than 7€/key.


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forgot the link

My irl friends and I use it very frequently because we all live pretty far away from one another. It allows you to import sprites and even some 3D models into the game space so you can basically do whatever you want with it. Only complaint might be that actually rolling dice feels a little clunkier than like, actually rolling dice. And taking large notes that nobody but you needs to see should still be done with pen and paper on a character sheet or in a GM notebook. Other than that it's pretty solid if you have a group that can't frequently meet up in person.


I think there's an in-game voicechat, is it decent enough?
How does your DM play ambient music?

Hey, all. We at Fading Embers General are actually looking for someone with TTS willing to help us on out project. See, we're trying to compile 3d models for use in BattleBox3d, a free alternative to TTS. TTS has a vast number of frew models available on their workshop page, but you need to have TTS in order to download them. I was wondering if I could get a helpful user to either download models and share them with us, or lend me the game through steam so I could do it myself.

Why don't you buy it, it's pretty cheap right now

I've never really seen Tabletop Simulator as worth it for TTRPGs. It's overly clunky and Roll20 does the job better in a more simple way. If you can't stomach R20 it'd work though.

TTS really shines for simple board games. When played with voicechat, it's the closest thing you can get to a real tabletop experience to play games with friends from around the world.

Fuck playing with pubbies though.

> It's overly clunky
What do you mean? Rolling the dice, mainly, or is there more that feels "clunky" ?

I would but I'm flat broke after paying tuition this semester.

I just give everyone a dice tower, solves a lot of trouble with how stupidly light and bouncy the dice are.

Haven't bought it yet, that's why I made the thread, sorry!

Is it any good for TTRPG in your opinion? voicecom, ambient music?

It looks pretty neat for a beta.

Theres a lot of popular games ripped to its steam workshop. My friends and me prefer it for playing eldritch horror and zombicide. Games with heavy setup and breakdown can be played impulsively over discord, and thats pretty awesome.

Theres also a lot of pickup games of secret hitler and the like in the global chat, but never tried that. Community seem alive tho.

would recommend tho, check out the workshop

BattleBox3d is better than TTS in that 1) it's free and always will be, 2) we have the actual Dev regularly visit the board for input and updates, and 3) it's more intuitive than TTS. Other than that, it's great for Tabletop in that you can upload your own Models and Terrain, and the virtual dice rolling is pretty solid. I'd more use it for Wargaming though, as that's what it was originally built for.


That looks like a low rent table. You probably want something like this

and some of the multiple tilesets/furniture packs available in the workshop.

You can do youtube playlists but the ingame tablet used to play them can be kind of fiddly. The only other music comes from an ingame mp3 player and it does have generic ambiance music but no way to play custom mp3s with that one yet.

Just select dice and press R to roll them without tossing them around.

More intuitive how? It looks too shady to download and I'm trying to find a video on how it plays but all of them are years old barely functional crap from the dev.

Having infinite zombies is such a nice feel.

>You can do youtube playlists but the ingame tablet used to play them can be kind of fiddly. The only other music comes from an ingame mp3 player and it does have generic ambiance music but no way to play custom mp3s with that one yet

That makes me very sad. Discord is also pretty shit for voicecom + ambient music. I don't know what to do...

The game does have voice chat. People say discord sounds better but I wouldn't really know since only one group I have uses discord.

I love discord but using bots for streaming music is pretty crap since it lags a lot. It sucks to have no real alternative.

Is it possible to find the DLC files anywhere and use them to play the DLC without having to pay for all that stuff?
At any rate TTS is great fun for all sorts of tabletop games

after my kingdom death game (which is fantastic on TTS) i think i want to start a pathfinder game on it, specifically because all the props and stuff have a nice immersion to it. give the players a real coin amount, and gemstones, along with other pyshical props in general.

If anybody has run any TTRPGs on TTS, what did you run and do you have any mods/advice on how to do so well?

What's your Steam ID? I'm in a festive mood.

When is the sale over?

January 2nd.

>And taking large notes that nobody but you needs to see should still be done with pen and paper on a character sheet or in a GM notebook.
This is the problem I have with Tabletop simulator.

How the fuck does it not have a halfway decent page of paper you can edit, yet? Just something you can click onto, grabs your focus, and that is a fucking notepad.

And that lack makes me crazy.

Well, you can use the in client tablet and load up googledocs or pastebin, but I agree it's a bit fiddly.

Yeah that's an insane amount of resources just to be able to type.

I mean all it has to do is buffer up-to a kilobyte of text.

Huh? Not only does it have a notebook menu everyone can see but there's also notecard objects you can edit.

The notebook isn't an in-game object and the note-cards don't format for shit or grab camera focus.

I don't understand why there isn't a sheet of paper object that functions in a simple, straightforward manner.

... but they use BBCode. And if you wanted focus you can just ctrl+# then shift+# to save and load camera positions.

I dunno man, sounds like you just want to make things harder for yourself.

I want to be able to quickly type up pieces of notepaper and put them on the table, is all. You know: like everyone does constantly in every table top RPG ever played by anyone, anywhere, ever.

And you can! But you are being an autist about the weirdest, tiny things.

You can't. They don't function well. And I'm not being an "autist" about it. I'm being someone who has run games and tried to have character sheets and blurbs in notes on the table before. And the controls for them are obnoxiously complex and work for shit, unless it has completely changed in the last ~4 months.

How is right clicking a thing complex? Why weren't you using custom sheets the kind there's tons of in the workshop?

'Ey my man, you know where an user can grab 40k models for BB3d?

I've played tabletop RPGs for years and that has happened very few times.

Granted we've made notes on the back of sheets or in the margins sometimes so maybe that's our version.

Contact mod authors directly

I find making notes is more prominent if the DM doesnt provide maps, forces you to use extra pieces of paper more as you map things out.

Its worth the money.

I agree it needs physical, editable character sheets. The notebook option is weak and doesnt transfer between tables. Unfortunately, they currently seem to be focusing their energy on making the in game menus harder to use.

While I cant say I have used it for RPGs, I can attest to one area where it is really great, goddamn jigsaw puzzles.

My mates and I have spent many a night online just making puzzles. Everyone just goes hops on discord, submits their best image and then we upload it and go at it till its done. Good fun.

I use it to play catan with my friends, and it works great for that. haven't gotten to play D&D on it yet though.

Oglaf comics make pretty good jigsaws.

It's great for board and card games.

It pales in comparison to roll20 for RPGs, it's so limited in features, even with all the work modders have put into it, that it's little more than a glorified dice roller.

I have it. I bought it because of URealms.

I often don't actually have time to do RPGs on there, but playing card games and stuff with randoms can be quite fun.

Man, this. Jigsaws on there are fucking great (as long as people pick pictures that aren't a bleak wasteland of no detail).

Uno, Cards Against Humanity, Poker, etc. works pretty well. Exploding Kittens. Really, anything with cards involved runs pretty nicely.

I've had a couple of games of chess, that were surprisingly not bad either, though most of the people asking to play chess are actually interested in playing chess and try to be good at it.

>Theres also a lot of pickup games of secret hitler and the like in the global chat, but never tried that. Community seem alive tho.
At this point I'm pretty sure Secret Hitler is the only thing anyone on TTS even plays.

I'm looking to get into it largely because it has Axis and Allies ports. Have you tried any of them?

Love the game, my dad and brother love the game, but it's so hard for us to play and especially to actually finish a game in one sitting nowadays. The prospect of being able to play online and save a game for later is heavenly.

My steam ID is Carpe Diem Jugulum My avatar is XKCD's Cueball falling into a Portal.

Tabletop Simulator ironically enough. The steam workshop is full of everything from 30k to 40k.

How is that legal anyhow. I feel like Game's Workshop should be all over Steam hosting free simulations of their board game.
I mean they charge $40 for a bike, how are they ok with stuff that can simulate $2000 worth of merch.

Who the hell said it was legal? The number of games workshopped onto TTS by users is ludicrous. Taking them all down over and over would become futile.

Either they aren't aware of it because TTS is too niche, or they've chosen not to care because they aren't losing enough money on it.

I figured that was the situation. I suppose I'm more just confused why nobody's threatened the TTS devs with legal action if they don't take actions to limit copy right breaking material, but I suppose they just don't consider it worth the bad press?
Fun what you can get away with sometimes.

>chosen not to care because they aren't losing enough money on it
Doesn't sound like Games Workshhop

Because TTS hasn't made 40k fans happy enough for them to take legal action. It's not about money, it's about someone having fun with their IP using products that aren't "theirs." At least, that's my theory on why the FFG contract ended.

If anybody here with TTS wants to learn how that junk works, I'm gonna run some character creatin/tutorials for that system on there tonight.

Laws surrounding games are so interpretative even Hasbro prefers not to hazard going to court and lose because "winning" a suit against a grognard or low tier developer doesn't make them any money anyway.

Wow, this exists? I mean, I don't play anything related to 40k, but with how ferociously it is spewed at me on this board, I'm surprised I've never heard there is an earlier version.

>that's my theory on why the FFG contract ended.
You might be right, but NOT having FFG publish your games could only possibly be an improvement.

>At least, that's my theory on why the FFG contract ended.
The FFG contract ended because FFG wanted to make their own fantasy-based miniatures wargame, and thus became direct competitors with GW.

30k is Age of Sigmar

After graduation and moving away from each other, me and 5-8 friends have used tabletop simulator to play board games like secret hitler and bang!. I don't think the platform would be very good for pen and paper roleplaying.

>I don't think the platform would be very good for pen and paper roleplaying.
The only two games that it's any good for are FFG's Star Wars RPGs and WHFRP 3e, if only because of the stupid specialist dice and peripherals.

>Secret Hitler

It always seems like there's at least one person looking to fill a group of people for this, whenever I'm on. It never ends.

URealms was designed to basically be run in TTS. It's a good RPG alternative, but it's really meant for running oneshots instead of long campaigns.

It's like the only game anyone on TTS plays.

Looks like some stupid wannabe munchkin "look how quirky it is!" game. No thanks.

My group and I use it for numenera and we love it. Our group just draws maps and uses minis from the workshop that we like. Works perfectly for that and there is so much workshop support.

>URealms is a wannabe quirky thing
I mean, that's up to any person's judgment, but there's a lot more than a quick glance will tell you.

In the late 2000s, there was a short series of flash cartoons about a couple of guys playing a Dungeons and Dragons style RPG, where one of the players starts to slowly take more control of the game over his DM friend. This was the first time the series was anything.

It was later picked up to be re-done in better quality by Escapist Magazine to be a web-series for their website. It lasted for a couple of seasons, then was let go. The show continued for a little bit, then petered out as Rob Moran, the creator of the series, had his life to sort out.

Fastforward a handful of years and some attempts at Youtubing, and Rob had made some connections with other people that he wanted to try a new project with: URealms Live. A livestreamed series of one-shot adventures based in the same world that he had previously created, and expanding on it in a lot of new ways.
The game's system is designed to really abuse the virtual assets of Tabletop Simulator through being able to randomly use tons of decks of virtual cards, being able to duplicate objects and tiles, etc. It's not that it's trying extra hard to be quirky really, it's just its own evolving thing, using the tools available in a way that is very unlike normal tabletop RPGs.
Because the show needs to be new and varied every week, the resulting game system is for playing oneshot adventures with new characters coming into play on a regular basis. You don't play this if you're trying to do long-term DnD or Pathfinder type stuff, but it works for just throwing together something in a d20 style that is more light-hearted that requires less investment.

So I bought the 4pack. Gave one to my brother, probably another to my dad, might need to buy another so I can give two copies to my cousins.
Honestly just being able to play simple card games and board games on a whim with people around the world is such a nice thing. Even if I can only find people to play A&A with once or twice just being able to go from Chess to Chinese Checkers to Catan with no cleanup or set up is wonderful.

Hell, just the fast custom jigsaw puzzles are fantastic. I did pic related with my brother and it was hilarious and fun.

>Honestly just being able to play simple card games and board games on a whim with people around the world is such a nice thing

This, man. It's a lot like sitting down in a game room at a convention. You just find someone playing something fun or you sit down with your box and welcome in other players.

If you have ever been to the KD:M threads you would know. Kingdom Death is one of the most popular mods for it, because it was a limited quality niche game for $400. Being able to play that for $10-$20 is a steal.

It's sub-par for running RPGs due to the lack of character sheet support, and is desperately in need of some kind of sticker mechanic for Legacy games or stuff like Mystic Vale, but all in all it's pretty good.

"Alright... I wanna cast a spell."