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Previous thread:Do you think any other classes need a "Revision" like Ranger got?

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Hey Phillip

Hello user.

First for healthy discussion about characters concepts and fun combinations of abilities.

What was wrong with artificer?

>Demon armor makes your unarmed strikes magical and gives them a d8 for damage

Sweet, could replace the whole monk class with this.

Sorcerer could need an official buff. Wot4E should be remade/buffed, same with Bladelock and I'd like Berserker to be too.

Can battlemasters disarm people by shooting them with a crossbow?

Mechanically: honestly nothing. It's as closer to the old God Wizard that 5e gets, with a wizard that can heal and bypass concentration on some effects through potions.

But in older editions the artificer was definitely less of a wizard, mechanically, and that pissed people off. I for one don't mind it, and now the Forge cleric from the UA is actually really close to artificer mechanically.

Yes. They can also goad them to attack you from 600 ft. away, even if they can't see you.