Guys check this out.
Guys check this out
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems legit op.
Mind you shill to >>>>
Fake news detected. Fuck off
Here is the source.
I have bought 350k, it won’t go further down.
Even if this is not true, it’s going to pump due to noobs fomoing over it, I’m riding this.
why not just bought 100k lol
looks like sia is making a return! Finally!
Just checked out his twitter, guy looks legit, has shit ton of followers.
Don’t know if I can trust sia again, fuck it I’ll go 5% in.
5x your value? So I need 200k to begin with!
why would they buy that and not monero
Or they are going to hack sia
I don’t believe they are going to do it but I just bought for the pump that this is going to cause.
All in!
Fuck it just bought 1 mil
this just went around in this premium calls group I’m in
Thxxx bought $100k x $100k = which equals 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 LINK, OP is a genius and we will turn 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 LINK into 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 LINK with this genius strategy which is obviously not a pump and dump!!!
lambo time fuck yes just bought in, ty op needed this
this is the moment I’ve been waiting for ty senpai
>tfw growing your money tree
this image made so bad i almost thought it's ironic
why is this dumping? What idiots lmfao just bought more
Honestly though SIA is a legit project
One of the very few legit projects. That's why the price is shit. No marketer jews pumping it to oblivion. It's undervalued as fuck. I bought a shitload at 150 SAT thinking it was the bottom. I wanna cry.