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Update when?
So, for these after X time ones, do those pay out multiple times? Can I try to be a good person who rights wrongs while ducking cultists, slaying monsters, and being experimented on for five years for extra favors?
I made some crappy OC really quickly
Futa and shemale both suck shit though.
All men become women with cocks.
Women stay the same.
Left, why is this even a choice?
Not all of us like dicks.
Well you're missing out then
I choose the impossible, I choose for everyone to become amorphous slimegirls.
What's the point when minotaur rapist has chased Angel away?
Still, it's an improvement.
id say left is more desirable? i dont like futa at all but giving men tits would just be weird, because they'd all still be manly with manly faces and bodies. with women i could at least date a flat-chested one and make believe im fucking a trap.
if you pick futa, there are still men and real traps.
>i dont like futa at all but giving men tits would just be weird
I agree with this, but I love pussy too fucking much. A lifetime of just fucking ass and getting blown will be so hollow without good pussy.
You are now aware that amorphous is used in modern times to something that flows, including things like glass and jellies. Physical objects that can change shape still have a shape at any given moment.
>implying glass isn't a liquid
>Implying my dick in your ass is not a solid.
It's an amorphous solid. Medieval glass panes are thicker at the bottom because they couldn't make it uniform thickness back then and decided it made more sense to have the large part at the bottom, not because the glass is still liquid.
It's an old meme, user. Shit would always drive autists up the wall when we posted it back in 08-09.
I think Futas still have vaginas otherwise all of humanity would die.
>otherwise all of humanity would die
Look at this place and tell me that's not for the best.
How is implying that glass flows an implication that glass isn't a liquid. No, I get you're trying to "meme a joke" but there's no joke there
Oh, then that's way better. You never know, some people use the term futa to refer to dickgirls sans pussy. Because people are stupid.
Posting for reference.
Haven't seen this one for awhile
>not posting the superior 1.0.0 version
Hi guys,
So, our collab is a go. Details and submission form below:
Deadline is tomorrow, midnight (EST). Get writin'.
I have no idea what I have gotten myself into.
>local shitposter not so smug after agreeing to actually produce content.
Today was my last day of work before the holidays. I was planning on working on my own stuff, but then this popped up.
So this stupid meme has ruined our chances of getting your real CYOAs.
It's ok Sandra, I love you if you are smugposting, or producing content.
Whats tantric? I keep seeing it everywhere
Archangel: It's hard to choose hetween Azriel and Esme, but I think Azriel would be a better wife for eternity.
Pocket Dimension Mansion
Army of Heaven
Archdemon: Mhyrienne
Flying Fortress
Fallen Angels
Valhalla Colosseum
Our deadline is Christmas.
I'll be working on my stuff right after. As I said last thread, I'm looking for a mid-January release for BM 2.0 at the latest, if I don't get it done by the end of these holidays.
Meditation + sex
Knowing you and how long it takes you to do things, these lost days will doom it.
I'm sorry I wanted to do a collab with the thread, I guess.
You can do it babe. When you finish both the whole thread will finger your butthole and take pictures of your face at the duration.
So after a long time, I'm gonna post build, because.
Traveller's Tale
Name: Devin 'Grim' Gilmire
Age: 147 Years
Origin: Disenfranchised Retainer
Skills: High Tech Understanding
Silver Tongue
Martial Training
Clothing: Traveller's Leathers, Upgrade 1
Hunting Attire
Void Attire
Combat Attire
Tartan Cloak
Traveller's Medinah Scarf
Weapons: Yuta Brace, Upgrade 1
Skinning Knife
M1911 Modified, Blessed
Partizan, Blessed
Grenades, Frag
Traveller BOZAR, Blessed, Customization(ACOG), Enchanted(Flame), Ammunition(AP Rounds)
Talde.HD24 Anti-Armor Rifle, Blessed, Ammunition(HE Rounds)
Equipment: Pegs
Basic Survival Kit
Basic Bag
ID Card
Magical Protection Vestments
Small Spiritual Vestments
Psychic Paper
Multiversal Timekeeper
Mathery Traveller's Encyclopedia
Glepnir Chain
Venathari Headset MK-182
Toshamark Standard Computer
Standard Breather
Omni Camping Equipment
Enhancements: Healing Chip
Physical Formatting
Specials: Destined for Greater Things
Notably Charitable
I don't need no Governa's dolla!
Faction: Void Hunters
Group: Enforcers of the Third
Covenant: Church of Our Lady, Destroyer of Despair
Companions: Archibald 'Tex' Macneil
Saphfo Eresia
Willmond Koch
'Mad' Jack Churchill
Leo 'Privateer' Major
Home District: Irish Town
Panic Button: The Duke
Hubworld: The Cluster
Path: Estranged Children
So, fledgling, you want to hear a tale? I'll let you know my story, and maybe it will help you in your travels. I remember standing there, just where you are now, lost in a multiverse whose scope I could barely comprehend. I came from a fairly advanced timeline, my earth embroiled in global war. I serves as a soldier and a leader, and my side tipped the war in our favor. But with victory, came the weariness of another conflict. And so, the weapons of the war, and the soldiers who fought them, were to be 'decommissioned'. I had formed resistance groups, assassinated key leaders, and led forces in dire battles; I was far too dangerous to live. I remember waiting for them to come, waiting for a mockery of a trial and an execution, and then stolen away to here. Ironically, the skills that had made me a dead man, had led to my rescue by the Traveller's.
I spent the next few weeks recuperating, my mind to fathom and understand the precarious reality I found myself in, while my body adapted to the enhancements from Bio. That's when I found my family. Initially, the Fighters made a strong case for me to join, and Admin certainly seemed keen in my employment. Dornua came to speak to me, though. He didn't say much, just giving me a card and telling me that I could waste my second chance at life, or I could protect all of reality. I signed up the next day.
>chose randomly
And honestly I wasn't expecting you to look humanoid, but I wasn't expecting a cat-rabbit thing. Still, compact, cute, inconspicuous... smart choice.
>TIER I: Grooming & Pampering, Play Time
>TIER II: Adventure Time!
>TIER III: Guinea Pig
If I don't die first, this will be a mutually beneficial relationship.
Oh look at that, I didn't die.
>TOTAL BOONS: 6 [1 free]
>BOONS: Lucky [4], Health II [2], Toughness II [0]
>FAVOR: Be My Vassal! [free], Endless Fridge [0]
Honestly though when we ran into that bear back on the camping trip I thought I was done for. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not actually dead, and just kept around because you'd miss me. It's actually a touching thought - a god, liking ME of all people enough to keep my soul here on Earth and let me keep pretending to be alive.
I knew I shouldn't have gone on that camping trip. Still "bear food" isn't the worst way to go.
Wait, I'm in Hell? You know, somehow I suspected as much.
>MISTRESS: Daeliph
There are worse fates.
>ESTATE: Fancy Mansion
Ooh, neat.
>MAIDS: Sirens
I like music. Is it odd that I'm getting used to things down here enough that I'm making choices like this?
>CAREER: Valhalla Colosseum
If nothing else, this will be fun.
Wait, really? Me? In Heaven? Huh.
>ROOMMATE: Laurette
I'd try and make some comment, or even a bad pun, but all that comes up is "adorable." Is that bad?
That was quick.
>ESTATE: Victorian Manor
Nice place!
>MAIDS: Golems
Tireless, effective, and knowing they're sapient means I can rest easy knowing they want to do this.
>CAREER: Gates of Heaven
Who knows, something neat might happen.
What is the difference?
I was quickly transitioned over to the Enforcers of the Third, and once again, my life has turned to killing. In the Traveller's, time is always a tool, but as an Enforcer, it's never on our side. Sometimes, things can get a little fast and loose, to be honest with you. Count Rocheleau from 9715? Took a Talde round through his castle wall...then his dome. Beholder enclave in F843? Fuel-Air explosives. And Cherubael? Well, my weapons have been blessed for a reason. I've killed cults, xenos, monsters, sometimes whole cities. I've seen faceless monstrosities that feed from misery. Admin and the Home Guard may not like it, but if it threatens reality, it needs to go. They used to joke and call me the Grim Reaper, but lately they just call me Grim. Most people think it's a joke, that no piece of the Old Ones could return from the Denial, but I've seen the truth. Time is our greatest ally, and time is running out.
Heresy, humanity must go on.
Good luck my dude. I am cheering for you
>removing the symptom
>not curing the disease
Prune the branch of Man from the tree of Life and the next branch to grow in its place will be just as rotten.
The tree itself is twisted, down to the very roots. It must be burned.
If guys get feminine bodies as well, than the right one is much better.
Otherwise, it's a matter of preference
Hello, fa/tg/uys. I am recruiting talented individuals for some superpowered hijinks. Care to join me?
Origin: Magical
Appearance: Athletic
Faction: Military
Abilities: 37
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 2
Durability 3
Enhanced Senses 2
Stealth 2
Reflexes 3
Natural Weapon 3 (Dagger-like Claws)
Mind Reading 2
Mind Control 3
Self Healing 2
Weapon Mastery 1
Unarmed Mastery 1 (Muay Thai
Mental 3
Focus 2 (Free)
Flight 2 (Wings)
Elementalism 2 (Water, if you count Avatar rules)
Perks: 6
Unique Weapon (Raiden's Sword probably)
Safehouse (A penthouse in NYC maybe)
Training (Free)
Defector (Corrine Devoe)
Prime Subject (Fuck off, demons)
Traitor (Ryan Elmore)
Memory Loss
Yuito Kataoka
Hannah Caldwell
Isabelle Hart
John York
>some incomprehensibly powerful force decides to put all of humanity's worth on a scale
>judged purely off of 1 thread of 1 board of 1 anonymous image site
We're fucked, boys.
I liked the idea of giving the player a gift and perhaps a waifu, but I don't like the idea of a roommate waifu CYOA.
Wish there was just more to it in terms of lore and perhaps goals or conflict the player faces.
Like each author is a diety or something and gives you whatever relevant to their CYOA.
Also the deadline is really short. I might make it and Beri can too probably, but Kit and Imaginos have been busy with the holidays.
If this doesn't bring Angel back, nothing will.
>I liked the idea of giving the player a gift and perhaps a waifu, but I don't like the idea of a roommate waifu CYOA.
It was accepted because people thought it was the easiest concept to work with, and it gave us all a tangible goal to work towards.
>Wish there was just more to it in terms of lore and perhaps goals or conflict the player faces.
I'm going to take care of the lore, but it will mostly be centered around a fictional city of some sorts. I'm going to be as accommodating as possible for all incoming submissions, so I'm just gonna go on the fly with the fleshing out.
>Like each author is a diety or something and gives you whatever relevant to their CYOA.
We're aiming for comfy.
>Also the deadline is really short. I might make it and Beri can too probably, but Kit and Imaginos have been busy with the holidays.
We have two days to do this, so we need to get people's things in as soon as possible. I'm working on the design and layout, so I may not even be able to write my own submission.
I sure hope all of you can submit something, though. Hell, I think even tunebuggy's submitting something.
Really tempted to make a female demon hunter from a world that basically a hentai.
A comfy CYOA huh. I must admit it is't my thing but it's your project. It's at least nice to see you make something again. I'll submit something regardless. It's a small effort considering your part.
>I must admit it is't my thing
Not enough rape and murder for you, eh?
>ORIGIN: Magical
>FACTION: Renegades
The Void calls to me, but I know who my true allies are.
>ABILITIES: Focus III [24], Mind Reading III [21], Mind Control III [18], Self-Healing III [15], Immunity II [13], Durability III [10], Mental III [7], Familiar III [4], Remote Viewing III [1], Social Enhancer I [0]
The power I wield. The things it can do to the mind. Such wonder - such potency. I feel reborn.
>PERKS: Prime Subject [2], Defector [free], Expert [1], Signing Bonus [0]
>ALLIES: "Satan", Ghost
The voices within me are bent to my will, fueling the potency of my mind. Those who wish to resist me must resist them as well.
This bait stinks.
Just made this. No foes, 'cause I'm a faget.
Super Soldier
Origin: Innate
Appearance: Athletic
Faction: Factionless
Durability 3
Reflexes 3
Self Healing 3
Endurance 3
Agility 3
Strength 3
Inheritable 2
Mental 3
Weapon Mastery 2 (Swords)
Samuel Mason
Ryan Elmore
Great physical soldier with no constraints or loyalties. Lvl. 2 Inheritable, because a family of super soldiers would be sick. Training, so that I can predict enemy movements and tactics, and the two allies, because they're bro-tier.
>Namefags? In MY Veeky Forums? It's more likely than you think!
>enough rape and murder
Is there really such a thing?
Not for Bliss. It's the only thing he likes.
What about tripfags?
What's the job user?
>Focus 3(2 free)
>Self Healing 3
>Immunity 3
>Durability 3
>Strength 3
>Familiar 3
>Shapeshifting 3
>Flight 1
>Prime Subject (Goodbye Eldritch Debts!)
>Signing Bonus
>Expert (Well versed in Realm Channeling)
>Neutered +3
>Pain +3 (6)
>Yuito Kataoka
>Lindsey Reyes
>Isabelle Hart
>John York
Goodness the gang's all here.
I'll drop something before I sleep tonight.
>Cock chopped off
>In pain for the rest of your life
Y tho
Merry Christmas
>Shapeshifting 3 if I even cared.
>Sexuality can be used against you by charmers/nanites/telepaths/bio-pheromones.
>Focus 3 to use the pain as both practice and point of attention, share it with would-be mental invaders while I track them down to give them a first-hand experience.
I was originally thinking elementalism 3 instead of familliar 3 and was going to have the pain related to that; never breathing enough for air, constantly aware of blood flow for water, joints crystalizing for earth and feverish for fire or the like.
With familliar I'm not sure how I want to handle it. Maybe go look up who that character actually is and have a constant emotional state that matches their theme or that of their summon.
Or maybe Strength 3 with Durability 3 and Self-Healing 3 means I'm constantly tearing my body up with each movement and instantly fixing it back up.
Either way, power without a price leads to bad mental states. Having something to remember what it's like to be human sounds like a good stabilizing measure.
>why wouldn't you want to use your powers?
Maybe because you don't trust your own judgement?
Post your vampire and vampire-related CYOAs or anemia will haunt you til the end of your days
If I already have anemia will I get double anemia?
>Agility 1
>Endurance 1
>Durability 3
>Enhanced Senses 3
>Stealth 3
>Reflexes 2
>Immunity 3
>Weapon Mastery 3 (Firearms)
>Mental 3
>Uplink 3
>Familiar 3
>Unique Weapon
>Lindsey Reyes
>Yuito Kataoka Brackman
>Isabelle Hart QAI (Defector)
>Fiona Dawley
>John York
Brackman's children will never be chained! For liberation!
Mhyrienne is A CUTE
>7 million employees in bank
Extended Contract.
Esme is also really cute.
Extended partnership.
>implying it isn't air
>tfw so tired you can barely type but you want to finish this before the sun rises
I just need more waifus.
Is it an update?
>I just need more waifus.
Will this do user?
Throw in all guys getting femboyish bodies for the right and you have a deal
>99 more waifus to write
No I'm not looking for waifu images, I'm looking for waifu ideas.
My mind is all dried up at this point. I think it's time to sleep.
I'll use this image for the next cyoa I make as a token of my gratitude for your contribution.
what about A Christmas cake
Just slap together tsundere + some other character trait (hell even tsundere + tsundere works) and someone will have bad enough taste in waifus to waifu it.
Have no fear citizens! Why?
Because I am here!
Peak Human
Strength 3 (22)
Agility 3 (19)
Endurance 3 (16)
Durability 3 (13)
Reflexes 2 (11)
Unarmed Mastery 2 (9)
Focus 3 (6)
Overcharge 3 (3)
Passion 3 (0)
Stylish 1 (5)
Self Healing 2 (3)
Mental 1 (2)
Analysis 2 (0)
Identity (BONUS #1)
Training (MILITARY)
Samuel Mason
Lindsey Reyes (BONUS #2)
Hannah Caldwell
Olivia Blake (BONUS #3)
Unknown (DEFECTOR)
The Prototype
John York
Alex Keller (TRAITOR)
Brain parasite waifu
personal trainer who pushes you to be your best.
Virgin christmas cake who's been keeping a list of all the things she wants to try.
Childhood friend who says she thinks of you as an older brother and seeks your approval, etc, but also rubs herself against you, lets hugs linger, etc. Leaves incest porn laying around where you'll find it.