"What would humans know of our suffering, the Creator has favored your people since the beginning."
"What would humans know of our suffering, the Creator has favored your people since the beginning."
Other urls found in this thread:
OP, go fucking kill yourself.
Oh, yes, because YOU'RE the ones who had to steal the fur off other animals' backs and /still/ freeze their own genitals off for a good half their existence.
Because YOU'RE the ones who get old and die in less time than it takes a bunch of snobs who look down at you to BLINK.
Because YOU'RE the ones who had to breed like rabbits just to have enough farmhands survive past the age of five to MAYBE pass on something of your legacy.
Because YOU'RE the ones whose ancestors look down on the easy way you live after all their struggles even though the entire POINT of everything they struggled to create was so that you would not HAVE to do so.
Because YOU'RE the ones whose lives in their teeming masses will amount to nothing when the Old Ones awaken.
>M-Muh privilege
Are elves the SJW of the fantasy world? It would explain why all of them are effeminate, brightly haired, beta prissies who probably never worked a day in their lives.
Fucking kill yourself.
Oh boy, love me some shitposting threads based on elves, because these always work, you can't just not take the bait. But despite OP having made several bait threads with the same image, this may be a joke about humans being the plot-race in almost every setting, the creator is the writer that puts the humans in the spotlight.
Just eat a gun already.
>>M-Muh privilege
What privilege? Where did anyone say soemething about privilege?
The fact that Humans lose their grandparents young while Elves get to be X-great grandparents.
You first, faggot.
Why don't the three of you eat a gun, /pol/cuck first?
High quality thread guys.
>be elf
>grandpa and grandma stil around
>bore you to death with stories you have heard a million times over the course of hundreds of years
>will smugly proclaim what's right and wrong because they think they have done it already
>will stiffen any kind of advancement, you can't just wait until they die to revolutionize a single aspect of your life
>will never let you inherit
>will never let you hang around with other races
>you can't even put them in some kind of retirement home because they are still young
/pol? really? How is anything I posted /pol/ related?
Go ahead and just do it, no one will wish you anyway.
no u
Said the elf.
>Elves are beta mos who always have a chip on their shoulder
>immunity to sleep, -2 on trigger rolls
it's sad
I want to tug Marcille's ears
The suffering of being long-lived, naturally talented with magic, and beautiful?
Suffering my ass. You don't even have population worries due to the low birth rate. I can't even fuck my wife without worrying if we'll have another mouth to feed.
Or maybe it's that we've gone from club-wielding savages to developing industry in the course of a single elven lifetime. You could have had that, but you were too busy prancing naked through the trees.
Bitch please.
We got two gods to make us and the evil one decided to kill his sibling, the good one, and then rule the nine hells. And because of that more humans are corrupted into that plane of existence more than any other races because Azmodeus knows us too well.
Don't act like everything's so fucking peachy princess. You at least know baby eater has your best interests at heart.
Isn't thus true in Tolkien myth where only humans (and maybe halflings) get to hang out with God?
No, nobody knows what happens to the humans after they die.
yo dingleberries would you like to swap places and live with my glaucoma and faulty knee and bad bowels as I rapidly approach the clutch of death in my meager 100 years
what's that fruitcake you're good with being an ageless fuckdoll with powers yeah wow cool thought so
In tolkien mythology Wizards were an analogue to Angels, Tolkien is sort of the Anti-Lovecraft in that, while Lovecraft used his literature to subvert and mock Christianity, belittling it, Tolkien promoted it, idolized it and made it central to his inspiration as a symbol of power and virtue. Elves afaik are an extension of that heavenly presence on earth, which is why I dislike Tolkien elves, they are meant to be a greater than all races race, which works in Tolkien literature but becomes very stale when brought into tabletop RPG's (keeping in mind tolkiens novels revolve around some of the weakest creatures in the world)
Why are Human Men and Elven Women the biggest sluts in the universe.
>lives three times as long as a human MINIMUM
>typically more skilled with magic
>faster reflexes
>more likely to be born attractive
>still scum-sucking effeminate fags in dire need of some god damn protein (and not the kind they get from sucking cock)
Perhaps my people earned their favor, fag.
>Elven Women
>biggest sluts
Have you any source for that?
>inb4 muh japanese hentais
Glad you understand that, pale monkey
I want to fug Marcille's ears
Ask ANY elven man or human woman, they're total fucking sleeparound sluts as bad as human men
>not providing any source
>using Deedlit for your elf-slut meme post
I said ask any human woman, user.
...you DO know some human women, don't you?
I don't see you denying the cuck part.
I don't want you to role-play, it's not funny, creative or interesting and I've seen it a million times. Give me some citation. I can even think of two settings in which there is something to the elf-slut meme. Can you or are you just parroting this meme?
Tbh the male is more fuckable out of two of them.
>humans and elves finally get over one another
>orgy lasts a whole human lifetime
>fast forward
>entire planet is now halfies just like the gods planned all along
>dwarves drink and watch with stone-faced horror from their keeps
Alright user, we get it. You've watched so much porn and been so long without contact with the real world that you are now only capable of seeing things in a hypersexualized light.
>Imply that wasn't dwarf end game.
uuhhhh ohhhhh someone called the fun police
What if it's my fun to expose that you are just meming around?
>watching porn instead of solely fapping to poorly drawn cambobian cave paintings
that's a very sad idea of fun
post some elf titties user, it's the holidays and you're not getting any younger
>distinguishing between hentai and porn
Can you just fucking kill yourself already? There's 52 elf virgins waiting for you on the other side.
>post some elf titties user
Fuck it, I'll post male elves.
And I'll sage every post because this is a shit thread.
Here, have some high quality elven fap material as an early Christmas gift. exhentai.org
>MILF elves
>fat elves
>japanese elves
>big titty elves
>elves that look like humans with pointy ears
Oh boy, I sure do love these "elves".
I am sorry I hit a nerve so hard user
Make elves are good too
>Social Justice Elves
>Said the magical, ageless, immortal, unnaturally beautiful woman.
Fuck Elves. All the benefits you could imagine and still can't keep your shit together.
Esplains why they're a dying race.
>Orcs aren't evil!
>What right do we have to judge their violent tendencies by our own cultural standing.
>Drow lives matter!
>all this while sitting in their own elves only gated woods and drinking horribly overpriced dishwater coffee
>The Dark Lord is rising in the east!
>Oh, don't say that, it's problematic.
>We prefer to call him the Lord of Nonalignment Specific Coloration.
Considering we cause a great deal of that suffering? I'd say we know a lot.
I don't have a proper smug reaction face since im posting on my phone. Would someone do it for me?
And this is why we tried to salt the thread.
If you're going to shitpost a thread to oblivion you'll need more than just couple posts of elven beefcake.
To be fair, we inflicted a lot of that on ourselves. I mean, the elvish word for the concept of death by natural causes roughly translates to "a elf jumped out of a bush and stabbed him."
I think it's pretty funny desu.
Can't think of any more SJW memes to shove elves into.
Dark elves
>not recoiling in horror as Veeky Forums's toxically retarded headcanon concerning elves grows ever more cancerous
>getting triggered over overused memes
Funny way of spelling "disgusted and annoyed" you have there.
Elves have always been cancerous. They attract the worst sort of players.
Elves are the first step on the road to horrors like half-vampire kitsune ninjas.
Like a gateway race to full Mary Sue-dom
>elves bitching about suffering from within their golden forests of bountiful resources
If that were true you would just hide and filter elf threads, like everyone else does with threads they don't like.
Instead you are here, throwing a tantrum and trying to reverse years of collective memery by whining about it and insulting the people who disagree with you like a child, thinking that this will somehow convince people to side with you and disavow the meme. You are as triggered as a minefield during a stampede.
>If that were true you would just hide and filter elf threads
There isn't a point. The cancer that infects Veeky Forums where everyone drinks their own kool-aid until they become the kool-aid itself permeates everything. It's all turned to shit. Just take a casual glance at /pfg/. Granted, it was always shitty, but once upon a time they actually talked about the playing the game. Now it's nothing but waifufaggotry, ERPG and memebuilds. And while you're out looking, take a peek at a "let's roll up an X" thread, wherein you will see people rolling dice, consulting charts, connecting dots and then congratulating themselves like they've created some sort of masterpiece.
The days of digging through a pile of shit looking for gold nuggest is the past of Veeky Forums. Now it's the era of digging through mountains of shit for gold flakes.
>I don't want you to role-play,
Did you forget which board you're posting on?
Do you drive while posting on Veeky Forums?
>entire planet is now halfies just like the gods planned all along
So user, you're giving me bag flashbacks
No, but I read comics on /co/. Because that's something I can do without major hazards to my health. Your example is bad, and you should feel bed
Jokes on you you dumb fucking nignog, sage doesnt work with image posts. Thanks for bumping.
>he things I will fall for this lame trick