Warhammer 40k General

Read the damn OP before asking stupid shit edition.

>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Older stuff in PDFs:

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Eldar poetry is shit):

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

First for Squats.

Second for Sisters

Did you realized that not a single rumor in all the time had just a hint of a new admech, a new inquisitor and the new celestine? Can we all agree that warhammer related rumors are 99% bullshit?

which one of you is responsible for this

>he doesn't even know what a Mark of Chaos does to a Psyker
>he thinks his opinion on the Thousand Sons viability is relevant
Shoo, shoo. We have enough moronic shitposters.

Yeah, people definitely underestimate just how much of a Warp Charge hog Magnus is. 7-9 Dice for Gaze, 4-5 each for Prismatic, Treason, and Boon of Flame, and you're at 19-24 Warp Charge and he still has spells left. Even if Siphon Magic nets him a couple dice, you aren't doing much else with your psychic phase.

How do you pronounce Guilliman

>crying ksons baby cant into psychic phase

Didn't one of the SoB rumors say they'd have a couple new plastic characters too?


i cant remember. you sure?

Logically I thought it would be gill-eh-man, but apparently it's gull-ih-muhn for the British.

ksons are sooo underpowered guise. wow list building them is so tough

Can I attach the commissar from the tempestus formation to the guard infantry squad?
Is it a good 750 point list?

Try harder, shitposter, I'm sure you can think of something that works better in context.

Hell, at least post a list that isn't completely awful.

Well he didn't even say that the characters would be admech or inquisition, so I'm assuming it was one of those vague rumors that are impossible to get wrong, like "CSM will get an update" and "there will be new plastic HQs". Like, no shit that's going to happen.

This samefagging is pretty pathetic. At least stop taking Ahriman and Magnus together, we already covered why that was retarded last general

>TzangCAD for mangus
>a million pink horrors
>cabal for firebase

Man tsfags are dumbs

So, Veeky Forums, what do you think of this army list that I built using only the parts in the Burning of Prospero box?

The Chapter Master gets a small conversion by being given one of the chain swords on the upgrade kit instead of his knife, and the Honour Guard can be kitbashed using leftover weapons from the Custodes and Sisters of Silence sprues. Similarly, the Sternguard get their Storm Bolters from the Terminator sprues.

Thoughts? Room for improvement? It's only 1600 points, so there's definitely room to add things to get to 1850 or 2000 points.

>1990 points
>using the terrible babby's picturebook OP army builder that doesn't even build armies right

Well at least you're right about 1KS and CSM babbies.

>it's only 1600 points

you mean 1607

cry more faggot. ksons are strong as fuck.
>jump infantry terminator deathstar that has every psychic power in the book + magnus + 24 dice
git gud. ksons are baby-tier easy to listbuild

Does anyone actually play 1600 point games where the difference would actually matter? Is there anything of note that you'd be able to buy with 250 or 400 points instead of 243 or 393?

not this bullshit again

It was more entertaining when you at least put effort in. This bait is already stale.

its not bait you dumbass. stop bitching about ksons being underpowered while having one of the strongest psychic deathstars.

Pfft, amateur. 1850 points gets you:
-A CAD with Typhus, 3 units of 20 Plague Zombies, Magnus and a Void Shield Generator
-A Daemon CAD with a Herald of Tzeentch and 6 units of 11 Blue Horrors.
-A Heralds Anarchic Formation with 5 Heralds of Tzeentch.

That grants you...30 Warp Charge, 126 scoring bodies, 6 separate units capable of throwing down summons...
You can even start Magnus on the table, as you have so many bodies your opponent will have nowhere nearby to drop pod next to him. You don't even care about Blessing of Tzeentch as he can swoop, cast, turbo into ongoing reserve and repeat the process.

This is how you run Magnus. Note the lack of Thousand Sons.

>Some autist being mad about how weak TSons are
>Other autist saying they aren't
Both my 2k armies could delete anything comfitably TSons-wise unless you went Magnus + Horrors

imagine fielding this against 2k points of tau. holy shit you wouldnt get to turn 2 haha

Bro, you've already admitted that you know nothing about the faction. You keep putting Magnus and Ahriman in the same list. Hell you think Magnus plus Ahriman plus some terminators would make a good base for a deathstar. This has to be bait. The alternative is that you're the dumbest poster in the general.

tau wouldnt be able to get through it. also youd be hijacking 2 of their big suits every turn and shooting them with their own shit

>Building weak lists, saying they are powerful.

Is.. is this the new Veeky Forums meta?

Do we have any knowledge on what Black Templars are supposed to be getting in January? Do we even know for sure that they're getting something, and not just taking part in the fluff? I've been out of the game for a while, but Black Templars coming back as a real force would suck me straight back into GW's claws.

I was just wondering why the only response to the list I posted in was someone pixel bitching about me rounding the points cost to the nearest hundred when I'd have to add some more stuff to bring them up to full size anyway.

(Probably some transports so that they don't all get shot to death footslogging across the board.)

No, it's just some autist from last thread who got BTFO and decided his only recourse was to shitpost.

you seem to be too retarded to realize that sticking 5 level 3s + a level 4 into a JUMP INFANTRY terminator unit would give no fucks about anything

Um...you know Tau can also do MSU builds too, right?

they wouldnt even need to bring big suits haha

>Typhus in a Thousand Sons CAD
>Magnus in a non-Thousand Sons CAD
Try again.

One Mawloc. Hell, make it two.

Either they aren't buffing themselves and they die, or try are buffing themselves and Magnus runs out of gas. Either way, the death star is shit due to a lack of offensive ability.

well actually if you have everything in one unit you just need to cast boon or something and the unit gets blessing of tzeentch.
>But user, you need to buff every single model

>No my son, only need to affect the unit, not every model in the unit.

>lack of offensive ability.
>JUMP INFANTRY terminators with PF/CF + 6 force weapons and every psychic power imaginable lack offensive ability
confirmed retarded

It's just a generic CSM CAD. Magnus loses Blessing of Tzeentch, but when he's effectively immune to being shot by most stuff for the first two turns, it doesn't really matter.

only thing theyd need to cast is warp fate and whole unit has a 3++ rerollable. then you could add on invis/endurance/whatever as needed. magnus would still get like 20 dice. kson players are just stupid whiny cucks who cant into psychic phase.

2+/3++ isn't that durable given how many points are invested in that unit. I see that you're still pretending those psykers will be casting if Magnus is casting.

>thinks thousand sons can take special weapons

sorry wrong guy, im with you on this. Just spreading the knowledge on how BoT works.

keep trolling man, 10/10 top kek


>b-but m-muh speed
>b-but m-muh survivability
>b-but m-muh grenades
>b-but m-muh psykers

What is the program that everyone is using to build lists? I'm still using pencil and paper and Battlescribe every so often.

>have 24 dice + whatever you roll
>durrr you cant use 5 dice for warp fate because magnus needs to cast every single power he has every turn
they shouldve just squatted ksons, their playerbase is too dumb to even understand their primary phase of the game.

Do we know what is going up for pre-order this week? Is it the new inquisitor and Celestine?

hey friend, how's the trollin goin? What army do you play?

is it bad to just not like psykers in general and not want to run them

t. new player

That should be 07Jan with a release of 14Jan.

you must be really fuming in there. have you thought about taking some anger management classes? You've carnacd up this place pretty nicely making lists and spamming the same sentence over and over. How much cuck can you write before thats the only word you use?

>spend a while building a list
>check sprues, make sure everything is there
>post list on Veeky Forums asking for advice on it
>get drowned out by autistic screeching over Thousand Sons

nice reddit spacing, kiddo.
pic related

Well, Magnus knows that one power that gives him extra warp charges everytime someone casts. Cyclopean cabal grants a significantly cheaper and nearly free psychic power.

Magnus can only cast five powers per turn, which is at most 17 warp charges. He harnesses on a 2, so you probably just want to throw in one extra dice at most, bringing you to 22 charges.

If you use 2 charges to cast siphon power after shroud of deceit, Ahriman manifests psychic shriek twice, that gives you two extra charges. Meaning after Magnus inexplicably blows his complete load and casts his wc5 and four wc3s, you've still got 2 warp charges leftover in addition to whatever you rolled for your sorcerers to cast, since we started at baseline 24.

So yes, they will be casting something.

Read the OP Edition

Pick an actual point value (1500, 1850, 2000) are the common one around the point value.

Don't go over like a tard.

Get transports.

not sure what you want anyone to say. it's an alright list but nothing really stands out apart from some friends

your guys are going to get rekt without transports. move your plasmas all into one squad, too.

Next edition should be:
"Do not respond question that are related to the OP"

If only GW would make a Box-o-Xenos kit that contained one set of Xenos troops (Fire Warriors, Boyz, etc.) and one cargo container sprue.

Bumping since all that's being posted right now is crippling autism

Nope, lots of armies don't use psykers. Which army do you play? Quite a lot can benefit from a little Psychic support, but it's by no means mandatory. I sometimes use a few Inquisitiors in my Admech army for Divination and Telepathy, but it works just fine without them. If you really need a psyker, use Inquisitor Coteaz. He has tons of awesome abilities and is ML2, and cheap. If not, don't worry. Psykers work well to fill in the gaps in your army lists, since they're so versatile, but a well-built or casual army has no need of them.

I just repeated the same point four times, didn't I?
This is why I shouldn't post when I'm hungover.

I would actually buy that. Right now the container set have no value for me.

Thanks. I'm retarded.

After that we can have "50 Anyone?'s later"

"Ignore retarded questions about OP edition"

Any fun and/or good use for a Valkyrie in Imperial Agents. Hell even Scion or Guard. Mostly as allies for my SoB

what do you expect, you have neither durability nor mobility and your longer then 24inch range department is severly lacking too.

What is your plan against rhinos, MCs, a leman russ or two?


depends on faction
Some like Tau, necrons, admech/skitarii (and deldar?) don't have psykers
Some don't use them often like orks/guard
the rest use them a decent amount in certain builds

> thinking you can recognize posters on how they write, doesnt realise its all one samefag with different spacing :D

I'm putting together imperial guard at 1,500 points, but I'm considering having some extra stuff for the 1,850 range, either an actual psyker, or an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor with a psyocculum attached to my veteran squad to have the unit shoot at psykers with BS10.

Leaning towards the inquisitor. I've never really liked magic shit.

1250/1250 Alpha Legion Insurgency Force:
*Chaos Warband*

Chaos Lord (Mindveil, Terminator armor, combi-melta) 142

Chaos Marines (plasma gun, combi-plasma) 100
Chaos Marines (plasma gun, combi-plasma) 100

Terminators (x5, 2 power fists, 4 combi-plasma) 191

Chosen (4x meltagun, Rhino) 170

Chaos Bikers (2x meltagun, meltabombs) 95

Havocs (4x autocannon) 115

*The Lost and the Damned*

Dark Apostle 105

Cultists (flamer) 55
Cultists (flamer) 55
Cultists (autoguns + shotgun) 61
Cultists (autoguns + shotgun) 61

what is your current army list?

Anyone willing to give a newly-minted GSC player some advice on fighting Tau?

It seems with their bonuses to Overwatch and easy access to Interceptor, Tau are the GSC's natural counter.

>tfw Juggerlord with Berserker Glaive, Combat Familiar, Sigil of Corruption and Melta Bombs


>move your plasmas all into one squad, too.
You can't?

>If the squad numbers less than ten models, one Space Marine may take one item from either the Special Weapons or Heavy Weapons list.
>If the squad numbers ten models, one Space Marine may take one item from the
Special Weaponslist, and one other Space Marine may take one item from the Heavy Weapons list.
From the Tactical Marines options in the Codex.

So, Rhinos for the Tactical Marines, Drop Pods for the Honour Guard and Sternguard, and a Razorback as a normal Fast Attack choice, for the Sisters of Silence to pile into? That's enough to take me right up to 1850 points. I just have to drop one of the Teleport Homers the characters is carrying (probably the Librarian's).

Unless they have a 2+ save.
Stick with the Axe of Blind Fury. Berserker Glaive is for Daemon Princes.
Unless you were being sarcastic, in which case here is your (you) :)

>tfw wolf lord on thunderwolf with runic armor and th/ss
1v1 this. milk-drinker.

I really do recommend Inquisitor Coteaz. He kicks so much ass it is unreal, and his psyker powers aren't even his best feature.
The Hereticus is good, but really specific. A lot of armies don't use psykers, and if you fight them that's 80 points wasted. Actually having psykers is much more versatile, since they defend you from enemy sorceries and can allow you to put some hurt on when you have psychic dominance, like playing against Tau.
If you're that set against psykers, feel free to use the Hereticus, I just like having a couple around.

wish csm could use more mounts a'la furries

Thoughts on my test scheme?

Can you print these figurines in 3d printers yet?

Sacrificial MSU from different directions. They either blow up 5 Acolyte Hybrids you assault with first, or don't get to OW at all since you charged in with them before using your 10-man squad with Heavy Rock Cutters anyway.

Genestealers are also OK, even against goddamned Riptides, because of the 5++.

Lean on psychic powers & pinning shooting. Their guns are your guns if you roll with enough Magusi/Patriarchs.

You could also take Tyranid allies for fear, since Tau are affected by it. Also: since a Mawloc gets off its S6 AP2 blast first before coming onto the board, can they even shoot it before being eaten?

I'm digging the yellow on the gun.

I keep playing with the last 50 points or so, not sure if I want to keep the sentinel or grab camo nets for the Chimera and a regimental standard.

Mawlocs hit in the movement phase, and Interceptor happens at the very end of that phase, so yes, you can use their attack beforehand. Aim for their Broadsides with it, as they're the easiest to kill (T4, 2 wounds, no Invulnerable) and the most dakka per point.

Thicken your paints. Use a chrome-colored automotive primer for best results.

Why? No love for valks?

>tfw you can finally field a fluffy, not awful Inquisition army with good quality models

Aside from the Dreadknight, of course. However, what are you expecting SoB to get? Full restock, or just the few boxes? Either way, I'm preparing a list just in case plastic happens.

Daemonhunters: 2,500 Points

Inquisitorial Representative
>Ordo Malleus Inquisitor w/ Terminator Armor, Psycannon
>Jokaero Weaponsmith

Assassinorum Operative
>Culexus Assassin

Vestal Task Force
>Canoness w/ Power Weapon
>4 Death Cult Assassins
>3 Battle Sister Squads
>2 Seraphim Squads
>3 Retributor Squads w/ Multi-Meltas, Rhino

Nemesis Strike Force
>Librarian w/ Mastery Level 3, The Soul Glaive
>2 Terminator Squads w/ 4 Halberds, Hammer, Psycanonn
>2 Interceptor Squads w/ 4 Halberds, Hammer, Teleport Homer
>2 Dreadknights w/ Jump Pack, Hammer, Heavy Psycannon

I might drop the Culexus for fluff reasons, maybe do a battle conclave instead? Or would a Culexus ever be assigned to work with the GK?


sadly not even close

Thank you for the advice! MSU does seem to be the most effective way to mitigate supporting fire, since they can only do it once.

Unfortunately I can't make use of Tyranid allies as it's a specifically GSC vs Tau campaign, representing an uprising on a Tau-held mining world.

What pinning shooting do GSC have access to?

Stop going to clickbait sites
That helps alot

>Thicken your paints.
What heresy is this?

I think Captian Titus says Gwil-eh-man at least once in Space Marine.

Have you xonsidered reading the appendix of the codex?