You can all stop whining now

You can all stop whining now

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About what?
That new Black Templar hero?

Beautiful/10, I hope there's a Seraphim kit out soon because thats all I want, a Seraphim+Repentia force.

>You can all stop whining now
Why would that ever happen?

Please sir. Can we have a tactical objective deck?

>Boobplate and corsetplate are present but not overly so
>Them high collars
>Using the scrolls as the flight stand
>Nice posing
>Celestine just going "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?"

Looks good overall. I worry the scrolls will be too flimsy though

I'll never stop whining.

At least until we get plastic sisters squad.

I i wish more girls were into 40k and played Sisters. That way I could actually talk to other girls about my favorite faction sometimes :/. I imagine words like "waifuism," "fetish bait," and "sjw" would come up less. Instead, we would just talk about gloriously burning heretics and defending the common folk from the ravages of a grimdero world.

Oh, wouldn't that be nice?


From my experience with my stormcast the scrolls flightstands are quite elastic and durable. The wings will typically break way before the stand does unless you weigh the base down too much

>I i wish more girls were into 40k and played Sisters. That way I could actually talk to other girls about my favorite faction sometimes
user, do you happen to be autistic by any chance?

I love the model, but she's a great argument for why TLOS shouldn't exist.

A single stainless steel washer is more than enough weight to keep the center of gravity low without straining the model - but why aren't you picking up your models by the base, anyway?

No. But I know 0 other girls who play sisters. All sister players I've met are guys. Sometimes the over-saturation of testosterone in the 40k setting and fanbase just gets to be a bit too much for me, and I just need to vent. I know only one other girl who plays warhammer, and she plays Eldar.

I need a sister friend.

>Saint Celestine by John Woo

every girl I know, including me, plays tyranids (sample size 3)

I think every fa/tg/irl wants to be a brood mother of a monstrous swarm or something

>lonely and awkward
>complains about SJWs
>has enough money to buy a Sisters army
Tiffany Trump detectedl

>I need a sister friend.

What about Redemptionists? You can burn heretics and do Emperor's work all the same.

Not until a full plastic range.

Celestine looks dope though. Dem doves.

I see the appeal of being a brood mother, I guess. But I prefer the idea of Veeky Forums zealots burning anyone who disagrees with them alive in a fit of rage and glory.

Any ladies out there feel the same?

Autism the post

actually in the fluff celibacy isn't enforced, it's just that sisters don't have much time between burning heretics to hold hands

kyoot picture btw

Why am I autistic if I want more girls to play with?

go on...

>That way I could actually talk to other girls about my favorite faction sometimes.

user, why would you talk about this to your GF. Never date girls you meet that are involved in the hobby, they are insane. Like, kill your dog and take a dump on your windshield insane.

Keep it a secret part of your life, like drinking cough syrup before work or masturbating.

>2 new models is enough to 'stop whining'

We get

>Celestine + the Sex Twins

That's it. The rest of the shit SHOULD be coming out later. But people aren't moaning about shit. We've had this thread like 20 times.

>Boob plates and power heels still a thing
Thank you GW

Still? SOB have always had flat boots for the models.

The flying scroll thing is fucking stupid.

Rest of the model looks nice.

The female inquisitors had them

In the video where they first revealed the new Celestine mini, they specifically say she's leading a Black Templar Crusade into the Eye of Terror.

Girls play tyranids.

>GW takes models from one army that is receiving no support and gives it to a second army that needs no additional support
>For no reason
>Instead of just updating the entirety of the SOB line
>Giving imperial fags yet more miniatures and support
>Meanwhile many other xenos armies languish with shitty codexes still or have never gotten a decent one
>Like, most recent necron "good but not op" releases
>"You may stop having legitimate grievances now".


>complains about someone with money collecting 40K
>poorfag detected

It's actually the other way around.
He has no issues from playing against other guys all the time and he's to autistic to understand why women might want to, on the odd occasion, meet other women with shared interests.
But because he's to autistic understand this simple concept, naturaly it must be because You are the autistic one.

You kepp say 'imperial fags' when you mean 'marine fags' please stop getting the two confused.
Admech still need a dedicated transport, air and anti-air wouldn't hurt either.
Guard, like Nids have gone this entire edition without codex.
Sisters have only just started to climb out of their semi-squatted abyss, but it's slow going as, like you said, Marines just stole their most iconic character.

You jealous of my salary, user?

>gives it to a second army that needs no additional support

Agents of the Imperium isn't a pre-existing army that didn't need support, you fucking moron. If anything it would be the Inquisition which was an army that did need support. You're also a retard if you think Imperial Agents replaces Codex:SoB and think they aren't going to make an entire line for SoB exclusively.

I think user is talking about how a few people are saying that Celestine is going to the BT.

Also, a fair few people think CIA was a replacement for the SoB, they even said this on FB, but because of poor reception GW back tracked by saying it wasn't.

I just hope they come out with good line sisters soon. I got tons of Seraphim from a former player, but I need Battle Sisters to actually play an army.

Remind me, what does this acronym stand for?

Codex Imperial Agents I think.

>Also, a fair few people think CIA was a replacement for the SoB, they even said this on FB, but because of poor reception GW back tracked by saying it wasn't.
Honestly speaking? a proper codex SoB probably isn't on the immediate cards even after the backlash. That's why they did the whole sister re-release with imperial agents.

It'll come eventually and these three are obviously a proof-of concept, they've just got other shit in the pipe first.

Sick model, but what's all that pink shit attached to her sword and why?

Cute, fluffy.

And d-butt worthy.

I'm sure the sororita power armor already includes that

The sauce, user. I need it.

Um...roses? Just like on her original model?

user, the only thing thicker than you is Celestine's ass.

On GW's facebook they have a 'Look back on 2016' video which, like the Magnus bin video a few months back, has a blink and you miss it stinger right at the end were one guy asks another want he wants to see next year, the response was 'St. Celestine leading a Black Templar crusade into the Eye of Terror', is told it won't happen and then there is a few photos played in rapid succession of the new minis.

I'd provide a link the the video specifically but my tablet crashes whenever it tries to load FB and I'm at work so no computer to use instead.

If you're playing it as being able to shoot her because of the:
or scrolls

Then you're doing it wrong

So what, a fence that's hiding the whole rest of the unit doesn't hide her, but if they're near a billboard she's totally safe?

That's right

And Space Yiffs

I'll stop whining when you stop being a passive aggressive bitch and learn to use the fucking catalog.

Only in the art.

Celibacy is enforced, but not chastity.
Marrying a SoB would be a terrible idea anyways since they own nothing. Unless you want to becom church property.

Lol wtf this is so cringey. Girls play nids because theyre cute user.

I wish people would stop saying she's a special character for Black Templars now, Sisters of battle clearly feature pretty heavily in the book.

>Celestine is the only new SoB in the pic.
Guess that there is proof that this is the only plastic kit the Sisters are getting.

Can anyone read the blurb on the back?
I can only make out the first line.

should have left sisters for FW plastic doesn't have the detail level for sisters of silence or battle they ruined them both. custdoes bearly made it thru plastics detail drop.

Not really, but it does say Creed is leading the defence.

It also says there are formations and detatchments in the book, so hopefully a Sisters decurion, and one that templars can actually use.



I just want to talk about purging heretics with anyone

The entire front line is SOB. You can tell from the helmets.

yeah but that are the old metal one. but i dont think that this mean the SOB plastic re release is over.

Phase 1 atleast. not supricing.

Just look at DW, GSC or Mechanicus' various forms.

Unsurprisingly most women don't like playing the 'girl' race as it's demeaning as fuck.

From experience of actually asking women what they'd be interested in playing they tend to pick fairly gender neutral races. Tyranids seem to be a favourite in that regard. Also Necrons and Orks.

Makes sense that women wouldn't buy into the teenage boy power fantasy races like marines or fapbait like sisters.

Go look at the back of Codex: Imperial Agents and tell me how much Admech stuff was there v. how much is in the book.

they're caricatures of macho men and the basic unit is called "boyz"

They may be asexual but they sure as hell aren't genderless.

In fact they're even more male than the average space marine chapter.

IG is number two after nids, iirc.

>not teenage boy power fantasies

I always assumed it was because Tyranids are strong but neither aggressively masculine or aggressively feminine.

It's actually because HORSECOCK CANNON

All three of your examples recieved a substantial amount in their first releases.
DW got a whole kill team with a bit of everything in it and are Marines anyway so they are more then well supplied.
GSC got pactically half their whole range and Ad-Mech got one of two mirco codices.

This is very likely just the first of several releases but even so, it's pitiful compared to what your three examples got.

>only NEW SoB.
Please into reading comprehension.

The fact that all these marine fags are reading a description of a marine's face as being of his penis, really does raise the question if they are, in fact, marine Fags.

Might have something to do with their units being called 'Harridans', 'Hierodule' and 'Dominatrix'.

Then again people of both genders do love a good mindless horde that's not politically motivated

>girls not wanting to play rageful zealots that gleefully burn heretics alive and sing hymns while firing ballistic missiles out of a pipe organ tank
The girls you know are cuck faggots.

So how long will they be supported?
Knowing GW I expect less than a year.

>HURR HURR I talked to women, therefore that makes me an expert on their tastes
>here, let me give you my enlightened expert opinion

But he's right, every woman I've met who plays 40k does Nids or Eldar

>every woman I've met plays nids or eldar
Really? Every woman you've met? All three of them?

Damn. I guess most girls do play either nids or eldar, then.

Its pretty much accepted truth. You're know its so true that you're not even lying about how you play with chicks that play fapbait SoB.

I think GW is hoping to reintegrate sections of the fanbase that have been scorned, but not outright bitchslapped like WFB fans. So this is going to last as long as they might run a profit - and considering Sister fans and their relative minority in the community, I doubt they'll last long.

It's really more of a feather in GW's cap so they can go 'hey, we're not that shit.' Which is really what they need right now - an improvement on their public image after years of shittery.

agreed all around. I can jam with boobplates and shit when it's not like two watermellon halves were plonked on to their chests.

Only 2 sisterfags i knew were skinny nerd fuckbois, and cheating faggots, both of them

As for the five girls i have seen playing Warhammer of some sort in my entire life, they were playing

>Wood elves
>More wood elves

Make of that what you will.


They read it out on the stream

And this is why I said .

There are female 40k players. But so few of them play SoB, so there's no one of my gender I can nerd out with over them. It sucks.


but.. i have all the sisters i need already!
thankfully the stupid pricetag will put me off replacing my current force...


Always? 2nd Edition (and Blanche) says "hi".

Actually the only surprise is that Blanche doesn't put Marines in heels.

New plastics may not have been ready at the time of pictures being taken for the book.

Pushing waves out for older stuff that really isn't changing much isn't really surprising either. New plastics will always focus on things that are changing first, before kits that just need updating.

The only real detail for Sisters is in the beads and hair. But if they lose the rosarius on their models and you put them in helmets then you pretty much solve that.

Not that user but I will agree that it is true that there are less women who play Sisters than guys, but we do exist.

Agreed. I play Sisters specifically for the madness of the army being fucking awesome.

Yes, they'd be too crazy to function in reality but that's part of the charm.


Well that just goes without saying.

I don't get sick of looking at those doves, either. Good model.