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Second for anti-Titan cattle prods

To the user that recommended me the Path of the Dark Eldar. I'm on Chapter 3 of Path of the Renegade and it's fucking wonderful so far. I'll read some more later after continuing work on the Raider.

Is there any site or app that will let me try color schemes on models? Something like in the Dawn of War II

Yeah they're fun books, though curse whatever user said that Bellathonis and Xagor reminded them of Rick and Morty.

how do you pronounce skitarii

please no

For which army?

Old Magos Don'ald had a farm, Skitareeaieeai-oh

Skii tar ë

Our Martyred Lady is best order.

bolt and chainsword has a marine painter

According to GW: Skit-ar-ee
According to "real latin" anons: skit-ar-ee-eye

Not Sketare-e
And not Sketareye
Just watch a battle report on youtube to hear the pronounciation

Bloody Rose is best order.

Everyone if possible but Tau and Nids would be nice

Skittle-ARRRGH (like a Pirate)-Eye-Eye

Yes, but it is overused. I'd like to see some more argent shroud


You can cross reference the hex code with games workshop colors, i just need to find the pdf again



Use this
Do note that you have probably not configured your screens colors properly, so you might want to ask your local store clerk for advice as well (bring a print of your color scheme)

Messing around with my sisters and the new canoness. Figure this should be fun, though two squads of 10 might be better.

Sisters - 1000pts


Battle Sisters x20
Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter
Immolator TLHB

Battle Sisters x5
Flamer, Heavy Flamer
Immolator TLMM

Dominions x5
Melta x4
Immolator TLMM

Retributers x10
Heavy Bolter x4
Superior w/Storm Bolter


What conversions are you planning to make out of Magos 'Belisarius Bits Box', 40k general?

First to say "Sisters of Cattle".

What's your 40k-related Christmas gift?

Now in glorious not-thumbnail resolution

I think Im getting a Start Collecting Skitarii for Christmas

I'll have to look into those as another army to collect. Right now I have most of the pieces to make this work so I might try this first.

Despair, pain and disappointment.
Maybe some paints.

Anerexic banks vs muscular nuns wearing layers of armor.

Not like it's hard do slim the waistline if you really wanted to.

I bought myself two knights, 2 drop pods to be converted into dread claws, and a box of CSM for my NL 30k conversions.

Army pics!!!

Nothin ;_;. but on the thought of what i wish i could get is some broad side suits.


I love these things. For 55 points a pop they bring incredible speed and pain on light and medium vehicles.

Anyone got an epub/pdf for the White Scars supplement? It's not in the OP mega links.

I gave myself an Eradication Cohort

>plastic sisters
>something that will happen

Pick one.

youd think being surrounded by people in plain colors he wouldn't wear striking red.


You mean angels of death?


You dont get to use latin spelling conventions and totally ignore their pronunciation.

Fuck that noise

2 more immolators on the way finally.

>tfw french
>tfw I pronounce all the fake latin words of 40k right

Ah ah I bet you pronounce "Tempestus Scions" wrong :^^)

Talos rules/model when?

Temp-es-tus Sky-ons

Rise of 8th

soon, at my attempted rate of 5 dudes painted per day and as long as my land raider strips properly, I might have my entire army done with by next weekend

Also how essential is a storm shield for a wolf lord wielding the black death? Planning on running him in runic armor with a squad of terminators, 2 of which having a hammer/shield

tem-pes-tu-us sigh-ons

Once I have one of him to use as, well, him?

Anacharis "Fuck your Primarchs" Scoria

Also Known As: That Bullshit, Captain Sceptre, Ragebot Prime, D3/HIT, and more.

Cawl's bottom half will go well with either a 30k Magos Dominus or a 40k Tech-Priest of some description.

An Imperial Knight Warden, a couple of basing kits and a whole bunch of paints. Going to spruce up my entire Admech War Convocation with proper bases, since currently they're all on mysterious black disks, since they are my first army and I didn't base them as I went.

really all I want to do is clip off the conduits, chords, support bars (or whatever) connecting the axe to the Magos' arms and legs because axe's are for swinging not strapping to your wrists and ankles. Remove some of the details around his stomach to make the model less busy, except for that thing near the gut tentacle... is that a rear view mirror? That is awesome.

In fact, I might just butcher all of those little details on that axe, makes it harder to notice that bitchin' skull cane and cute spider pet/foot


>not the best Order (Argent Shroud)
Shame on you.

Seriously though, nice job changing the colors


Suppose Word Bearers had the following added to their Unholy Pact special rules: Word Bearers units with the Daemon USR may declare an assault on the turn they Run.

Would this make Possessed worth it, especially in their formation? Especially considering they get Fleet, and Fleet + Crusader is amusingly fast?

It would also make a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh insanely quick too!

>You dont get to
It's not latin, it's a made up word. So they can kind of do what they want.

it might be something like skee-tar-ih-ee if you tried applying proper latin enunciation, but mixing spoken latin in with spoken english sounds stupid.

Honestly it's almost angering how much the awful looking army is posted here.

What relics to people slap on their canonesses?

Indeed. It's like people think sisters have a 10" waist under their power armour instead of a set of abs and a reasonable waist line.

Seriously, armour has mass. It's not going to make you look thin.

Thanks, but Bloody Rose is best order.

>Messing around with my sisters

Already happening. Or do you claim that a plastic Celestine and her Gemini retinue shows they can't finally produce the army and it's not coming?

Has the CSM box been updated to have 32mm bases in it?

Betrayal at Calth for my KdK warband.

What about mine user?

Maybe, maybe not. GW does still like updating stuff when they get new kits. She may become less of a glass cannon.

They're getting some kind of coverage/involvement in the Fall of Cadia campaign book. As are Black Templars and Sisters.

So it's a book full of zealotry of it's finest flavors.

High heels are a 40k staple. Especially when Blanche is drawing the art.If he had his way Marines would have heels.

She nicked the hat from the old male Inquisitor with Power Sword and Inferno Pistol model. Because in the Inquisition the most important thing is having the best hat.

Me in heels too. Pretty much everyone goes Middle Ages in the Imperium and wears heels.

40k gonna get age of sigmared in the next edition!


>don't need more flamers
Fukkin wot m8?

Because always PMSing is cool?

So how did you decide on a color scheme? I'm doing Skitarii and I don't want to go through traditional red.

I don't have it all together for a picture now, but I took this a little over a week ago. Since this picture, I've primed the Broadside and fully painted a Crisis and a few fire warriors.


>Because always PMSing is cool?

Blood Angels have the Back Rage, we have the Red.

I suggest using a test model or two on any ideas you have.

But we have the red thirst so umm where does that leave us on this scale now?

Guy had SOS as support for SOB, wanted to know if the SOS's should be swords or flamers.

So that's where all the Imperium's chocolates go.

How about

Word bearers possessed have all 4 marks of chaos at no additional cost, this does not prevent characters with a mark of chaos from joining the unit.

Right, but i can't understand the concept of "not needing more fire" in an army that has Sisters.

Step 1: Think of colours you like.
Step 2: Find some contrasting colours and some complementary colours to the ones you like.
Step 3: Buy a few shades of each colour for base/layer/highlight and some washes
Step 4: Get some test models (I use some snapfit Chaos Cultists since you can get cheap packs of 5) and try out/practice your scheme.
Step 5: Paint your army.

Also bases, but you can more or less do them as a separate process as long as they don't clash TOO horribly.

Is there a thing called too much fire for sisters?

Eh. The problem is not that Possessed aren't that killy. Their formation actually fixes that issue considerably. The main issue they have is actually getting them in Assault.

I dig the camo on the ghostkeel & sentry missile pod.

Yeah, it's when you need more melta.

T5 with a 4+ invuln will help with that

What is the appropriate ratio for flamers, meltas, and bolters?

How well do chinese knockoff krieg grenadiers work for scions?


I have a question for fellow DEldar and Eldar players. An argument that recently plagued my FLGS was whether or not we want to see the different Eldar factions unite/ally into one Eldar force, like what the WFB elves did during the End Times. Apparently there are rumours of the next big thing after Cadia being Eldar vs Slaanesh, and the thinking goes that if the Eldar race did ever truly want to defeat the hold She Who Thirsts has over them, uniting would be the best chance they have (or all dying and that god of rebirth thing happens).

Where do you stand on this idea of the two (three with harlequins) factions becoming one? Not saying it will happen, but I was surprised how passionately the four other DEldar/ Eldar players where when discussing the subject.

For the record, I would rather the great city of Commorragh be lost to the warp forever than work with those Craftworld faggots, but that's just me.

Depends on what you're fighting.

Hordes need more flamers, for instance.

No. Never. Unless you're immolating things with melta guns.

Yeah, but melta basically sets almost anything on fire, so it's proper burny.

i for one would fucking hate it, turn dark eldar into a new faction but don't combine them into one shitty faction



Especially since Sisters have no blast or pie plate options.

Sisters are currently an army that needs to be list tailored to play on an even level with other armies.

>Hordes need more flamers
Like this?
But you can't burn everything all the time.

Touche. How would it work with Icons? I imagine Excess is autotake then. Reason I like run&charge is it's simple, applies to Warp Talons/Defilers/Maulerfiends too, etc. Sadly it would do nothing for Mutilators due to S&P.

>CSM codex still isn't in the Mega

for what reason