I feel like Goblin Slayer started when the Author was DMing a campaign and the party was just rolling shit, so he had to send in a DMNPC to avoid a total party wipeout
I feel like Goblin Slayer started when the Author was DMing a campaign and the party was just rolling shit, so he had to send in a DMNPC to avoid a total party wipeout
Fuck off.
GLORIOUS NIPPON ROLEPLAY is all railroads all the time.
The systems even have mechanics built in for railroad enforcement.
The general impression is that players won't take any actions unless forced to.
Also, every system runs exclusively on d6s.
Korean RPGS are even worse.
Take a look at any Manwha where the main character has powers. They're always some super priveleged character of origin or quickly become quite powerful. It's like Mary Sue is hard-coded into the medium, except in cases of horror, where it's the opposite.
The Gamer is by far the worst offender, as is Noblesse.
How big is tabletop roleplaying in Japan
Call of Cthulhu is somewhat popular, but it's mostly lighter and loose systems
I thought I heard a story that the writer for Goblin Slayer thought it'd be funny to roll up this fighter completely obsessed with goblins for some tabletop game, and realized he could spin a story out of it?
what are some of the games they play?
I can name a few games, but I have no idea how popular Double Cross or Nechronica are.
WTF is Double Cross or Nechronica
Some of the games Japanese people play.
SRS is a pretty major system.
You're more-or-less an X-Man, except the same thing that is fueling your powers is slowly, slowly driving you insane. And your major enemies are those who have already completely succumbed to the infection. Class-based, but you're heavily encouraged to multiclass.
Everyone is dead. INCLUDING YOU. As one of the rare zombies with sentience, you have to explore a confusing and terrifying wasteland and potentially find the seeds of new life. Weird you-are-your-inventory system where parts equals HP and you can easily turn yourself into a horrific Frankenstein's monster.
Thank you
both sound interesting do you know if they are any good
No idea, never been able to play/GM either, only one of my friends is even interested in either system.
It's still a niche hobby, but one that is consistently mined.
Games are usually one-offs or short campaigns. PC's as anime characters are the norm, as are High school characters. Long term campaigns are more of a rarity than here.
Got some good ideas, though.
I've played Nechronica. It's a very unique game, but the design has some to be desired. Combat is absurdly swingy, you may find half your body destroyed in an instant and have to proceed as a broken and shambling pile of gore for a bit. Getting slain outright is very possible, but I think that was somewhat intentional. Dolls don't truly die even when all their pieces are broken, so long as another doll gathers material to repair them, they can come back "online".
>but one that is consistently mined.
You referring to the replay thing?
Some of the guys at /a/ have been accusing the goblins of getting oddly dumber upon encountering GS. There's a chunk of the readers there who are only for the rape. Another portion spends the entire time posting about Warhammer.
>Dolls don't truly die even when all their pieces are broken
True, BUT death isn't what you have to worry about, it's becoming mindless like all the other undead.
>posting about Warhammer
>on /a/
FAULTY KAI jokes aside... Why?
GS is just about the best character there. Some of the others are just generics or rapebait.
What a bunch of faggots then
I also noticed that he is the only character with an actual name
Occasionally it's something about how a Dwarfslayer without spaces is someone who kills a Dwarf & how a Dwarf Slayer is a Dwarf who's a Slayer, claiming that Goblin Slayer must be a Goblin who's a Slayer. There's a Slaanesh cultist obsessing over rape & demanding more goblin dickings. There's a Dwarf somewhere complaining about how crappy the humans are & about how Dwarfs would get everything done better.
I liked Noblesse at first. It was rather fun and silly.
>Be badass vampire lord
>Miss out on the first fight because I don't understand how sliding windows work
And who can forget the time when kids eating ramen nearly got him triggered?
Very much so. Even when the Yenpress shills aren't there, we have a vocal minority spamming Doomguy edits. At least they're good edits. There's this Rapeman guy there too. Overall the threads are a mess.
I forgot to mention the goblin posters but they only occasionally post Skarnsik or a Warhammer Goblin.