Name a single ability or mechanic which you really enjoy.
Action Surge.
Name a single ability or mechanic which you really enjoy.
Action Surge.
Good hit location and bleeding/trauma mechanics.
being undead makes you immune to a lot of bullshit that normies have to deal with
Would "racial abilities/spells" count?
Race as class.
Blowbacks or attacks that push the enemy away after you hit him, it makes you feel that your hits mean something I so tired of hitting people and dealing the damage of a tank shell and they just dropping dead there, in front of me.
Exploding 6s
Knockback by damage mechanics are pretty fun.
Exploding dice
I just really like summoning things, or abilities that allow you to control multiple things (even if they're not as powerful as a single person).
I think I should just be playing wargames at this point.
any kind of wildcard die. like the one in the d6 system, the one in star wars, and anything else like that. it always makes it more fun/a little insane.
Nechronica's damage system
Roll under stat d100
>Your enemy's 1s explode for you
Reverse death spirals and/or Tension mechanics.
Unstoppable will. Where you keep going even when you hit 0hp
Short duration high-intensity buffs. I'm a sucker for super forms.
Area of Effect damage
Muh male sibling of high melanin content.
I love any system that supports decent crafting mechanics. There's something really satisfying about building your own weapon/vehicles/gizmos
Have any suggestions? I want this badly.
Might I recommend...
Deadlands Classic (both Hell on Earth & Weird West) have multiple crafting style archetypes that enjoy a large variety of examples and both player and GM imagination!
My group and I have made Rouge Trader and Cyberpunk 2020 work pretty well for us. Really the trick is working with a system that lets you roll for stuff beyond a flat "make thing"check. For example in the past few sessions of a Cyberpunk game I'm in I've been building the ultimate street racing car. I had to roll for stuff like cyber deck design for the interface, physics and chemistry to work out how the engine and fuel would interact, along with basic tech checks.
Being a virgin and turning people down.
Healing spells harming undead and being healed by the reverse. I know it's super common and almost impossible not to find but it's just satisfying to watch.
Nechronica's Fetters system
Have any examples of games that do this?
Eldritch Blast.
I personally hate when your race is supposed to define who you are.
Like your class is your race or all members of a race are a particular class?
I apologize for the bluntness, but are you perhaps, by any chance, a nigger?
lul no.
Using careers instead of skills
All PLAYABLE members of the race are one class. Like the old school classes of Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling.
Because it's convenient and easy if someone wants to play an oddball character, and it's really simple to balance against the rest of the party too.
Racial balance is pretty easy though. Just make sure they don't pick something fucking stupid.
Especially in 5e with Volo's guide to Monsters.
I like the idea of racial progression alongside more "profession class" progression or even specialized versions like a dwarf fighter being different than an elf fighter.
But race as class totally lets you play something fucking stupid.
I love resource mechanics that restrict your choices because in turn it makes them both more meaningful and opens up design space to have more powerful abilities that are limited use, that would otherwise be broken in a lot of older style systems that normally let you spam them every time your turn comes up.
I'm a sucker for any system that let's me combine a bunch of predetermined effects in clever combinations. Anima: Beyond Fantasy's Ki techniques are great fun.
Is there a better English release for that game? It felt like I was reading word salad.
Sadly not really. Are you any good at Spanish? It's a better translation. Probably the only time I've ever been happy with my decision to take 4 years of Spanish in high school.
Not a lick of Spanish. Maybe i'll try to find a bilingual friend to play with.
Eberron's dragonmarks
I second this
AEDU really should have carried over a little more in 5E instead of just short/long rest cooldowns
Actually if I remember correctly early 5E playtest material had at-will and encounter abilities
Abilities/powers/items that scale with player level, I like the idea of a simple spell that only did 1d4 at level one ends up doing like 6d4 at level 20
5e really needed classes to actually play a bit more evenly with long and short rests. Some classes don't give a shit, some need short rests desperately.
Rerolling dice once a day.
Bardic Inspiration
Sticks to snakes
I like dungeon crawl because your race determines your stat growths and how your skills level, while your class represents your upbringing
Biblical and mythological references, the more obscure the better
Flying speed & the bonus to ac it confers
so much weak teenaged contrarian shitposting
Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill.
Presence Extrusion and Aura Extension.
Because nothing makes a caster sweat like blocking their fireball/kill spell with your fists/shield/weapon.
I love ridiculous wizards with no sense of right and wrong
Mah male relative of African descent