I went to a store that sells warmhammer 4000

... and other games like that. I was looking for any female character. Even a picture of one. Hundreds of thousands of dudes. Not one thing with boobs on it. Zero were found in the whole store!!

And it smelled like glue. And as a girl it was very uncomfortable to be there.

But why's there no female characters anywhere? You'd think guys would like fantasy + babes + armor and weapons.

Tits or GTFO

We're past that phase. Porn exists, we get our kicks elsewhere(here mostly) and plastic SOB have yet to arrive.

Girls going into a Warmhammer 4000 store probably get the same feeling as a guy going into a ladie's underwear place.

Infinity has a ton of female sculpts and named characters.

>"Hello, I came here looking for an argument"
Seriously since you said 'and other games like that' I'll assume you went to a normal hobby store. (I'm pretending this isn't a bait thread, I'm bored)

There are, and always have been, plenty of female miniatures. There aren't a whole lot in WH40k, but there certainly are a lot in the 'miniatures' genre as a whole.


Obvious bait, not very good bait at that.
If it sold any 40k shit there were probably Eldar and thus there was probably chicks there.
If it sold any tabletop RPG rulebooks then there would be some women on the front cover art, there always is.
I mean, if you went into a store selling exclusively wargame miniatures with a couple 40k boxes laying around then sure maybe there'd be no women there, just because women were extremely rare in combat, obviously.
But 40k has a lot of women for a wargame. Eldar, Sisters of battle, if the space marine game was to be believed there are female guardsmen occasionally.

OP Here. I do believe you people when you say there are female characters. I just didn't see any in the store I went into.

But I think there's got to be something gay going on for there to be so few girls there.

>You'd think guys would like fantasy + babes + armor and weapons.

Yeah, we did. But then all the feminist snowflakes started whining about the women having big tits and skimpy outfits. They demanded fat/flatchested physiques and "realistic" armor. If we're gonna have that, might as well make the character a man.

>there are female guardsmen
Tell me more!

Gay is the 2nd highest form of manly.
As long as you're the top, at least.

Girls aren't generally into nerdy shit. Nerds are terrible at getting girlfriends.

The lack of girls is not nessesarily related to gayness.

>Girls aren't generally into nerdy shit.
Bullshit. This girl I work with is a total nerd, as she frely admits. Not only does she wear glasses, but she plays games on her iphone AND watches Marvel movies. How much more nerdy can you get?

Guardsmen is gender neutral. Men is a valid way to refer to a mixed gender group of humans. Ya know how in lord of the rings the faggots refer to the nations of man? They weren't just nations of people with penises user.
Used to be there were special prefixes in english for guys before men and male, like how girls have FEmale and WOmen. But they fell out of fashion because it wasn't seen as neccessary to have special words for men because no one gives a fuck about men. Only Women were worth enough to warrant a special word denoting them as different.
Also if I recall correctly girl was the gender nuetral word for child in the past and boy was a word for servant. The more you know.

Kekity kek

>hurrdurr so few girls must be gay
I'm willing to bet most of what you saw were games about murdering shittons of people. Funnily enough girls get special treatment and people don't enjoy killing them in droves, but are fine with it happening to men.
Actually got me mad before I stopped being retarded and realised this was a joke.

I like how the guy stares at her ass

I like how the girl stares at her ass

liar or did not look hard enough. Or troll

The Dark Eldar range features many, including a commander (see pic), so do several aelf AoS races (former High/wood/darkelves)

As for others, I bet you were looking at WW2 era or similar historical where 99%of the combatants were dudes

probably a troll though

I doubt they don't get aroused.

There's nothing arousing about being dragged into Victoria's Secret by your significant other so she can rummage through the bin of discount panties.

See me after class

Op here.
why hasn't this gotten more replies?
I thought a topic this important would start more of a conversation

>why hasn't this gotten more replies?
Mostly because you're a huge liar and everyone sees your week bait for what it is - but even assuming that you're entirely genuine and you did manage to find a game store without so much as a Brom pin-up (I don't, but what the hell, it's Festivus), you're not looking to have a conversation; you're looking to shame all the white cishetmale nerds for being scared of your imaginary vagina.

>You'd think guys would like fantasy + babes + armor and weapons.
Of course not! We aren't sexist pigs!

Wasn't it fucking awful in the mid-2000s when people flooded the store, screaming at good, honest players and destroying product like filthy SJWs just because they demanded that we have what they want? They're not real gamers. real gamers know that fat tits and shaved pussies are a classic reference to early Frazetta, and therefore are protected art. Thats why all the good MTG players use lolitwat on their mats.

I know you're trying to go for the "brazen shitposting" angle, but trust me on this, bumping without announcing that you're the OP gets you more replies in the long run because the shitposting seems more organic.

Because it's Christmas break and most people know to expect school-age shits like you.

But how bout those new sisters tho

>Funnily enough girls get special treatment and people don't enjoy killing them in droves, but are fine with it happening to men.
What's your point? Sounds a bit MRA there.

>There's nothing arousing about being dragged into Victoria's Secret by your significant other so she can rummage through the bin of discount panties.
Speak for yourself. I'd love to have a girlfriend to do that wish.

Replace underwear for 'maxipads aisle' and you are pretty much correct

This is bait.
Whfb and Aos were full of them, and then there's the hobbit.
And that is assuming 40k wouldn't have women.

Which kinda shows how dull and unthinking they are. Yet guys still put up with them just because they put out, sometimes, maybe.

>I thought a topic this important would start more of a conversation

Theoretical lady, I'm gonna assume that you're new, bite the bait and give you the benefit of the doubt here.

This is Veeky Forums. Nobody gives a shit what the outside world thinks is important.

'member to sage

What is this shitpost?

>Actually got me mad before I stopped being retarded and realised this was a joke.
Can you teach this skill to others?

Bad bait.

Because it's not actually important

They are no longer selling Tyranids?


Do you want the 5 minutes or full half hour?

There are more in Warhammer Fantasy and It's follow on game, Age of Sigmar.

I didn't read the post but this Inquisitor is hot

Goddamnit, Ciaphas, stop thinking with your dick here.